Category Archive: 4) FX Trends

Main Author Marc Chandler
Marc Chandler
He has been covering the global capital markets in one fashion or another for more than 30 years, working at economic consulting firms and global investment banks. After 14 years as the global head of currency strategy for Brown Brothers Harriman, Chandler joined Bannockburn Global Forex, as a managing partner and chief markets strategist as of October 1, 2018.

The Difference of an A and BBB for Italy

DBRS cut Italy's rating to BBB from A. It will increase the haircut on Italy's sovereign bonds used for collateral by Italian banks. It is not a mortal blow or a significant hit, but is not helpful, except to add pressure on Italy and further reduce its ability to respond to another shock.

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A technical look at the EURUSD for the week starting Jan 16th

The EURUSD closed the week about 120 pips higher. The low bottomed near the low from 2015 at 1.0462. That was a good bottom for buyers. The topside was contained by retracement resistance. So although bullish for the week, there is some work to do to convince the market that this is nothing bur a … Continue...

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FX Daily, January 13: Corrective Forces Persist

The Supreme Court Judgement on whether parliament will have to O.K the triggering of article 50 is ongoing and when the ruling is announced expect big swings on GBP/CHF. I think the likely outcome will be that parliament will get the vote, most broad sheet papers have indicated the majority of the judges are in favour of the parliamentary vote.

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Saudis Cut More than Commitment, Lifts Prices

US refinery demand for oil is near a 30-year high. Demand growth will help catch up to supply. Saudi Arabia (and Kuwait) appear to have cut more output than promised.

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Drilling down into your forex trade

What does is the technical pictures say about the GBPUSDs story. The GBPUSD has moved higher over the last two days, but the ride has been up and down. Nevertheless, the technical pictures tell a story about that price action. That story follow a few chapters. The first chapter is from the perspective of the … Continue reading...

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FX Daily, January 12: Dollar and Yields Ease Further, but Look for Recovery

After a choppy North American session yesterday, the dollar and US yields remain under pressure. The dollar is lower against all the major currencies and most emerging market currencies, including the recently shellacked Turkish lira and Mexican peso.

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China Capital Flight: When $4 trillion is Too Much and $3 trillion is not Enough

All of China's capital outflows are not capital flight fleeing. Capital controls limiting outflows can be tightened. Paying down dollar loans, a major source of capital outflows, is not an infinite process.

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FX Daily, January 11: Dollar Comes Back Bid

The pound has seen a sharp fall following the interview that Theresa May gave with Sky news on Sunday although there has been a small rebound this afternoon. GBP CHF exchange rates are hovering around 1.2350 for this pair.

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Trump Is Set To Label China A “Currency Manipulator”: What Happens Then?

While China has been banging the nationalist drums in its government-owned tabloids, warning daily of the adverse consequences to the US from either a trade war, or from Trump's violating the "One China" policy, a more tangible concern for deteriorating relations between China and the US is that Trump could, and most likely will, brand China a currency manipulator shortly after taking over the the Oval Office.

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Great Graphic: Real Rates in US are Elevated

The US 10-year yield fell briefly below 1.32% last July. The yield slowly rose to reach 1.80% in mid-October. The day after the election, the yield initially slipped to almost 1.71%. This was a bit of a miscue, and the yield rose sharply to hit almost 2.64% the day after the FOMC hiked rates for the second time in the cycle on December 14. The yield backed off to hit 2.33% at the end of last week.

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FX Daily, January 10: Positioning more than Fundamentals Give Traders Pause

After strong moves to start the year, the capital markets continue to consolidate. Many observers are suggesting a fundamental narrative behind the loss of momentum, but in discussions with clients and other market participants, it seems as if the main source of caution is coming from an understanding of market positioning rather than a reevaluation of the macro drivers.

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The Better Way: Backing into Smoot-Hawley and Repeating the Flaws of PPP

Part of the US Republican tax reforms call for a border adjustment. It will tax imports fully and not exports. This will likely be challenged at the WTO. Many economists say the dollar will automatically appreciate by 20%. WE are bullish the dollar but skeptical of the logic here.

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Swiss Franc exchange rates receive double boost from UK uncertainty

The Pound has had its worst day in two months yesterday, with exchange rates against most of its major currencies now reaching a two month low, and Swiss Franc exchange rates reaching down to the much dearer end of the 1.20’s once more.

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Forex technical analysis: AUDUSD making a break to the upside

Moves above 200 bar MA on 4-hour chart The AUDUSD is making a break above the 200 bar MA on the 4-hour chart. That MA held on Thursday and Friday last week. When you see a pattern develop that is then debunked, it says something is up. Can the momentum continue? If you like this … Continue reading »

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FX Daily, January 09: Sterling Pounded by May’s Hard Brexit

Sterling has stolen the US dollar's spotlight. The issue facing market participants was if the rise in hourly earnings reported as part of the pre-weekend release of US December jobs data was sufficient to end the dollar's downside correction. Instead, May's comments over the weekend indicating not just a desire but strategic thrust to abandon the single market in exchange for regaining control over immigration and not being subject to the...

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What to look for on a technical break in your forex trading

What to look for in breaks and what to look for in failed breaks. The GBPJPY is making a bearish break today. Not only have we made a break below a prior resistance/support line but also below the 200 day MA. The question traders need to ask now is “Will the break keep the momentum … Continue reading...

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Weekly Speculative Positions: CHF and GBP net shorts are slowly rising again

Speculators are net short CHF with 13K contracts against USD, 3K more than last week. This is still far from the post financial crisis record of 26 K contracts. Moreover the net short GBP are increasing again.

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FX Weekly Preview: Macro Forces Underpin Dollar, Equities and Yields

Odds of a March Fed hike edged up last week, and Q4 GDP figures were revised higher. Many continue to expect the new US Administration to pursue pro-growth tax reform, deregulation and infrastructure spending. Although many other high income countries are growing, near trend divergence of monetary policy continues.

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FX Weekly Review, January 02 – 07: Is the corrective phase of the dollar over?

The lack of full participation and the resulting choppy conditions may have obscured the signal from the capital markets. That signal we think was one of correction since shortly after the Fed's rate hike in id-December. The question now, after the US employment data showed continued labor market strength and that earnings improvement remains intact, is whether the corrective phase is over.

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US Jobs Details Better than the Headline

The dollar and US yields are recouping more of yesterday’s decline. A break of $1.0480-$1.05 would suggest the euro’s upside bounce is exhausted. A dollar move above JPY116.80-JPY117.25 would also hint that the greenback was going to make an other run toward JPY118.30-JPY118.60. Sterling support is seen in the $1.2285-$1.2310 area.

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