Category Archive: 7) Markets

Main Author John Henry Smith
John Henry Smith
John Henry Smith of Grail Securities specializes in the U.S. stock market and offers a unique and powerful advisory service to private investors, institutional investors, and SME asset managers, who are seeking to consistently beat the market. All our strengths are at your disposal to provide stock market research and recommendations with the only aim of growing wealth. To achieve this we develop with you a customized investment strategy in terms of your risk and return preferences.

Does Automation Eliminate All Human Error?

Human error happens all of the time. It’s natural – sometimes, you’ll be typing up a document and later realize you made a grammatical error. Or, you might type a date in wrong. You might think you only make these types of mistakes now and again, but the numbers do add up if you think about how many humans each day must be making them.

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5 Hidden Secrets To Amp-Up Your Company’s Marketing Strategy

You may be wondering why some companies seem leaps and bounds above others when it comes to creating comprehensive marketing strategies that guarantee positive results. Well, they are actually successful for one simple reason, and that is that they have knowledge that their competitors do not have.

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Ukraine and the Next Wave of Inflation, Part II, Can Russia Enact a Gold Standard?

Can Russia Enact a Gold Standard? In Part I we discussed how the fallout from the Russian invasion of Ukraine will lead to inflation, but not in the way most people think.  In Part II we discuss the possibility of Russia repudiating the dollar and going on a gold standard. Can they do it? How would the world react? Why not enact a Bitcoin Standard instead?

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What’s In Your Loan?

Opposing Monetary Directions “Real estate is the future of the monetary system,” declares a real estate bug. Does this make any sense? We would ask him this. “OK how will houses be borrowed and lent?” “Look at this housing bond,” he says, pointing to a bond denominated in dollars, with principal and interest paid in dollars. “What do you mean ‘housing’ bond’,” we ask, “it’s a bond denominated in dollars!” “Yes, but housing is the collateral.”...

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A Look Back at Nixon’s Infamous Monetary Policy Decision

Putting the World on a Paper Standard Half a century ago one of the most disastrous monetary policy decisions in US history was committed by Richard Nixon.  In a television address, the president declared that the nation would no longer redeem internationally dollars for gold.  Since the dollar was the world’s reserve currency, Nixon’s closing of the “Gold Window” put the world on an irredeemable paper monetary standard.

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Post-Covid China

The world should take a lesson from how East Asia ran itself in 2020. Japan had no lockdown. None. With an aging population, its death rate has been creeping up for many years. In 2020, it fell by 0.7%, as if Covid-19 was a life-saver.

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Did You Make Janet Yellen Rich?

The Stress of Losing Billions. Up until the WallStreetBets crowd short squeezed Melvin Capital for a $7 billion loss, Robinhood had it made. But losing billions is stressful. And when your product blows up your customer the clucking that follows comes hot and heavy.

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Grantham’s ‘Real McCoy’ Bubble in a World Gone Mad

The Lure of Easy Money. Right now happens to be an attractive time to do something stupid.  What’s more, everyone is doing it.  Maybe you are too. Stock valuations and corporate earnings growth no longer appear to matter.  Why not buy an S&P 500 index fund and let it ride?  Or, better yet, why not buy shares of Nvidia?

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Warren Buffett Shorts The Economy

The big news in the monetary metals is that Warren Buffett — famed disliker of gold — sold bank stocks to buy gold mining shares. What is interesting to us is not that we think he has any special powers to predict the gold price. After all, he famously bet on silver, and lost.

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What You Will Find When You Follow the Money

Lockdown Disaster. It has been a rough go for California Governor Gavin Newsom. Late last week it was revealed that the state Department of Public Health had tickled the poodle on its COVID-19 record keeping. Somehow the bureaucrats in Sacramento under-counted new corona-virus cases by as many as 300,000.

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The Dollar Is Dying

Insulting the Captive Audience. This week, while perusing the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet figures, we came across a rather curious note.  We don’t know how long the Fed’s had this note posted to its website.  But we can’t recall ever seeing it.

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Game Over Spending

Coming and Going Like a Wildfire. Second quarter 2020 came and went like a California wildfire.  The economic devastation caused by the government lock-downs was swift, the destruction immense, and the damage lasting.  But, nonetheless, in Q2, the major U.S. stock market indices rallied at a record pace.

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An Excellent Seasonal Buying Opportunity in Silver Lies Directly Ahead

Today I want to put a popular precious metal under the magnifying glass for you: silver. Silver, often referred to as the “little brother” of gold, has a particularly interesting seasonal pattern I would like to share with you.

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The Decline of the Third World

A Failure to Integrate Values. The only region in the world that has proactively tried to incorporate western culture in its societies is East Asia — Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea, and Taiwan. China, which was a grotesquely oppressed, poor, Third World country not too far in the past, notwithstanding its many struggles today, has furiously tried to copy the West.

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In Gold We Trust, 2020 – The Dawning of a Golden Decade

The New In Gold We Trust Report is Here! The In Gold We Trust 2020 report by our good friends Ronald Stoeferle and Mark Valek was released last week. It is the biggest and most comprehensive gold research report in the world.

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Gold Stocks – A Show of Strength

Gold Sector Outperforms Broad Market. The gold sector is in an uptrend since September 2018. The initially rather labored move accelerated after a secondary low was established in May 2019 and the 50-day and 200-day moving averages were breached for the second time. Last week the two moving averages were once again overcome in the course of the post-crash rebound.

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The Secret to Fun and Easy Stock Market Riches

Post Hoc Fallacy. On Tuesday, at the precise moment Federal Reserve Chairman Jay Powell commenced delivering his semiannual monetary policy report to the House Financial Services Committee, something unpleasant happened. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) didn’t go up. Rather, it went down.

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A Pharmaceutical Stock That Is Often Particularly Strong At This Time Of The Year

An Example of Strong Single Stock Seasonality. Many individual stocks exhibits phases of seasonal strength. Being invested in these phases is therefore an especially promising strategy. Danish drug company Novo Nordisk.

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The Triumph of Madness

Historic Misjudgments in Hindsight. Viewing the past through the lens of history is unfair to the participants.  Missteps are too obvious.  Failures are too abundant.  Vanities are too absurd.  The benefit of hindsight often renders the participants mere imbeciles on parade.

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Markets on Edge as New Week Begins

The coronavirus death toll is just over 900, exceeding the SARS epidemic; the dollar remains firm. President Trump will unveil his budget proposal for FY2021 beginning October 1 today. The faltering eurozone economy comes just as political uncertainty is picking up in Germany.

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