Swiss Statistics

Swiss Statistics

The Swiss Federal Statistics Office publishes information on the situation and developments in Switzerland in a multitude of fields and plays a part in enabling comparisons at an internal level.

Articles by Swiss Statistics

Swiss timber harvest lower by 6% in 2023

17.07.2024 – In 2023, 4.9 million cubic metres of timber were harvested in Switzerland, a decrease of almost 6% compared to the previous year. There was a noticeable decline in sawlogs (–12%) and the harvests of industrial roundwood (–1%) and chopped wood (–5%).

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Consumer prices increased by 0.3% in May

04.06.2024 – The consumer price index (CPI) increased by 0.3% in May 2024 compared with the previous month, reaching 107.7 points (December 2020 = 100). Inflation was +1.4% compared with the same month of the previous year.

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Increase of 1.7% in nominal wages in 2023 and 0.4% decline in real wages

25.04.2024 – The Swiss nominal wage index rose by an average of 1.7% in 2023 compared with 2022, to 102.4 points (base 2020 = 100). Given an average annual inflation rate of +2.1%, real wages fell by 0.4% (96.9 points, base 2020 = 100) according to calculations by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).You will find further information such as tables and graphs in the press releases in German, French and Italian. The English version only includes the lead of the press release.

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Increase of 1.7% in nominal wages in 2023 and 0.4% decline in real wages(PDF, 1 pages, 275 kB)
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8.6% of employees work in shifts with rotating working hours

15.2.2024 – In Switzerland, a total of 15.9% of employees worked shifts in 2022, just over half of them with rotating working hours (8.6% of employees). The distribution of shift work varies widely among the different economic activities. The economic activities with the highest percentages of shift work, i.e. in which more than 20% of employees undertake shift work, are the following: Transportation and storage, the Restaurant and hotel sector and Health and social services. These are some of the findings from the “Shift workers in Switzerland 2002-2022″ publication (available in German and French only) from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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13.3% of employed people never use digital devices in their jobs

In 2022, only a minority of employed persons never used a computer, tablet or smartphone for work. While 13.0% of employed people never performed intellectual tasks, 31.4% never carried out manual tasks in their jobs. A very small proportion of employed persons consider their tasks to be highly routine or feel they have little autonomy, which are both risk factors for becoming automated.

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Nine out of ten senior management positions in Swiss libraries are held by women

16.11.2023 – Most library activity indicators improved in 2022, after two years marked by the COVID-19 pandemic: admissions (+28% compared with 2021), events organised (+42%) and participants in these events (+54%). New results show that women account for 80% of salaried library staff, and even 88% at senior management level. These data are some of the detailed results of the Swiss Library Statistics just published by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).You can find further information in the press releases in German, French and Italian. The English version only contains the lead of the press release.

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Nine out of ten

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Swiss Producer and Import Price Index in November 2022: +3.8 percent YoY, -0.5 percent MoM

Switzerland Producer Price Index (PPI) YoY, November 2022

The Producer and Import Price Index fell in November 2022 by 0.5% compared with the previous month, reaching 109.2 points (December 2020 = 100). Lower prices were seen in particular for pharmaceutical and chemical products as well as for petroleum and natural gas. In contrast, petroleum products became more expensive. Compared with November 2021, the price level of the whole range of domestic and imported products rose by 3.8%.

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Switzerland Gross domestic product fell in almost all cantons in 2020

2020 was marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected the entire regional economic fabric in Switzerland. National growth in gross domestic product (GDP) fell to –2.4% at the previous year’s prices and almost all cantons recorded a decline in activity. Jura was the most affected (–8.5%), followed by Neuchâtel (–6.5%), Glarus (–5.3%) and Ticino (–5.2%).

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In 2021, 58% of buildings were heated by fossil fuels

In 2021, there were 1.77 million residential buildings and 4.69 million dwellings in Switzerland. 58% of buildings were heated by fossil fuels (heating oil and gas) and 17% were equipped with heat pumps. The share of the latter has quadrupled since 2000. In terms of the population, one person in four had gas heating.

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Marked slowdown on the horizon

The expert group on business cycles has significantly downgraded its expectations for Switzerland’s GDP growth to 2.0% for 2022 and 1.1% for 2023 (GDP adjusted for sporting events). After a positive first half of the year 2022, the Swiss economy now faces a deteriorating outlook. A tense energy situation and sharp price increases are weighing on economic prospects, especially in Europe.

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Federal Council adopts report on income differences between women and men

At its meeting on 7 September 2022, the Federal Council adopted the report on the recording of the gender overall earnings gap and other indicators on gender-specific income differences. It provides new key figures for Switzerland and places them in relation to existing indicators. In addition, the report also offers interpretation aids to help place the results in an economic, social and institutional context.

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Sustained increase in Switzerland’s GDP in 2021

Switzerland Gross Domestic Product (GDP) YoY, Q1 2022

Switzerland’s gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 4.2% in 2021 at the previous year’s prices. This marked increase follows the decline seen in 2020 (-2.4%) due to the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to this recovery, the GDP is above the 2019 level, although parts of the Swiss economy continued to be affected by the pandemic situation.

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Number of businesses and jobs fell in 2020 for the first time since 2011

25.08.2022 – In 2020, the Swiss economy had almost 617 000 businesses and just under 5.3 million jobs. After uninterrupted growth since the start of the statistical series in 2011, the number of businesses and jobs has declined for the first time. Compared with 2019, around 900 fewer units and 33 000 fewer workplaces were recorded, a decline of 0.1% and 0.6% respectively.

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Medical practices played an active part in the vaccination campaign in 2021

In 2021, for the second consecutive year, the activity of medical practices was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite an improved situation compared with 2020, two out of five medical practices experienced reduced activity and one in five had to resort to short-time work. Three out of five primary care practices participated in the vaccination campaign that began at the end of 2020.

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International tourism still strongly impacted by the COVID-19 crisis in 2021

The COVID-19 crisis continued to have a major impact on the tourism sector in 2021. After the shock of 2020, there was still no return to the pre-pandemic situation. The number of people travelling remained well below 2019 levels. Revenue (foreign visitors to Switzerland) in the tourism balance increased to CHF 10.1 billion, standing at 43.9% below its 2019 level.

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Construction prices rose by 4.9% in April 2022

Development of the construction price index in Switzerland

The construction output price index recorded a rise of 4.9% between October 2021 and April 2022, reaching 109.2 points (October 2020 = 100). This result reflects an increase in building and civil engineering prices. Year on year, construction prices increased by 7.7%.

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Increase in the number of hours worked in Switzerland in 2021

The total number of hours worked in Switzerland reached 7.798 billion in 2021, representing an increase of 2.5% compared with the previous year. The pre-pandemic level has not yet been regained, however. According to the latest results from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO) and the Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat), the volume of work among 20-64 year olds in Switzerland increased slightly more than in the EU.

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54.0 percent increase in overnight stays in the Swiss hotel sector during the 2021/2022 winter season

The Swiss hotel sector registered 14.6 million overnight stays during the winter tourist season (November 2021 to April 2022). Compared with the same period last year, overnight stays increased by 54.0% (+5.1 million overnight stays). With a total of 5.6 million overnight stays, foreign demand increased by 196.7% (+ 3.7 million). Domestic visitors registered an 18.9% increase (+1.4 million) with 9.0 million units.

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Switzerland Unemployment in 1st quarter 2022: number of employed persons rises by 1.7 percent, unemployment rate based on ILO definition falls to 4.6%

In the first quarter of 2022, the number of employed persons in Switzerland increased by 1.7% compared with the same quarter of 2021 and the number of actual hours worked per week, per employed person, rose by 2.8%. During the same period, the unemployment rate as defined by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) fell from 5.8% to 4.6% in Switzerland and from 7.8% to 6.5% in the EU.

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Almost half of the population took part in continuing education in 2021

In 2021, 45% of the population took part in continuing education. This share is relatively high, but compared with the last survey in 2016, it corresponds to a decrease of around 17 percentage points. This is largely explained by the COVID-19 pandemic. As in 2016, people attended one or more continuing education courses primarily for professional reasons.

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Switzerland grew more cereals in 2021

In 2021, the area under cereals (146 400 ha) increased by 3% compared with 2020, while that under potatoes (-2%) and sugar beet (-8%) decreased. The number of farms (48 864) fell further, while organic farming continued to grow.

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Residential property prices fell by 0.4% in 1st quarter 2022

The Swiss residential property price index (IMPI) fell in the 1st quarter 2022 compared with the previous quarter by 0.4% and reached 110.3 points (4th quarter 2019 = 100). Compared with the same quarter of the previous year, inflation was 7.0%. These are some of the results from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Swiss Retail Sales, March 2022: -5.9 percent Nominal and -6.6 percent Real

Switzerland Retail Sales YoY, March 2022

Turnover adjusted for sales days and holidays fell in the retail sector by 5.9% in nominal terms in March 2022 compared with the previous year. This decline can mainly be explained by the high figure of March 2021, when the COVID-19 protection measures were lifted before the end of the month and turnover rebounded. Seasonally adjusted, nominal turnover rose by 0.9% compared with the previous month.

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Swiss Producer and Import Price Index in March 2022: +6.1 percent YoY, +0.8 percent MoM

14.04.2022 – The Producer and Import Price Index increased in March 2022 by 0.8% compared with the previous month, reaching 107.0 points (December 2020 = 100). Higher prices were seen for petroleum products in particular. Basic metals and semi-finished metal products also became more expensive. Compared with March 2021, the price level of the whole range of domestic and imported products rose by 6.1%.

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75 percent of Swiss citizens living abroad have more than one nationality

07.04.2022 – At the end of 2021, more than one in ten Swiss citizens lived abroad. This was a 1.5% increase compared with 2020. Most of these citizens lived in Europe. Regardless of the continent in which they lived, the majority were aged between 18 and 64. Reflecting Switzerland’s multicultural nature, many of them also had more than one nationality, according to the results of the statistics on the Swiss abroad from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Swiss Retail Sales, February 2022: 13.3 percent Nominal and 12.8 percent Real

Switzerland Retail Sales YoY, February 2022

31.3.2022 – Turnover adjusted for sales days and holidays rose in the retail sector by 13.3% in nominal terms in February 2022 compared with the previous year. This sharp increase can partly be explained by the low figure for February 2021, when COVID-19 protective measures were reintroduced. Seasonally adjusted, nominal turnover rose by 0.4% compared with the previous month.

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In 2020, the median wage was CHF 6665

28.03.2022 – For the entire Swiss economy (private and public sectors together), the gross monthly median wage for a full-time job was CHF 6665 in 2020. The gap between the highest and lowest earners in the wage pyramid remained stable overall between 2008 and 2020. The Swiss wage landscape continues to be characterised by major differences between the economic sectors and regions.

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More than 30 300 digital offences in 2021

28.03.2022 – In 2021, the police recorded 30 351 offences having a digital component, i.e. an increase of more than 24% compared with the previous year, according to results from the Federal Statistical Office’s (FSO) Police crime statistics (PCS).

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A record number of new businesses in 2019

14.03.2022 – In Switzerland, 42 606 businesses were started from scratch in 2019. This figure, the highest ever recorded, represents growth of 8.0% compared with the previous year. In the same year, the number of high growth enterprises also reached a record, with 4803 units (+8.1% compared with 2018).

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Swiss Inflation Rises to 2.2 percent

The consumer price index (CPI) increased by 0.7% in February 2022 compared with the previous month, reaching 102.4 points (December 2020 = 100). Inflation was +2.2% compared with the same month of the previous year.

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Consumer prices increased by 0.2% in January

11.02.2022 – The consumer price index (CPI) increased by 0.2% in January 2022 compared with the previous month, reaching 101.7 points (December 2020 = 100). Inflation was +1.6% compared with the same month of the previous year. These are the results of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).
The 0.2% increase compared with the previous month is due to several factors including rising prices for gas. Hotel accommodation also recorded a price increase, as did second-hand cars. In contrast, prices for hire of private means of transport and clothing and footwear decreased, the latter due to seasonal sales.
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Settlements continue to grow, but at a slower pace

Switzerland’s settlement and urban areas have expanded by a further 181 km2 in the last ten years, which is twice the area of Lake Zurich. Compared with previous decades, however, settlement growth has slowed down slightly. Forests have also expanded, but only in the mountains.

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Around 12percent of the household budget went on taxes in 2019

In 2019, the average household disposable income in Switzerland was CHF 6609 per month. A large part of this amount was used for the consumption of goods and services, namely CHF 4985. Households spent 31.0% of their budget on compulsory expenditure such as taxes, social expenditure and health insurance premiums, averaging CHF 2973.

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Served sanctions fell by almost 21percent in 2020

15.11.2021 – In 2020, 10 945 sentences and measures were executed in Switzerland (2019: 13 810). More than two thirds (67%) were for imprisonment in a penal institution. Community service accounted for less than a third (30%) of executions of sentences while electronic monitoring made up 3%. 86% concerned males and 42% Swiss citizens.

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Consumer sentiment back to pre-crisis level

Sentiment amongst Swiss households is improving. The results of the April survey show that expectations regarding general economic development in particular are becoming more positive. The likelihood of households making major purchases has also risen.

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Consumer sentiment back to pre-crisis level(PDF, 2 pages, 257 kB)
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Consumer Confidence: Results of the April 2021 Survey

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The number of detainees in Switzerland at its lowest since 2011

There were 6316 detained persons in Switzerland on 31 January 2021, corresponding to an 8.4% decline in numbers compared with the same reference day in 2020. The majority of inmates (65%) were detained under a custodial sentence or measure (including the accelerated execution of a sentence), 1986 persons (31%) were in remand or preventive detention and 235 persons (4%) were imprisoned for other reasons.

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Total health expenditure in 2019 at CHF 82.1bn

Gesundheitskosten nach Leistungserbringern, in Millionen Franken

In 2019, the total health care expenditure in Switzerland according to international standards was CHF 82.1 billion. At 2.3%, growth in health care expenditure was below the five-year average of 2.8%. In comparison to the previous year, the percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) spent on health care at current prices rose from 11.2% to 11.3%.

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Three-quarters of employees in Switzerland record their working hours

Recording of attendance and working hours in Switzerland and the EU and EFTA countries, 2019

19.04.2021 – In 2019, 73.9% of employees in Switzerland registered their working hours, whereas in the European Union (EU) only 58.1% did so. In European comparison, fixed working hours were less common in Switzerland (49.2%; EU: 60.1%) and more employed persons enjoyed a high level of job autonomy (60.4%; EU:  50.6%).

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Europe was the main continent of residence for Swiss citizens abroad in 2020

At the end of 2020, more than one in ten Swiss citizens lived abroad. Almost two thirds lived in Europe, notably in France. Their number increased by 0.7% compared with 2019. The increase in the number of persons aged 65 and over was the most marked (+2.8%). Overall, the share of women remained greater than that of men, according to the results of the statistics on the Swiss abroad from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Switzerland GDP Q4 2020: +0.3 percent QoQ, -1.6 percent YoY

Switzerland Gross Domestic Product (GDP) QoQ, Q4 2020

Switzerland’s GDP growth slowed to 0.3 % in the 4th quarter after reaching 7.6 % in the 3rd quarter.  Major losses were recorded in the services directly affected by the tightening of the containment measures. Other industries continued to recover. On the whole, the second wave of the coronavirus until the end of 2020 had much less of an impact on the economy than the first wave did last spring.

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Swiss Producer and Import Price Index in January 2021: -2.1 percent YoY, +0.3 percent MoM

Switzerland Producer Price Index (PPI) YoY, January 2021

23.02.2021 – The Producer and Import Price Index rose in January 2021 by 0.3% compared with the previous month, reaching 100.3 points (December 2020 = 100). The rise is due in particular to higher prices for scrap, petroleum products, as well as for basic metals and semi-finished metal products. Compared with January 2020, the price level of the whole range of domestic and imported products fell by 2.1%.

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Swiss Retail Sales, December 2020: 3.5 percent Nominal and 4.7 percent Real

Switzerland Retail Sales YoY, December 2020

Retail trade turnover adjusted for sales days and holidays showed nominal growth of 3.5% in December 2020 compared with the same month of the previous year. Seasonally adjusted, nominal turnover grew by 2.2% compared with the previous month. Despite the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the whole of 2020, provisional results show nominal growth of 0.1%.

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Switzerland GDP Q3 2020: 7.2 percent QoQ, -1.6 percent YoY

Switzerland Gross Domestic Product (GDP) QoQ, Q3 2020

Switzerland’s GDP grew by 7.2 % in the 3rd quarter of 2020,  after decreasing by a total of 8.6 % in the first half of the year. Domestic demand and parts of the service sector recovered significantly, while international developments had an adverse impact on exports.

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Gross domestic product in the 3rd quarter of 2012 – Still 2 % below pre-crisis level(PDF, 4 pages, 319 kB)
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Gross domestic product in the 3rd quarter 2020

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Employment in Switzerland continued to fall in 3rd quarter

Switzerland Employment Level, Q3 2020

26.11.2020 – In the 3rd quarter 2020, total employment (number of jobs) fell by 0.4% in comparison with the same quarter a year earlier (+0.5% with previous quarter). In full-time equivalents, employment in the same period declined by 0.1%. The Swiss economy counted 11 900 fewer vacancies than in the corresponding quarter of the previous year (–15.1%) with the employment outlook indicator also indicating a downward trend (-2.3%).

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Swiss Consumer sentiment: No further recovery of consumer sentiment

Consumer sentiment index, 2011-2020

Consumer sentiment in Switzerland has largely been stagnating since the summer. All sub-indices used for the calculation are still below their long-term average and none have improved significantly compared to this summer’s survey. Economic development and the situation on the labour market are seen as unfavourable.

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World Data Forum: strong international cooperation for quality data

22.10.2020 – The United Nations World Data Forum took place from 19 to 21 October 2020 in digital format due to COVID-19. The event brought together several thousand experts to find innovative solutions in order to meet the need for better quality data to implement the 2030 Agenda and to control the pandemic.

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Forecast: 2020 economic slump less serious than feared

Comparison of forecasts of October 20 and June 20

The Expert Group is expecting GDP adjusted for sporting events to fall by 3.8 % in 2020 and unemployment to average 3.2 % over the year as a whole. Prospects for 2020 are therefore less negative than feared in the middle of the year. The momentum is likely to weaken as time goes on.

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Rise of 380 000 jobs in tertiary sector between 2011 and 2018

Swiss Jobs

28.08.2020 – In 2018, almost 70 000 additional jobs were counted in Switzerland, bringing the total to more than 5.2 million. As in the previous years, the tertiary sector, which accounted for some 4 million jobs in 2018, contributed greatly to this increase with a +1.5% rise in employment.

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Switzerland GDP Q2 2020: -8.2 percent QoQ, -9.3 percent YoY

Switzerland Gross Domestic Product (GDP) QoQ, Q2 2020

Switzerland’s GDP fell by –8.2 % in the 2nd quarter of 2020, after decreasing by –2.5 % (revised) in the previous quarter.* Domestic economic activity was severely restricted in the wake of the pandemic and the measures are taken to contain it. The global economy also plunged into a sharp recession. However, Switzerland’s GDP decline remained limited in an international comparison.

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Record fall in overnight stays in first half of 2020

Hotels and health resorts: Development of overnight stays in the 1st half of the year

Record fall in overnight stays in first half of 2020The hotel sector registered 9.9 million overnight stays in Switzerland in the first half of 2020, representing a decline of 47.5% (– 8.9 million overnight stays) compared with the same period a year earlier. With a total of 4.1 million overnight stays, foreign demand dropped by 60.1% (– 6.1 million).

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No lack of foreign tourism demand in 2019

Saldo der Fremdenverkehrsbilanz

07.07.2020 – Foreign demand was strong in 2019. The income side of the tourism balance of payments grew, reaching a record level of CHF 17.8 billion. At the same time, people living in Switzerland did not increase their expenditure when travelling abroad, despite price conditions that were more favourable. The tourism balance of payments was negative at CHF -798 million, according to initial estimates from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Supplementary accommodation: 0.7 percent increase in overnight stays in 2019, but decrease in demand for holiday homes

Monthly share of overnight stays in the hotel and para-hotel sectors in 2019

15.06.2020 – In 2019, supplementary accommodation posted a total of 16.7 million overnight stays, i.e. an increase of 0.7% compared with 2018. With 11.4 million units, Swiss visitors represented more than two-thirds of demand (68.6%), i.e. a rise of 2.4%. Foreign visitors registered a 2.8% decrease with 5.2 million units. With 4.4 million overnight stays (-3.8%), European visitors accounted for the majority of stays by foreign guests.

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Switzerland GDP Q1 2020: -2.6 percent QoQ, -1.3 percent YoY

Switzerland Gross Domestic Product (GDP) QoQ, Q1 2020

Switzerland’s GDP fell by –2.6 % in the 1st quarter of 2020, after rising by +0.3% in the previous quarter. Due to the coronavirus pandemic and the measures to contain it, economic activity in March was severely restricted. The international economic slump also slowed down exports.

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7.9 billion hours worked in 2019

12.05.2020 – In 2019, people spent 7.929 billion hours working. Between 2014 and 2019, the actual weekly hours worked by full-time employees fell by 15 minutes on average, reaching 41 hours and 2 minutes. At the same time, the number of weeks of annual holiday continued its gradual increase to 5.2 weeks, according to the latest results from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Switzerland’s population continued to increase and age in 2019

T1 Bilanz der ständigen Wohnbevölkerung, 2005-2019

09.04.2020 – At the end of 2019, Switzerland had a population of 8 603 900, i.e. 59 400 persons (+0.7%) more than in 2018. Since 2017, the population has grown more slowly than in previous years. Zurich recorded the greatest increase while Appenzell Innerrhoden, Neuchâtel, Nidwalden and Ticino saw their population decline.

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New record for overnight stays for the Swiss hotel sector in 2019

Overnight Stays 2019

27.02.2020 – In 2019, the Swiss hotel sector registered 39.6 million overnight stays. This represented growth of 1.9% (+755 000) compared with 2018 and constitutes a new record. This result confirms the upward trend started in 2017. Foreign demand totalled 21.6 million overnight stays which represents an increase of 1.1% (+246 000), i.e. a level of overnight stays never seen before.

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Swiss Labour Force Survey in 4rd quarter 2019: 0.9percent increase in number of employed persons; unemployment rate based on ILO definition falls to 3.9percent

Unemployed According to ILO, Q1 2014-Q4 2019

13.02.2020 – The number of employed persons in Switzerland rose by 0.9% between the 4th quarter 2018 and the 4th quarter 2019. During the same period, the unemployment rate as defined by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) declined from 4.6% to 3.9%. The EU’s unemployment rate based also decreased from 6.6% to 6.2%.

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Pension funds have absorbed 2018 fall in stock market values

16.12.2019 – Overall, the pension funds have survived the sluggish stock markets of 2018. The negative net return on investments was largely offset by using 40% of the existing reserves for fluctuations in asset value. Underfunding rose by 20%. These are some of the final results from the Federal Statistical Office’s 2018 pension fund statistics.

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Switzerland GDP Q3 2019: +0.4 percent QoQ, +1.1 percent YoY

Switzerland Gross Domestic Product (GDP) QoQ, Q3 2019

Switzerland’s GDP rose by 0.4% in the 3rd quarter of 2019, after increasing by 0.3% in the previous quarter. Exports of chemical and pharmaceutical products and energy were key contributing factors. In other areas, the impact of the subdued international environment was felt more strongly. The economic slowdown is being borne out on the whole.

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Swiss wage index 2019: Real and minimum wages increased by 1.1 percent and 0.8 percent respectively in 2019

26.11.2019 – The social partners signatory to Switzerland’s main collective labour agreements (CLA) agreed a nominal rise in real wages of 1.1% and a nominal rise in minimum wages of 0.8% for 2019. Real wages increased by 0.5% at collective level and by 0.6% at individual level. These are the some of the results of the wage agreements survey carried out by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Employment Barometer in the Q3 2019: Employment higher than ever

Switzerland Employment Level, Q3 2019

26.11.2019 – Total employment rose in the third quarter by 1.3% compared with the same quarter a year earlier. At 5.137 million jobs it reached the highest level since the statistics began. In full-time equivalents, employment in the same period rose by 1.1%. The Swiss economy counted 6900 more vacancies than in the corresponding quarter of the previous year (+9.6%).

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Swiss Labour Force Survey in 3rd quarter 2019: 0.3percent increase in number of employed persons; unemployment rate based on ILO definition rose to 4.6percent

Unemployed According to ILO, Q1 2014-Q3 2019

14.11.2019 – The number of employed persons in Switzerland rose by 0.3% between the 3rd quarter 2018 and the 3rd quarter 2019. During the same period, the unemployment rate as defined by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) increased from 4.4% to 4.6%. The EU’s unemployment rate decreased from 6.5% to 6.2%. These are some of the results of the Swiss Labour Force Survey (SLFS).

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Swiss Retail Sales, September 2019: +0.6 percent Nominal and +0.9 percent Real

Switzerland Retail Sales YoY, September 2019

Turnover adjusted for sales days and holidays rose in the retail sector by 0.6% in nominal terms in September 2019 compared with the previous year. Seasonally adjusted, nominal turnover fell by 0.5% compared with the previous month. Real turnover adjusted for sales days and holidays rose in the retail sector by 0.9% in September 2019 compared with the previous year.

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Swiss Retail Sales, August 2019: +1.3 percent Nominal and -1.4 percent Real

Switzerland Retail Sales YoY, August 2019

Turnover adjusted for sales days and holidays rose in the retail sector by 1.3% in nominal terms in August 2019 compared with the previous year. Seasonally adjusted, nominal turnover fell by 1.6% compared with the previous month. Real turnover adjusted for sales days and holidays fell in the retail sector by 1.4% in August 2019 compared with the previous year.

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Switzerland GDP Q2 2019: +0.3 percent QoQ, -0.2 percent YoY

Switzerland Gross Domestic Product (GDP) QoQ, Q2 2019

Switzerland’s GDP rose by 0.3% in the 2nd quarter of 2019, after increasing by 0.4% (revised) in the previous quarter.1 The development of domestic and foreign demand was weak, as in other European countries, which had a particularly negative impact on the service sectors.

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Swiss Labour Force Survey in 2nd quarter 2019: number of persons in employment rises by 1.1 percent, unemployment rate based on the ILO definition falls to 4.2 percent

Unemployed According to ILO, Q1 2014-Q2 2019

The number of employed persons in Switzerland rose by 1.1% between the 2nd quarter 2018 and the 2nd quarter 2019. During the same period, the unemployment rate as defined by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) fell from 4.6% to 4.2%. The EU unemployment rate based on the ILO definition decreased from 6.8% to 6.3%. These are some of the results from the Swiss Labour Force Survey (SLFS).

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Swiss Retail Sales, June 2019: 0.7 percent Nominal and 0.7 percent Real

Switzerland Retail Sales YoY, June 2019

Turnover in the retail sector rose by 0.7% in nominal terms in June 2019 compared with the previous year. Seasonally adjusted, nominal turnover rose by 1.4% compared with the previous month. These are provisional findings from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO). Real turnover in the retail sector also adjusted for sales days and holidays rose by 0.7% in June 2019 compared with the previous year.

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Switzerland Construction prices rose by 0.5 percent in April 2019

Development of the construction price index in Switzerland

20.06.2019 – The construction price index recorded a rise of 0.5% between October 2018 and April 2019, reaching 99.8 points (October 2015 = 100). This result reflects an increase in building prices and a stabilisation in civil engineering prices. Year on year, construction prices increased by 0.7%. These are the results of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Supplementary accommodation recorded more than 16 million overnight stays in 2018

Overnight stays according to host country and accommodation type in 2017-2018, hotel industry

17.06.2019 – In 2018, supplementary accommodation posted a total of 16.6 million overnight stays, i.e. an increase of 4.2% compared with 2017. With 11.2 million units, Swiss visitors represented more than two-thirds of demand (67.4%), i.e. a rise of 2.9%. Foreign visitors registered a 6.9% increase with 5.4 million units. With 4.5 million units (+6.7%), European visitors generated the most overnight stays by foreigners.

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Overnight hotel stays rose by 0.7percent during the 2018/2019 winter season

Hotels and health resorts: development of overnight stays for the winter seasons (November to April)

05.06.2019 – The hotel industry in Switzerland recorded 16.7 million overnight stays during the winter tourist season (November 2018 to April 2019), i.e. the best result since the winter season of 2007/2008. Compared with the same period last year this represents an increase of 0.7% (+117 000). With 8.8 million overnight stays, foreign demand rose by 1.0% (+83 000).

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Employment Barometer in the Q1 2019: Positive employment situation

Switzerland Employment Level, Q1 2019

In the 1st quarter 2019, total employment (number of jobs) rose by 1.3% in comparison with the same quarter a year earlier (+0.5% with previous quarter). In full-time equivalents, employment in the same period rose by 1.5%. The Swiss economy counted 6700 more vacancies than in the corresponding quarter of the previous year (+9.4%) with the employment outlook indicator showing a downward trend (–0.1%).

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Swiss Labour Force Survey in 1st quarter 2019: 0.8percent increase in number of employed persons; unemployment rate based on ILO definition at 4.9percent

Unemployed According to ILO, Q1 2014-Q1 2019

16.05.2019 – The number of employed persons in Switzerland rose by 0.8% between the 1st quarter 2018 and the 1st quarter 2019. During the same period, the unemployment rate as defined by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) declined from 5.2% to 4.9%. The EU’s unemployment rate decreased from 7.4% to 6.8%. These are some of the results from the Swiss Labour Force Survey (SLFS).

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Transport costs have increased by 4 percent within five years

Costs of transport by transport mode, 2015

In 2015, transport in Switzerland generated economic costs of around CHF 90 billion. This was 4% more than in 2010. Aviation (+14%) and rail transport (+12%) recorded the largest increases. In comparison, costs for motorised road transport remained rather stable (+2%) and accounted for four fifths of the total transport costs. None of the various transport user groups fully funded the generated costs themselves.

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The Swiss hotel sector saw a new record number of overnight stays in 2018

Overnight stays 2018

The hotel sector in Switzerland registered 38.8 million overnight stays in 2018, i.e. the best result to date. This represented a growth of 3.8% (+1.4 million) compared with 2017. Foreign demand totalled 21.4 million units, an increase of 4.5% (+921 000) and its best performance in 10 years. Swiss overnight stays increased by 2.9% (+493 000), thus reaching the record value of 17.4 million overnight stays.

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Swiss Labour Force Survey in 4th quarter 2018: 0.8percent increase in number of employed persons; unemployment rate based on ILO definition at 4.6percent

Unemployed According to ILO, Q1 2013-Q4 2018

14.02.2019 – The number of employed persons in Switzerland rose by 0.8% between the 4th quarter 2017 and the 4th quarter 2018. During the same period, the unemployment rate as defined by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) increased slightly by 0.1 percentage points to 4.6%. The EU’s unemployment rate decreased from 7.3% to 6.6%.

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Swiss Retail Sales, December 2018: -0.1 percent Nominal and -0.3 percent Real

Switzerland Retail Sales YoY, December 2018

01.02.2019 – Turnover in the retail sector fell by 0.1% in nominal terms in December 2018 compared with the previous year. Seasonally adjusted, nominal turnover fell by 0.3% compared with the previous month. Real turnover in the retail sector also adjusted for sales days and holidays fell by 0.3% in December 2018 compared with the previous year. Real growth takes inflation into consideration.

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Construction prices rose by 0.3 percent in October 2018

Development of the construction price index in Switzerland

The construction price index recorded a rise of 0.3% between April and October 2018, reaching 99.3 points (October 2015 = 100). This result reflects a greater increase in civil engineering prices than in building prices. Year on year, construction prices increased by 0.6%.

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Pension fund statistics 2017: definitive results

The pension funds can look back on a positive year of investment: net income from investments doubled in 2017, strengthening the reserves and reducing any underfunding. These are some of the final results from the Federal Statistical Office’s 2017 pension fund statistics. You will find further information such as tables and graphs in the PDF below.

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Switzerland GDP Q3 2018: -0.2 percent QoQ, +2.4 percent YoY

Switzerland Gross Domestic Product (GDP) QoQ, Q3 2018

Switzerland’s GDP fell by 0.2% in the 3rd quarter of 2018 due to both the industrial and service sectors. On the expenditure side, domestic demand and foreign trade had a negative impact. Switzerland’s GDP fell by 0.2% in the 3rd quarter of 2018, after climbing by 0.7% in the previous quarter.

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Employment Barometer in the Q3 2018: Solid Employment Growth

Switzerland Employment Level, Q3 2018

In the 3rd quarter 2018, total employment (number of jobs) rose by 1.6% in comparison with the same quarter a year earlier (+0.1% with previous quarter; seasonally adjusted figures). In full-time equivalents, employment in the same period rose by 1.8%. The Swiss economy counted 13 500 more vacancies than in the corresponding quarter of the previous year (+23%) and the employment outlook indicator continues to indicate an upward trend (+1.0%). These are some of the findings from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Construction Industry Production, Orders and Turnover Statistics: lncrease in construction production in Switzerland in 3rd quarter 2018

Switzerland Industrial Orders, Q3 2018

Secondary sector production rose by 1.1% in 3rd quarter 2018 in comparison with the same quarter a year earlier. Turnover rose by 3.1%. In comparison with the previous year industrial production grew in July by 3.3%, in August by 1.7%, then fell in September (-0.4%). For the whole of the 3rd quarter 2018 production increased by 1.4% in comparison with the same quarter a year earlier.

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Swiss Labour Force Survey in 3nd quarter 2018: 1.2percent increase in number of employed persons; unemployment rate based on ILO definition falls to 4.4percent

Unemployed According to ILO, Q1 2013-Q3 2018

The number of employed persons in Switzerland rose by 1.2% between the 3rd quarter 2017 and the 3rd quarter 2018. During the same period, the unemployment rate as defined by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) declined by 0.6 percentage points to 4.4%. The EU’s unemployment rate decreased from 7.3% to 6.5%.

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Contrasting growth in cantonal GDP in 2016

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Greater Region and Canton, 2016

After a moderate 2015, economic growth increased slightly in most Swiss cantons in 2016. The most pronounced growth in the gross domestic product (GDP) was seen in the cantons of Vaud (+7.4%) and Schaffhausen (+4.2%). These results are taken from initial estimates of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Switzerland GDP Q2 2018: +0.7 percent QoQ, +3.4 percent YoY

Switzerland Gross Domestic Product (GDP) QoQ, Q2 2018

The Swiss economy once again recorded dynamic growth in the 2nd quarter of 2018. GDP (+0.7%) expanded at an above-average rate for the fifth quarter in a row. This ex-pansion was largely supported by manufacturing, which has been experiencing a re-markable upturn since spring of 2017. Exports of goods increased accordingly.

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Employment Barometer in the Q2 2018: Sharp Rise in Employment in Switzerland

Switzerland Employment Level, Q2 2018

In the 2nd quarter 2018, total employment (number of jobs) rose by 2.1% in comparison with the same quarter a year earlier (+0.4% with previous quarter). In full-time equivalents, employment in the same period rose by 2.0%. The Swiss economy counted 14 000 more vacancies than in the corresponding quarter of the previous year (+22.6%) and the employment outlook indicator is also indicating an upward trend (+1.1%). These are some of the findings from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Swiss Labour Force Survey in 2nd quarter 2018: Number of persons in employment rises by 0.7 percent, unemployment rate based on ILO at 4.6 percent

Unemployed According to ILO

The number of employed persons in Switzerland rose by 0.7% in the 2nd quarter 2018 compared with the same quarter of the previous year. The unemployment rate as defined by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) rose during the same period by 0.2 percentage points to 4.6%. The EU’s unemployment rate based on the ILO definition decreased from 7.6% to 6.9%.

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Overnight Stays Increased by 3.8 percent in the First Half of 2018

Hotels and Health Resorts Development of Overnight Stays During the First Half of the Year, 2014 - 2018

The hotel sector registered 18.4 million overnight stays in Switzerland in the first half of 2018, representing an increase of 3.8% (+670,000 overnight stays) compared with the same period a year earlier. With a total of 10.0 million overnight stays, foreign demand rose by 4.6% (+444,000). Domestic visitors registered 8.3 million overnight stays, i.e. an increase of 2.8% (+226,000).

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Swiss Consumer Sentiment Falls Almost back to its Average

Switzerland Consumer Confidence Survey, daily July 2018

Consumer sentiment in Switzerland has almost dropped back to its long-term average. While consumers still expect a positive economic development, they are less optimis-tic than in recent quarters. Consumers’ expectations regarding their own budget also remain subdued, while they adjusted their assessment of inflation upwards. Corre-spondingly, the likelihood of consumers making major purchases remains low.

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Research and Development: Federal Expenses and Staff in 2017

R & D expenditures of the federal government, 2004-2017

In 2017, the Confederation spent CHF 2.2 billion on research and experimental development (R&D). This represents a 7% increase compared with 2015, the year of the previous survey. This is a record amount, mainly paid in the form of contributions to support research activities. Over the same period, Confederation personnel employed in R&D activities declined by 4%, reaching 875 jobs in full-time equivalents.

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Tourism Balance of Payments Slightly Negative in 2017

T1 Einnahmen und Ausgaben, 2017 (in Mio. Franken)

For the second consecutive year, the tourism balance of payments was negative in 2017. This means that expenditure by Swiss residents during visits abroad exceeded the expenditure of non-residents during their stay in Switzerland. In an economic climate still marked by a strong franc, the tourism balance of payments was CHF -122 million, according to initial estimates from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Tourist accommodation in 2017: supplementary accommodation recorded growth in overnight stays of close to 7 percent

Monthly overnight stay share of the hotel industry and parahotelie in 2017

In 2017, supplementary accommodation posted a total of 15.9 million overnight stays, i.e. an increase of 6.9% compared with 2016. With 10.8 million units, Swiss visitors represented more than two-thirds of demand (68.3%), i.e. a rise of 7.0%. Foreign visitors registered a 6.6% increase with 5.0 million units. Among this clientele, European visitors generated the most overnight stays with a total of 4.2 million (+8.4%).

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Switzerland GDP Q1 2018: +0.6 percent QoQ, +2.2 percent YoY

Switzerland Gross Domestic Product (GDP) QoQ, Q1 2018

Switzerland’s real gross domestic product (GDP) grew by an above-average 0.6% in the 4th quarter of 2017.1 Growth was broad-based across the various business sectors, with manufacturing, construction and most service sectors, particularly financial services, providing momentum. On the expenditure side, growth was underpinned by consumption and investment in construction but was hindered by investment in equipment and foreign trade.

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Switzerland spent CHF 11.4 billion on environmental protection in 2016

National Environmental Protection Issues by Area, 2008 - 2016

Neuchâtel, 26 April 2018 (FSO) – In 2016, 11.4 billion francs were spent on the environment, equivalent to 1.7% of gross domestic product (GDP). Since 2008, environmental expenditure has increased by 5%. Two thirds were spent on wastewater and waste management. Overall, expenditure in these two areas decreased by 5%, while it increased by 34% in the other environmental sectors. These initial estimates are based on the environmental accounts compiled by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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The important role of official statistics in a world of fact, fiction and everything in between


Facts provide the foundation for political and social dialogue. But what happens when instead of facts, purposely spread untruths begin to dominate that dialogue? And what can be done about it, or better still, what can be done to stop it? Possible answers can be found at the conference entitled “Truth in numbers – the role of data in a world of fact, fiction and everything in between” that highlights the importance of official statistics for democracy.

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Switzerland GDP Q4 2017: +0.6 percent QoQ, +1.9 percent YoY

Switzerland Gross Domestic Product (GDP) YoY, Q4 2017

Switzerland’s real gross domestic product (GDP) grew by an above-average 0.6% in the 4th quarter of 2017.1 Growth was broad-based across the various business sectors, with manufacturing, construction and most service sectors, particularly financial services, providing momentum. On the expenditure side, growth was underpinned by consumption and investment in construction but was hindered by investment in equipment and foreign trade.

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Employment barometer in the Q4 2017: Number of jobs rose by 0.8 percent YoY and 0.4 percent QoQ

Switzerland Employment Level Q4 2017

In the 4th quarter 2017, total employment (number of jobs) rose by 0.8% in comparison with the same quarter a year earlier (+0.4% with previous quarter). In full-time equivalents, employment in the same period rose by 0.6%. The Swiss economy counted 9000 more vacancies than in the corresponding quarter of the previous year (+16.8%) and the employment outlook indicator is also indicating an upward trend (+1.2%).

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Swiss Labour Force Survey in 4th quarter 2017: 0.6 percent increase in number of employed persons; unemployment rate based on ILO definition at 4.5 percent

G1. Switzerland, Total Number Employed and in Full-Time Equivalents

The number of employed persons in Switzerland rose by 0.6% between the 4th quarters of 2016 and 2017. During the same period, the unemployment rate as defined by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) declined from 4.6% to 4.5%. The EU’s unemployment rate decreased from 8.3% to 7.4%. These are some of the results of the Swiss Labour Force Survey (SLFS) conducted by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Swiss Consumer Price Index in December 2017: +0.8 YoY, unchanged MoM

Switzerland Consumer Price Index (CPI) YoY, Dec 2017

The consumer price index (CPI) remained unchanged in December 2017 compared with the previous month, reaching 100.8 points (December 2015=100). Inflation was 0.8% compared with the same month of the previous year. Average annual inflation reached 0.5% in 2017. These are the results of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Switzerland’s Economic Recovery gains momentum

Comparison of Forecasts of September and December 2017

Economic forecasts by the Federal Government’s Expert Group – Winter 2017/2018* The Federal Government’s Expert Group expects the Swiss economy to make a speedy recovery over the next few quarters. While only moderate GDP growth of 1.0% is anticipated in 2017 due to a weak first half of the year, the forecast for GDP growth in 2018 is strong at 2.3% in the course of the global economic upturn.

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Farm Census 2016: Swiss farmers work well over 60 hours per week

Weekly Working Hours in Agriculture 2016

For several years the average Swiss farmer has been working well over 60 hours per week. With their off-farm jobs, part-time farmers also work long hours. From 2010 to 2016, however, the hours worked fell by one hour per week. Over the same period, farms greatly increased the direct sale of farm products (+60%). Despite the long working hours, in many cases it is very likely that a family member will take over the farm. These are some of the latest results from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO)

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Tourist accommodation during the 2017 summer season: Big increase in overnight stays in hotel

Hotels and spa companies Development of overnight stays for the first half year (May to October) 2013-2017

The hotel sector registered 21.3 million overnight stays in Switzerland during the summer tourist season (from May to October 2017). This represents an increase of 5.9% (+1.2 million overnight stays) compared with the same period a year earlier. With a total of 12.1 million overnight stays, foreign demand rose by 7.3% (+823,000). Domestic visitors registered a 4.0% increase (+356,000) with 9.2 million units.

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Employment barometer in the Q3 2017: Employment continues to increase in the Q3 2017

Switzerland Employment Level Q3 2017

In the 3rd quarter 2017, total employment (number of jobs) rose by 0.8% in comparison with the same quarter a year earlier (+0.3% with the previous quarter). In full-time equivalents, employment in the same period rose by 0.5%. The Swiss economy counted 4000 more vacancies than in the corresponding quarter of the previous year (+7.5%) and the employment outlook indicator is also indicating an upward trend (+0.6%).

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Swiss Labour Force Survey in 3rd quarter 2017: labour supply: 1.0 percent increase in number of employed persons; unemployment rate based on ILO definition at 5.0 percent

G1. Switzerland, Total Number Employed and in Full-Time Equivalents

The number of employed persons in Switzerland rose by 1.0% between the 3rd quarters of 2016 and 2017. During the same period, the unemployment rate as defined by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) declined from 5.1% to 5.0%. The EU’s unemployment rate decreased from 8.2% to 7.3%. These are some of the results of the Swiss Labour Force Survey (SLFS) conducted by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Swiss Producer and Import Price Index in September 2017: +0.8 YoY, +0.5 MoM

Switzerland Producer Price Index (PPI) YoY, Sep 2017

The Producer and Import Price Index rose in September 2017 by 0.5% compared with the previous month, reaching 100.5 points (base December 2015 = 100). The rise is due in particular to higher prices for petroleum products, basic metals, semi-finished products of metal, and scrap. Compared with September 2016, the price level of the whole range of domestic and imported products rose by 0.8%.

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Swiss Producer and Import Price Index in August 2017: +0.6 YoY, +0.3 MoM

Switzerland Producer Price Index (PPI) YoY, Aug 2017

The Producer and Import Price Index rose in August 2017 by 0.3% compared with the previous month, reaching 100.0 points (base December 2015 = 100). The rise is due in particular to higher prices for petroleum products and chemical products. Compared with August 2016, the price level of the whole range of domestic and imported products rose by 0.6%.

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Structural Business Statistics 2015: Employment grows again thanks to the tertiary sector

here were 597,000 enterprises in Switzerland in 2015, i.e. an increase of 3578 entities (+0.6%) in one year. The number of jobs, measured in full-time equivalents, also saw similar growth (+0.5%). These changes were mainly due to the dynamism of very small and very large units in the tertiary sector, according to the latest findings of the structural business statistics (STATENT) from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO)

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Employment barometer in 2nd quarter 2017: Employment situation: more confident business outlook

Switzerland Employment Level Q2 2017

In the 2nd quarter 2017, total employment (number of jobs) rose by 0.4% in comparison with the same quarter a year earlier (+0.1% with previous quarter). In full-time equivalents, employment in the same period rose by 0.2%. The Swiss economy counted 5700 more vacancies than in the corresponding quarter of the previous year (+10.5%) and the employment outlook indicator is also indicating an upward trend (+0.7%). These are some of the findings from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Tourist accommodation in the first half of 2017: Overnight stays increased by 4.4percent in the first half of 2017

Hotels and spa companies Development of overnight stays for the first half year (January to June) 2013-2017

The hotel sector registered 17.6 million overnight stays in Switzerland in the first half of 2017, representing an increase of 4.4% (+738,000 overnight stays) compared with the same period a year earlier. With a total of 9.5 million overnight stays, foreign demand rose by 4.7% (+428,000). Domestic visitors registered 8.1 million overnight stays, i.e. an increase of 4.0% (+310,000).

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Swiss Labour Force Survey and its derivative statistics: working hours: Hours worked increased in 2016

Number of holiday weeks per year of full-time employees (excluding employees in own company) by age group, 1996-2016

The total number of hours worked in Switzerland reached 7.892 billion in 2016, representing an increase of 1.4% compared with the previous year. According to the Federal Statistical Office (FSO), between 2011 and 2016, the actual weekly hours worked by full-time employees declined by 13 minutes and stood at 41 hours and 10 minutes, whereas the number of weeks of annual holiday continued its gradual increase to 5.12 weeks.

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Tourism balance of payments 2016: Negative in 2016

T2 Einnahmen und Ausgaben, 2016, Veränderung in Prozent

For the first time in its history, the tourism balance of payments was negative in 2016. Expenditure by Swiss residents during visits abroad exceeded the expenditure of non-residents during their stay in Switzerland. The former spent CHF 16.3 billion abroad in 2016, 3.8% more than in 2015. Expenditure by the latter in Switzerland rose by 1.4% to CHF 16 billion. In an economic climate marked by a strong franc, the tourism balance of payments was CHF -252 million, according to initial estimates from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Tourist Accommodation in the Winter Season 2016/2017: Overnight stays Increased by 2.0 percent in Switzerland

Hotels and health resorts: Monthly development of overnight stays 2013-2017

The hotel sector registered 15.7 million overnight stays in Switzerland during the winter tourist season (from November 2016 to April 2017). This represents an increase of 2.0% (+314,000 overnight stays) compared with the same period a year earlier. With a total of 8.2 million overnight stays, foreign demand rose by 2.1% (+171,000). Domestic visitors registered a 1.9% increase (+143,000) with 7.5 million units. These are the provisional results from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO)

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Employment barometer in 1st quarter 2017: Slight increase in number of jobs in 1st quarter 2017

Switzerland Employment Level, Q1 2017

In the 1st quarter 2017, total employment (number of jobs) rose by 0.4% in comparison with the same quarter a year earlier (-0.1% with previous quarter). In full-time equivalents, employment in the same period rose by 0.2%. The Swiss economy counted 7,200 more vacancies than in the corresponding quarter of the previous year (+13.7%). These are some of the findings from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Swiss Labour Force Survey 1th quarter 2017: Number of employed persons +0.6 percent; unemployment rate (ILO) 5.3 percent

G1. Switzerland, Total Number Employed and in Full-Time Equivalents

The number of employed persons in Switzerland rose by 0.6% between the 1st quarters of 2016 and 2017. During the same period, the unemployment rate as defined by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) remained stable at 5.3%. The EU’s unemployment rate fell from 9.2 % to 8.4 %. These are some of the results of the Swiss Labour Force Survey conducted by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO). The results of the SLFS 2010-2016 have been revised and coincide with this press release.

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Income and living conditions (SILC) 2015: Poverty in Switzerland: 7 percent of the Swiss population were affected by income poverty

Poverty rates according to different characteristics 2015

Neuchâtel, 15.05.2017 (FSO) – In 2015 approximately 570 000 people were affected by income poverty in Switzerland. Just under 145,000 of these were employed. The groups most affected were persons living alone or in single parent households with minor children, persons with no post-compulsory education and those living in households where no-one works.

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Results of the new pensions statistics 2015: Large differences between genders and age groups in pillar 2 and 3a old-age benefits

In 2015 approximately 33,000 persons obtained an old-age pension for the first time from the occupational pension fund (2nd pillar), while some 41,000 persons received a lump-sum withdrawal from their 2nd pillar retirement savings. Men received far higher benefits from the 2nd pillar than women. Pensions obtained before the legal retirement age were on average the highest.

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Employment barometer in the 4th quarter 2016: Employment growth remains stable

Switzerland Employment Level Q4 2016

In the 4th quarter 2016, total employment (number of jobs) rose by 0.3% in comparison with the same quarter a year earlier (+0.2% with previous quarter). In full-time equivalents, employment in the same period grew by 0.1%. The Swiss economy counted 3,800 more vacancies than in the corresponding quarter of the previous year (+7.8%). The other indicators also showed positive growth.

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Statistics on tourist accommodation in December and year 2016: Overnight stays declined by 0.3percent in 2016 in Switzerland

Hotels and health resorts Annual development of overnight stays 2012-2016

The hotel sector registered 35.5 million overnight stays in Switzerland in 2016, representing a moderate decline of 0.3% (-96,000 overnight stays) compared with 2015. Foreign visitors registered 19.3 million overnight stays, a decline of 1.5% (-288,000). The number of overnight stays by domestic visitors (16.2 million) showed an increase of 1.2% (+192,000) and thus registering a positive result for the fourth consecutive year.

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Swiss Labour Force Survey 4th quarter 2016: Number of employed persons + 1.5percent; unemployment rate (ILO) 4.3percent

G1. Switzerland, Total Number Employed and in Full-Time Equivalents

The number of employed persons in Switzerland rose by 1.5% between the 4th quarter 2015 and the 4th quarter 2016. During the same period, the unemployment rate as defined by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) decreased from 4.7% to 4.3%. The EU’s unemployment rate fell from 9.1% to 8.2%. These are some of the results from the Federal Statistical Office.

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Swiss Retail Sales, December: Down 3.5 percent against last year

Switzerland Retail Sales YoY, December 2016

Turnover in the retail sector, adjusted for sales days and holidays, fell by 4.3% in nominal terms in December 2016 compared with the previous year. To put this into perspective, however, it should be noted that unadjusted turnover fell by only 0.7%. Seasonally adjusted, nominal turnover fell by 2.0% compared with the previous month. These are provisional findings from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Employment barometer in 3rd quarter 2016: Employment growth slows


In the 3rd quarter 2016, total employment (number of jobs) rose by 0.3% in comparison with the same quarter a year earlier (-0.1% compared with the previous quarter). In full-time equivalents, employment in the same period remained unchanged. The Swiss economy counted 4,000 more vacancies than in the corresponding quarter of the previous year (+8.1%). The other indicators also showed positive growth. These are the findings from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Statistics on tourist accommodation in September 2016: Increase in overnight stays in September

Switzerland Tourism by Country, September 2015 - September 2016

The Swiss hotel industry registered 3.4 million overnight stays in September 2016, which corresponds to a growth of 0.7% (+23,000 overnight stays) compared with September 2015. Domestic visitors registered 1.6 million overnight stays, i.e. an increase of 1.0% (+16,000). Foreign visitors registered 1.8 million overnight stays, i.e. an increase of 0.4% (+7300). These are provisional results from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Swiss Consumer Price Index 0.1 percent MoM, -0.2 percent YoY

We often look at parts of the CPI. For example food inflation is relevant in emerging markets or poorer people in developed nations. Food inflation in Switzerland has risen by 1.3% YoY in August compared to 0.2% in the U.S., and 1.4% in the eurozone and 1.1% in neighbour Germany. Furtunately it has fallen again.

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Statistics on tourist accommodation in August 2016: Overnight stays decline in August 2016

Switzerland Tourism by Country, August 2015 - August 2016

The Swiss hotel industry registered 4.1 million overnight stays in August 2016, which corresponds to a decrease of 1.0% (-43,000 overnight stays) compared with August 2015. Foreign visitors generated 2.4 million overnight stays, representing a decline of 2.8% (-69,000). Domestic visitors registered 1.7 million overnight stays, i.e. an increase of 1.5% (+26,000). These are provisional results from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Swiss Real Estate: Empty dwellings back to 2001 levels

On 1 June 2016, some 56,518 dwellings or 1.30% of all dwellings were unoccupied in Switzerland. Some 5436 more dwellings were empty than in the previous year, representing an increase of 11%. These are findings from the empty dwellings census of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Swiss Consumer Price Index in August 2016: -0.1 percent against 2016, -0.1 percent against last month

Switzerland Consumer Price Index (CPI) YoY

We often look at parts of the CPI. For example food inflation is relevant in emerging markets or poorer people in developed nations. Food inflation in Switzerland has risen by 1.3% YoY compared to 0.2% in the U.S., and 1.4% in the eurozone and 1.1% in neighbour Germany. Rents are up +0.2% YoY. Existing Swiss rents are bound to interest rates; therefore they cannot follow the Swiss real estate boom yet.

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Tourism accommodation statistics in July 2016: Slight decline in overnight stays in July

Switzerland Tourism by Country, July 2015 - July 2016

The Swiss hotel industry registered 4.1 million overnight stays in July 2016, which corresponds to a decrease of 0.4% (-18,000 overnight stays) compared with July 2015. Foreign visitors generated 2.3 million overnight stays, representing a decline of 2.0% (-46,000). Domestic visitors registered 1.8 million overnight stays, i.e. an increase of 1.6% (+29,000). These are provisional results from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Swiss national accounts 2015: Slow GDP growth in 2015

In 2015 the Swiss economy registered a growth in gross domestic product (GDP) of 0.8% at the previous year’s prices (+2.0% in 2014). Taking a slight decrease in the general price level into account, GDP at current prices grew by 0.3% (2014: +1.4%). This modest increase is in keeping with a difficult monetary environment. The gross national income (GNI) at current prices registered an increase of 1.6% following an improved balance of income with abroad.

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Swiss Labour Force Survey in 2nd quarter 2016: Number of employed persons + 1.6%; unemployment rate (ILO) 4.3%

The number of employed persons in Switzerland rose by 1.6% between the 2nd quarter 2015 and the 2nd quarter 2016. During the same period, the unemployment rate as defined by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) increased slightly from 4.2% to 4.3%. The EU’s unemployment rate decreased from 9.5% to 8.6%. These are some of the survey results from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Swiss Producer and Import Price Index, July 2016: +0.1 percent MoM, -0.8 percent YoY

The Producer and Import Price Index fell in July 2016 by 0.1% compared with the previous month, reaching 99.8 points (base December 2015 = 100). This slight decline is due in particular to lower prices for petroleum products and watches. Compared with July 2015, the price level of the whole range of domestic and imported products fell by 0.8%. These are the findings of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Statistics on tourist accommodation in June and in the first half of 2016: Overnight stays decline in first half-year and in June

The hotel sector registered 16.8 million overnight stays in Switzerland during the first sixth months of 2016. This represents a decrease of 1.2% (-199,000 overnight stays) compared with the same period a year earlier. With a total of 9.1 million overnight stays, foreign demand showed a drop of 2.5% (-234,000). Domestic visitors registered 7.7 million overnight stays, i.e. an increase of 0.5% (+36,000).

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Swiss Retail Sales -4.6 percent nominal (YoY) and -3.9 percent real (YoY)

Turnover in the retail sector fell by 4.6% in nominal terms in June 2016 compared with the previous year. The decline has been ongoing since January 2015. This is the largest decline since January 2003. Seasonally adjusted, nominal turnover fell by 0.6% compared with the previous month. These are provisional findings from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Swiss Producer and Import Price Index, June 2016: +0.1 percent MoM, -1.0 percent YoY

The Producer and Import Price Index rose in June 2016 by 0.1% compared with the previous month, reaching 99.9 points (base December 2015 = 100). Whereas the Producer Price Index declined by 0.2%, the Import Price Index rose by 0.8%. The slight increase of the overall index is due in particular to higher prices for petroleum products. Compared with June 2015, the price level of the whole range of domestic and imported products fell by 1.0%.

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Tourism accommodation statistics in May 2016: Increase in overnight stays during May 2016

The Swiss hotel industry registered 2.7 million overnight stays in May 2016, which corresponds to a growth of 1.3% (+35,000 overnight stays) compared with May 2015. Domestic visitors recorded 1.1 million overnight stays, representing an increase of 1.9% (+21,000). Foreign demand registered 1.5 million overnight stays, i.e. an increase of 0.9% (+15,000). These are provisional results from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Tourism balance of payments 2015: Tourism balance of payments affected by strong franc

The strong franc in 2015 made Switzerland less attractive to foreign tourists, whereas holidays abroad maintained their appeal to Swiss residents. Foreign tourists spent CHF 15.7 billion in Switzerland in 2015, 3.4% less than in 2014, while the spending of Swiss tourists abroad remained constant at CHF 15.4 billion (-0.1%). According to initial estimates from the Federal Statistical Office, the tourism balance of payments remained in positive figures at CHF 323 million.

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Swiss Producer and Import Price Index, May 2016: 0.4 percent MoM, -1.2 YoY

Swiss Producer Prices

The strongly negative change in producer prices in 2015 reduced the Swiss franc overvaluation in terms of the Real Effective Exchange. Now, however, producer prices are approaching the zero change again.
It must also be noted that producer prices had fallen by 6% in 2015, while consumer prices went down only by 1.5%. Large margins are remaining for the Swiss retail sector.

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Tourism accommodation statistics during the winter season and April 2016

The hotel sector registered 15.4 million overnight stays in Switzerland during the winter season (November 2015 to April 2016). This represents a decrease of 1.8% (-277,000 overnight stays) compared with the same period a year earlier. With a total of 8.0 million overnight stays, foreign demand showed a drop of 3.8% (-313,000). Domestic visitors registered 7.4 million overnight stays, i.e. an increase of 0.5% (+36,000). During the month of April 2016…

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Swiss Retail Sales: -2.4 percent Y/Y nominal and Real -1.9 percent real

Retail sales in several countries like Germany, Italy, Japan and Switzerland continue to fall. In the United States they have strongly risen recently. We should remind readers, that used goods sold via Ebay or similar, are not contained in this statistics. Still they create economic value for the purchases. By mentality, Swiss, Germans or Japanese pay more attention so that used goods do not lose their value so quickly.

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Industrial Production Recovers in March: Strong Franc Digested?

The sector that got hit most by the sudden appreciation of the Swiss franc, was the industrial production. They must compete with Germany, that benefits of the weak euro. The newest data show that the industry sector has strongly recovered. This opens the question once again, if the Swiss franc is really overvalued? Certainly not against the dollar, other sectors like pharmaceuticals and chemicals export at lot to the United States.

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Working Hours increased in 2015

The total number of hours worked in Switzerland reached 7.889 billion in 2015, representing an increase of 2.3% compared with the previous year. Major reason were the increased number of employees and less bank holidays. Between 2011 and 2015, the actual weekly hours worked by full-time employees declined very slightly and stood at 41 hours and 17 minutes, whereas the number of weeks of annual holiday continued its gradual increase, reaching 5.15 weeks.

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Switzerland 2015-2045: Population Increase by Immigration, Ageing Effects

Ageing effect: Swiss statistics expects that in many central and Southern cantons the number of elderly rises more strongly than in others.

Immigration of younger people to bigger towns like Zurich, Geneva, Basel or Bern, prevents such a strong ageing in other cantons.

French-speaking cantons will have less ageing issues, reasons might be found in higher fertility and higher immigration.

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Standard of living in Switzerland remains one of the highest in Europe

In 2014 Switzerland was one of the countries with the highest living standards in Europe. This does not exclude financial difficulties, as 6.6% of the population, i.e. approx. 530,000 people were affected by income poverty. Roughly one person in ten cannot afford a week’s holiday away from home according to the Federal Statistical Office’s survey on income and living conditions (SILC).

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Swiss Producer and Import Price Index in March 2016: The Producer and Import Price Index remains stable overall

The Producer and Import Price Index remained unchanged in March 2016 compared with the previous month at 99.0 points (base December 2015 = 100). Whereas the Producer Price Index increased by 0.1%, the Import Price Index remained unchanged on average. Compared with March 2015, the price level of the whole range of domestic and imported products fell by 4.7%. These are the findings of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Swiss Producer and Import Price Index in January 2016: Minus 5.3 percent YoY

The Producer and Import Price Index fell in January 2016 by 0.4% compared with the previous month, reaching 99.6 points (base December 2015 = 100). Whereas the Producer Price Index declined by 0.1%, the Import Price Index fell by 0.8%. The decline is due largely to falling prices for petroleum products. Compared with January 2015, the price level of the whole range of domestic and imported products fell by 5.3%. These are the findings of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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