Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

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Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

UBS questioned by US Senator over $350 million tax evasion case

UBS Group AG was asked by a powerful US lawmaker about whether the bank it acquired, Credit Suisse Group AG, failed to report an American accused of evading taxes on $350 million (CHF307 million) in income.

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US and Switzerland to exchange data to track tax dodgers

The two countries plan to exchange financial data from 2027 to help both sides track down tax evaders. A corresponding new agreement was signed in Bern on Thursday, Switzerland’s finance ministry announced, although Swiss law will have to be amended before the change can be implemented.

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Lufthansa Group to levy new environmental fee from 2025

Flying will become even more expensive next year when the Lufthansa Group starts charging a new type of environmental fee for flights. The fee will also be introduced at SWISS and Edelweiss.

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High immigration from Europe reflects strong Swiss employment growth

Around 68,000 people moved to Switzerland from other European countries in 2023, attracted by the job opportunities, the Swiss authorities said on Monday. This is the second-highest figure since the agreement on the free movement of persons between the European Union and Switzerland came into force over 20 years ago.

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‘Balancing growth and sustainability is the challenge of the century for the tourism sector’

In 2024, the tourism and travel industry is expected to reach, or even exceed, pre-pandemic levels. Francisco Betti is the co-author of a report on world tourism for the World Economic Forum (WEF). He believes firmly in the key role of technological progress in making the sector sustainable in the next 20 years.

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Migros moves ahead with downsizing plans

Migros is slimming down further. A buyer has been found for Melectronics, the Group announced on Tuesday. The retailer also intends to divest further subsidiaries. This will result in additional redundancies.

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‘Financial equalisation’ between Swiss cantons to increase in 2025

Redistribution payments between regions will rise by 4.8% to CHF6.2 billion ($6.91 billion) in 2025, the Federal Finance Administration (FFA) said on Tuesday.

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Ticino approves lower taxes for the wealthy

High incomes in the Swiss canton of Ticino will in future benefit from tax relief. A corresponding amendment to the law was approved by voters on Sunday. Compensatory measures for planned pension cuts for cantonal employees were also approved.

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SNB returns to quarterly profit thanks to Swiss franc weakness

The Swiss National Bank (SNB) returned to a quarterly profit because of the weakness of the Swiss franc, potentially helping officials to rebuild the central bank’s depleted capital base. The Zurich-based institution notched up a gain of CHF58.8 billion ($64 billion) in the first quarter, according to a statement on Thursday. That’s the strongest start to the year on record.

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Luftfahrtindustrie: Rückblick auf 2023 und Prognose für 2024

Die Luftfahrtindustrie ist ein integraler Bestandteil des globalen Transportsystems und verbindet Menschen und Güter über große Entfernungen hinweg. Im Jahr 2023 zeigte die Branche trotz beispielloser Herausforderungen aufgrund der COVID-19-Pandemie Widerstandsfähigkeit und Anpassungsfähigkeit. Während wir uns auf das Jahr 2024 vorbereiten, wollen wir uns die Zahlen aus dem Jahr 2023 genauer ansehen und die Prognose für den Luftfahrtsektor im...

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Switzerland braced for wave of bank staff layoffs

Redundancies at Switzerland's largest bank will test the capacity of the financial sector to absorb jobs. A year ago Credit Suisse staff were stunned by the sudden demise of their bank. Many are now fighting for their careers with 3,000 Swiss posts set to be axed by their new employer UBS, starting this year.

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UBS must build up more equity, says Swiss government

UBS already has to build up additional equity capital because it has become much larger as a result of the Credit Suisse takeover, Finance Minister Karin Keller-Sutter said.

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Switzerland’s Growing Online Gambling Ecosystem and the Rise of iGaming White Label Solutions

Switzerland is gaining recognition for something beyond its stunning landscapes and precision timepieces – its rapidly expanding online gambling industry. The remarkable growth in gaming platforms' popularity has been partly fueled by the adoption of igaming white label casino online solutions. These pre-built, fully licensed operational setups allow new ventures to launch their online casinos or sports betting sites swiftly.

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Investigation into collapse of Credit Suisse beset by delays

In March 2023, Credit Suisse collapsed. An uncontrolled bankruptcy could only be prevented by big government aid and an emergency merger with competitor UBS. Switzerland is now waiting for a parliamentary inquiry report to reveal who was at fault as the bank disintegrated.

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CEO pay: can Switzerland compete with the US?

Swiss CEOs are some of the best paid in Europe but compared to peers in the United States, their salaries look modest. Some in the Swiss pharmaceutical industry see this as a problem.

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SWISS reports highest ever profit 

SWISS’ turnover totalled CHF5.3 billion ($6 billion) last year, the airline announced on Thursday, a significant increase on the previous year’s CHF4.4 billion, and a return to 2019 levels for the first time since the pandemic.

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Vorwort des Buches « L’Humanité vampirisée ». Philippe Bourcier de Carbon (version Allemande)

Philippe Bourcier de CarbonIngenieur der Hochschule Polytechnique, DemographGründungsvorsitzender von AIRAMA, « Internationale Allianz für die Anerkennung der Beiträge des Nobelpreisträgers Maurice Allais »

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Swiss exports to Russia suspected of evading sanctions

Since the beginning of the Ukraine war, Swiss exports to countries close to Russia have increased significantly – which points to a possible evasion of sanctions.

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Switzerland’s marriage tax penalty back in the spotlight

Married couples in Switzerland are taxed together, unlike unmarried couples who are taxed individually. This often acts as a tax disincentive for one spouse to work, disproportionately affecting women.

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More than 17,000 drivers fined in a month on one Zurich street

At the end of September 2023, driving was banned on a 60 metre section of Langstrasse in Zurich. To enforce the ban, cameras were later set up on 8 January 2024 to catch and fine errant drivers. Since then 17,310 fines have been issued.

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