Category Archive: 1) SNB and CHF

Gold, Bonds and Negative Interest Rates Give SNB a Q1 profit

SNB Results Q1 2016: Two thirds of SNB profit comes from Gold. Deflation helps with higher bonds prices and profit on negative interest rates.

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Swiss National Bank: Composition of Reserves (Assets) and Investment Strategy

The Q1/2016 update on the SNB investment strategy and its assets. The Swiss National Bank is a passive conservative investor. As opposed to other investors, the exposure in currencies is as important as the strategic asset allocation according asset classes (bonds, equities, cash, real estate). The importance of currencies is one reason why the SNB is often called a hedge fund, the second the volatility of gains and losses.

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With Tech Tanking, Can Anything Save The System?

Submitted by John Rubino via, First it was the banks reporting horrendous numbers — largely, we were told, because of their exposure to recently-cratered energy companies. Now it’s Big Tech, which is a much harder thing t...

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Futures Ignore Apple Plunge; Oil Rises Above $45 As Yellen Looms

For those who thought that the world's biggest company losing over $40 billion in market cap in an instant on disappointing Apple earnings, would have been sufficient to put a dent in US equity futures, we have some disappointing news: with just over...

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Wall Street and SNB In Pain: 163 Hedge Funds Are Long AAPL Stock

First it was the blow up of hedge fund darling Valeant that crushed countless funds who were long the name. Then, one month ago after the collapse of the Allergan-Pfizer deal, we showed (one of the reasons) why the hedge fund world continued to unde...

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April 2016: SNB running suicide again?

Speculative position: Speculators are even longer CHF (against USD): +9410x 125K contracts. Sight Deposits: SNB intervenes for 6.4 bln. CHF in only three weeks. Sight deposits (aka debt) are rising by nearly 1% per month, this is 10% per year. The SNB can never achieve such a yield on investment, her yield is between 1 and 2 percent. Is the bank running suicide again?

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Izabella Kaminska: Uberisation of the Economy: Gosplan 2.0.

SERIES 2.2: POST-CAPITALISM 7 MAR – IZABELLA KAMNISKA (FINANCIAL TIMES): UBERISATION OF THE ECONOMY: GOSPLAN 2.0 The sharing economy isn’t what you think it is. Nor is the platform economy. Furthermore, we’ve been here before. Last time it was under the guise of ‘red plenty’. Could we be sleep walking our way into a technocratic …

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Das jüngste Schweizer Original (Fernsehspot)


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Das jüngste Schweizer Original (Fernsehspot für Liechtenstein)

Fernsehspot für Liechtenstein

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A new take on a Swiss original (TV advert)

TV advert

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Le tout dernier original suisse (Spot télévisé)

Spot télévisé

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L’originale svizzero nuovo di zecca (Spot televisivo)

Spot televisivo

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Big Players (Read: Governments) Make Markets Unsafe

Authored by Steve H. Hanke of the Johns Hopkins University. Follow him on Twitter @Steve_Hanke. Reportage in The Wall Street Journal on April 4th states that “A fund owned by China’s foreign-exchange regulator has been taking stakes in some of the co...

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Medienkonferenz – Conférence de presse – News conference – Conferenza stampa, 06.04.2016

Medienkonferenz – Conférence de presse – News conference – Conferenza stampa, 06.04.2016 00:00 Film Die neue 50-Franken-Note – Film Le nouveau billet de 50 francs – Film The new 50-franc note – Filmato La nuova banconota da 50 franchi 01:30 Einleitende Bemerkungen von Thomas Jordan, Präsident des Direktoriums der Schweizerischen Nationalbank – Remarques introductives de …

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Die neuen Noten – der Weg zum Publikum und zurück (Version für Hörbehinderte)

Dieser Film zeigt den Weg der neuen Schweizer Banknoten: von der Einlagerung und der Qualitätsprüfung bei der Schweizerischen Nationalbank bis zur Ausgabe. Zudem wird auch die Sortierung und Vernichtung der alten Banknotenserie beleuchtet.

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Die neuen Noten – das Substrat

Dieser Film zeigt die Herstellung des Trägermaterials (Substrats) der neuen Schweizer Banknoten, das zum Zeitpunkt der Emission dieser Noten weltweit erstmals in einer Banknotenserie verwendet worden ist. Dabei handelt es sich um das sogenannte Durasafe®, ein speziell entwickeltes, dreischichtiges Substrat mit einer Polymerschicht in der Mitte und zwei äusseren Baumwoll-Papierschichten. Dieser Aufbau erlaubt die Einbringung …

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Le nuove banconote – le caratteristiche di sicurezza in breve

Questo film mostra le cinque più importanti caratteristiche di sicurezza per una verifica intuitiva e rapida dell’autenticità delle nuove banconote svizzere. Altri elementi di sicurezza sono descritti nel film “Le nuove banconote – caratteristiche grafiche e di sicurezza”.

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Die neuen Noten – die Sicherheitsmerkmale in Kürze (Version für Hörbehinderte)

Dieser Film zeigt die wichtigsten fünf Sicherheitsmerkmale für die intuitive und rasche Echtheitsprüfung der neuen Schweizer Banknoten. Weitere Merkmale werden im Film “Die neuen Noten – Gestaltungs- und Sicherheitsmerkmale” erläutert.

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Les nouveaux billets – L’impression

Ce film est consacré à l’impression des nouveaux billets de banque suisses. Plusieurs modes d’impression sont utilisés: des techniques classiques, comme l’offset, la sérigraphie, la taille-douce, mais aussi des procédés spéciaux, tels que l’application d’une bande de sécurité et la microperforation. Aussi est-il possible de combiner de manière tout à fait unique les éléments graphiques …

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50-Franken-Note – Le billet de 50 francs – 50-franc note – Banconota da 50 franchi

Dieser Film zeigt in einem Zusammenschnitt von 90 Sekunden Highlights aus der Herstellung des Trägermaterials (Substrat), dem Druck, der Prüfung und der Ausgabe der neuen Schweizer 50-Franken-Note. Ce film présente, dans une séquence de 90 secondes, les principales étapes de la fabrication du matériau de base (substrat), de l’impression, du contrôle et de la mise en …

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