Category Archive: 1) SNB and CHF

Gerald Celente: Get Prepped For Global Systemic Collapse

        Gerald Celente: Get Prepped For Global Systemic Collapse Posted with permission from Rory Hall, The Daily Coin (CLICK FOR ORIGINAL)     More ridiculous predictable market action today. The worse things become in the real world the more franti...

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Switzerland Was Right to Scrap Its Franc Cap, Economists Say

The Swiss National Bank’s surprise decision a year ago to remove its ceiling on the franc was justified, according to the vast majority of economists in Bloomberg’s monthly survey. The SNB abandoned the cap on Jan. 15 of last year, saying interventions to sustain it would have been out of proportion to its economic advantages. With the benefit of 12 months of hindsight, all but two of 23 economists answered that the move was indeed right.

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“Time To Panic”? Nigeria Begs World Bank For Massive Loan As Dollar Reserves Dry Up

Having urged "don't panic" just 4 short months ago, it appears Nigeria just did just that as the global dollar short squeeze forces the eight-month-old government of President Muhammadu Buhari to beg The World Bank and African Development Bank for $3...

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Sweden Refugee

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BoJ Adopts Negative Interest Rates, Fails To Increase QE

Well that did not last long. After initial exuberance over The BoJ's wishy-washy decision to adopt a 3-tiered rate policy including NIRP, markets have realized that without further asset purchases (which were maintained at the current pace), there is...

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Swiss Franc Plunges To One-Year Lows Amid SNB Intervention Chatter

With the biggest drop in 3 months, EURCHF has broken above last September's highs, plunging below 1.06. Amid chatter of SNB intervention, this is the weakest Swissy has been since the removakl of the ceiling a year ago. EURCHF reached  1.10592... ...

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Square Holes And Currency Pegs

Submitted by Raul Ilargi Meijer via The Automatic Earth blog, When David Bowie died, everybody, in what they wrote and said, seemed to feel they owned him, and owned his death, even if they hadn’t thought about him, or listened to him, for years....

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Matías Salord: Trading USDCOP, USDMXN y USDCLP

Fecha de emisión: 03 agosto 2015. Ponente: Matías Salord. En esta sesión semanal, nuestro analista Matías Salord les hablará del panorama económico y del mercado de las principales divisas de Latinoamérica, haciendo especial hincapié en el análisis de cotizaciones, indicadores económicos y contexto.

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Cashin Fed

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Global Risk Off: China Reenters Bear Market, Oil Tumbles Under $30; Global Stocks, US Futures Gutted

   "We're gonna need a bigger Bullard"     - overheard on a trading desk this morning. Yesterday, when looking at the market's "Bullard 2.0" moment, which was a carbon copy of the market's kneejerk surge higher response to Bullard's "QE4" comments fr...

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ISIS Bank Bombed

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You Know Negative Interest Rates Are Bad When…

Submitted by Simon Black via, Switzerland is famous for being punctual. The trains. The buses. The meticulously crafted, hand polished luxury watches. The Swiss are so culturally punctual that they even tend to pay their taxes well i...

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Nigerian Currency Collapses After Central Bank Halts Dollar Sales To Stall “Hyperinflation Monster”

Having told banks and investors "don't panic" in September, amid spiking interbank lending rates and surging default/devaluation risks, it appears the massive shortage of dollars that we warned about in December has washed tsunami-like ashore in oil-...

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SNB-Präsident Thomas Jordan: Interview 1 Jahr nach Mindestkurs-Ende

Vor einem Jahr erschütterte ein Währungsbeben die Schweizer Wirtschaft: Völlig überraschend hob die Schweizerische Nationalbank den Mindestkurs zum Euro auf. Vor allem für die Exportwirtschaft war dies ein riesiger Schock, auf einen Schlag wurden die Anstrengungen vieler Firmen zunichte gemacht, trotz starkem Franken im Euro-Raum wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben. Entsprechend scharf werden bis heute die Nationalbank …

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Why The Powerball Jackpot Is Nothing But Another Tax On America’s Poor

Now that the Powerball Jackpot has just hit a record $1.4 billion, people, mostly those in the lower and middle classes, are coming out in droves and buying lottery tickets with hopes of striking it rich. After all, with $1.4 billion one can ...

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Williams We Got It Wrong

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Fisher Fed At Fault

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Economic Forecasts for 2015: Swiss Banks were too Optimistic

Our analysis of the forecasts of economic data for 2015 shows that the Swiss banks were too optimistic for most data. US growth, the oil price, inflation and interest rates are far lower than expected. The errors for stock indices were smaller.

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Switzerland to vote on ending fractional reserve banking

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