Category Archive: 1) SNB and CHF

FINMA regulated forex dealer CIM Banque

Bank, independent dealer. FX Trading powered by Interactive Brokers. In industry since: 1990. CIM is a licensed bank.

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FINMA regulated broker Dukascopy – overview

Dukascopy – Swiss broker regulated by the Association Romande des Intermediares Financiers (ARIF) and Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) is a licensed bank.

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FINMA regulated broker Dukascopy – Forex Trading Review

Forex broker, Dukascopy, based in Switzerland and regulated by Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) and the Association Romande des Intermediares Financiers (ARIF).

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Need Safe havens: CHF or Gold?

In times of negative interest rates and falling earnings per share, gold is the ultimate safe haven. Due to negative rates, it is not the Swiss Franc.

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Swiss Reserves: Not what They Seem

This posts shows again the stupidity of the financial media, that mixes up assets and liabilities for central banks. SNB FX reserves are assets. They are in different foreign currencies and subject to the valuation effect of these currencies.

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Fintech 2016 Röportajları: Izabella Kaminska

FT Alphaville’den Izabella Kaminska, Fintech ve Blockchain endüstrileri hakkındaki fikirlerini paylaştı.

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The new banknotes – production and circulation

This film shows the production process for the new Swiss banknotes, including substrate production, printing, inspection, storage and entry into circulation. It shows the special Durasafe® substrate and provides details of the various printing processes used.

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The new banknotes – journey to the public and back

This film shows the journey of the new Swiss banknotes, from storage and quality assurance at the Swiss National Bank to their entry into circulation. It also describes how the notes from the old banknote series are sorted and destroyed.

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The new banknotes – security features at a glance

This film shows the five main security features that can be used to check easily and quickly if a new Swiss banknote is genuine. Additional features are shown in the film ‘The new banknotes – design and security features’.

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The new banknotes – printing process

This film shows how the new Swiss banknotes are printed. The process uses traditional techniques such as offset, silkscreen, intaglio and letterpress printing, together with special processes such as foil application and microperforation. This gives the new Swiss banknote series a unique combination of design elements and security features.

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The new banknotes – substrate

This film shows how the substrate for the new Swiss banknotes is produced. The issuance of these notes marks the first time that the substrate will be used for banknote production anywhere in the world. Called Durasafe®, it is a specially developed, three-layer substrate, comprising an inner polymer layer sandwiched between two outer layers of …

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Apple Jumps After Berkshire Reveals 9.8 Million Share Stake

After three consecutive weeks of seemingly relentless bad news for Apple, moments ago the stock jumped by $2 dollars, rising from $90.5 to over $92.50. Some hope for the Swiss National Bank or will Berkshire shares sink together with Apple and the SNB?

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As Carl Icahn Was Selling Apple, This Central Bank Was Furiously Buying

We hope for the sake of Swiss residents that equity markets never suffer a dramatic drop. The SNB has “invested” 20% of Swiss GDP in stocks. When will the ivory tower economists ultimately lose control of the most manipulated, centrally-planned market in history?

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Grüezi, ich möchte gern eine Kuh einzahlen

Diese Filmsequenz gehört zum Thema “Alles über unser Geld” des Informationsangebots “Unsere Nationalbank”. Sie zeigt auf humorvolle Weise, was man auf ein Bankkonto einzahlen kann – und was nicht.

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The Twilight Of The Gods (aka Central Bankers)

The current financial market volatility increasingly reflects loss of faith in policy makers. Celebrity central bankers are learning that they must constantly produce new miracles for their followers.

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SNB Increased Equities Share to 20 percent, A High Risk Game for a Conservative Investor

A share of 20% equities is too much for a conservative investor. - She increases the CHF debt with continuing interventions at a pace of 10% per year. - yield on bond investments is less than 1% p.a. and equity markets might not improve a lot any more. - Expensive dollar: she bought U.S. equities when the dollar was relatively expensive.

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Generalversammlung 2016 (Simultanübersetzung auf Deutsch)

Generalversammlung, 29.04.2016 00:00 Jean Studer, Präsident des Bankrats der Schweizerischen Nationalbank 42:35 Thomas Jordan, Präsident des Direktoriums der Schweizerischen Nationalbank

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Assemblée générale 2016 (traduction simultanée en français)

Assemblée générale, 29.04.2016 00:00 Jean Studer, président du Conseil de banque de la Banque nationale suisse 42:35 Thomas Jordan, président de la Direction générale de la Banque nationale suisse

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Assemblea generale 2016 (traduzione simultanea in italiano)

Assemblea generale, 29.04.2016 00:00 Jean Studer, presidente del Consiglio di banca della Banca nazionale svizzera 42:35 Thomas Jordan, presidente della Direzione generale della Banca nazionale svizzera

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Generalversammlung – Assemblée générale – General Meeting of Shareholders – Assemblea generale, 2016

Generalversammlung – Assemblée générale – General Meeting of Shareholders – Assemblea generale, 29.04.2016 00:00 Jean Studer, Präsident des Bankrats der Schweizerischen Nationalbank – Jean Studer, président du Conseil de banque de la Banque nationale suisse – Jean Studer, president of the Bank Council of the Swiss National Bank – Jean Studer, presidente del Consiglio di …

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