Category Archive: 1) SNB and CHF

Tristan Fletcher and Izabella Kaminska – artificial intelligence in financial markets

Tristan Fletcher and Izabella Kaminska speaking at Playfair Capital’s Machine Intelligence 2015 event in London. Tristan Fletcher heads up the machine learning team at Thought Machine – a startup revolutionizing personal finance with AI. He’s an expert in applying state of the art machine learning techniques in the practical domain: from algorithmic trading, portfolio management, …

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Impressive Swiss Recovery After SNB Peg Removal

Retail data shows that the SNB peg removal in January 2015 as early as April 2015 with minimal adverse impact on the economy. Trade surplus showed that Switzerland had fully recovered its lost trade surplus in May and expectations crossed an important threshold into positive territory in June. CHF strengthened since May end, as the market caught wind of the Swiss recovery, and the Grexit would further strengthen the CHF if it were to occur.

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SNB interventions June 2015

Latest update for June 2015: The pace of SNB intervention is slowing. Sight deposits, the indicator for SNB interventions, rise by 0.5 billion francs per week. April and May: Sight deposits rise by 1.5 billion CHF per week. Thanks to this intervention the SNB is able to maintain the EUR/CHF around 1.0450.

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The Swiss economy: True to form

FOREIGN skiers were bound to suffer. So was the Swiss economy, most assumed, after the Swiss National Bank (SNB) suddenly abandoned the Swiss franc’s peg to the euro in January. The franc rose by 30% against the euro in a matter of minutes, and remains about 15% higher than it was. This made Swiss exports more expensive for foreigners, and foreign goods cheaper for the Swiss.

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Q1/2015: Swiss Real GDP Rises by 15 percent … in Euro Terms

George Dorgan shows that Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a measurement in the local currency. Effectively, Swiss real GDP rose by 15% in Euro terms, but fell slightly in CHF. He also emphasizes that Switzerland needs a big rebalancing of its economy, away from exports towards consumption. The Swiss National Bank was right to remove the euro peg. The move towards consumption is only possible when the Swiss franc is stronger because consumers will...

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The two phases of CHF appreciation… and what is in between

We show the two phases or "two innings" of Swiss franc appreciation: The risk aversion phase and the high inflation phase. With the weakening of emerging markets and the strengthening of the United States in 2013/2014, the Swiss National Bank (SNB) had won the first battle in the war against financial market, the "risk aversion game", the first inning in two-part match. Risk aversion is lower because the United States recovered with weaker oil...

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The History of the Swiss Franc

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Swiss Franc History: The Gold Standard and Bretton Woods

In this post we will show the history of the Swiss Franc until 1971, a monetary era driven by the gold standard and the Bretton Woods period, both periods with nearly fixed exchange rates.

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The Last Free Lunch for Holders of SNB’s High-Risk Share?

Marc Meyer, the maybe strongest opponent of the Swiss National Bank criticizes the misleading vocabulary in monetary policy that confuses central bank liabilities with assets. He identifies the intrinsic and time value of the SNB share. According to Meyer, the recent strong share price performance was caused by the free lunch at the shareholder assembly.

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2) CHF

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SNB’s IMF data

This IMF data on the SNB website shows SNB Forex and gold reserves in the last month. It is so-called "IMF Special Data Dissemination Standard (SNB Data)"

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Where does SNB intervene against overvalued CHF, do they sell EUR & USD? (April Update)

In his first response to the Swiss financial tsunami on January 15, George Dorgan suggested that the EUR/CHF of 1.10 will not be reached any time soon. He explains where the SNB should intervene and if they sell Euros and dollars.

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Das Ende der Schweizer Sozialbürokratie dank bedingungslosem Grundeinkommen (BGE)

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Marc Meyer

The best posts by Marc Meyer, the biggest and most influential enemy of the Swiss National Bank. He regularly published in German on

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Is the Swiss Franc Really so Expensive or is Swiss Consumption anemic?

One of the most predictable consequences of the Swiss National Bank’s decision to stop suppressing the exchange rate between the franc and the euro was the whinging of Swiss exporters. That doesn’t mean the policy change was an error. If anything, it may help rebalance the Swiss economy away from its excessive dependence on exports towards greater levels of domestic consumption.

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End of EUR/CHF Peg

Selected essays on the end of the EUR/CHF peg

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Werden Bund und Kantone die Nationalbank rekapitalisieren?

Marc Meyer speaks out against the view of Barry Eichengreen and Beatrice Weder di Mauro that published an article in Project Syndicate. The two professors were of the opinion that the SNB could print without limit. Meyer does not agree.

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