Tag Archive: newsletter

L’or de la Banque Nationale suisse

Note: Ce post est une erreur. Son contenu correspond en fait à la page dédiée à l’or suisse de la banque centrale. https://lilianeheldkhawam.com/lor-de-la-banque-nationale-suisse/ Cette erreur est intervenue dans le cadre de la création de la page sur la Monnaie, que je vous invite à visiter ici: https://lilianeheldkhawam.com/monnaie-dossier/

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As the Data Comes In, 2019 Really Did End Badly

The coronavirus began during December, but in its early stages no one knew a thing about it. It wasn’t until January 1 that health authorities in China closed the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market after initially determining some wild animals sold there might have been the source of a pneumonia-like outbreak. On January 5, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission issued a statement saying it wasn’t SARS or MERS, and that the spreading disease would be...

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Gold Consolidates Near Six Year Record Highs At $1574/oz; WHO’s ‘Tip of the Iceberg’ Virus Warning

Gold climbed for a fourth day as investors weighed the unfolding coronavirus crisis, including a stark warning from the head of the World Health Organization about the potential for more cases beyond China and signs the disease is spreading in the key Asian trading hub of Singapore.

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Europe Can’t Afford a New “Green Deal”

Today’s brand of the left-leaning politician is all about substituting what sounds good for what actually works. Modern politics, whether in the US or Europe, is about taking a chainsaw to everything that produced even a modicum of success to appease the deities espousing progressive orthodoxy.

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FX Daily, February 11: New Calm in the Capital Markets Continues, Powell Moves to Center Stage

Overview: Investors are taking solace from reports indicating that the increase in the new coronavirus at ground zero (Hubei) is slowing. After the S&P 500 reversed early losses yesterday to close at new record highs helped keep the bullish sentiment intact. Benchmarks in Hong Kong, South Korea, Australia, and China rose for the sixth session.

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Swiss Consumer Price Index in January 2020: +0.2 percent YoY, +0.2 percent MoM

10.02.2020 - The consumer price index (CPI) fell by 0.2% in January 2020 compared with the previous month, reach-ing 101.5 points (December 2015 = 100). Inflation was +0.2% compared with the same month of the previous year. These are the results of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Grossbanken – Fünf valable Kandidaten für Rohner-Nachfolge als CS-Präsident

Nach der Absetzung von Tidjan Thiam als operativer Chef der Credit Suisse wurde von verschiedenen Seiten auch gefordert, dass VR-Präsident Urs Rohner bereits auf die kommende Generalversammlung hin seinen Hut nimmt, so etwa vom Stimmrechtsberater Ethos. Rohner will sich aber an der kommenden GV von Ende April für ein letztes Jahr noch einmal wählen lassen.

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China’s Fatal Dilemma

Ending the limited quarantine and falsely proclaiming China safe for visitors and business travelers will only re-introduce the virus to workplaces and infect foreigners. China faces an inescapably fatal dilemma: to save its economy from collapse, China's leadership must end the quarantines soon and declare China "safe for travel and open for business" to the rest of the world.

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Two Years And Now It’s Getting Serious

We knew German Industrial Production for December 2019 was going to be ugly given what deStatis had reported for factory orders yesterday. In all likelihood, Germany’s industrial economy ended last year sinking and maybe too quickly. What was actually reported, however, exceeded every pessimistic guess and expectation – by a lot.

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The Economy Is Not a Factory—Nor Should We Try to Make It One

A common issue with economists and political economists from left to right is that they misunderstand the market economy as simply being a set of production processes. We see this in Lenin’s statement that the Soviet Union should be run like one big factory. We see it in market socialists from Frederic Taylor to Oskar Lange attempting to respond to (and resolve) Mises’s argument that socialist economic calculation is impossible.

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Markets on Edge as New Week Begins

The coronavirus death toll is just over 900, exceeding the SARS epidemic; the dollar remains firm. President Trump will unveil his budget proposal for FY2021 beginning October 1 today. The faltering eurozone economy comes just as political uncertainty is picking up in Germany.

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FX Daily, February 10: Quiet Start to the New Week in which Politics may Dominate

Overview: The global capital markets have begun the new week on a cautious tone as investors seek to assess the latest news on the new coronavirus. Nearly all the markets in Asia fell but China. European bourses are lower as well, with the Dow Jones Stoxx 600 off about 0.3%. US shares are soft but little changed.

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Credit Spy: Ende gut, alles gut?

Was ist es, was uns im Falle des Überwachungsskandals der CS so stark verstört hat? Mir fallen drei Punkte auf. Erstens die Tatsache, dass die Schweizer Grossbank offensichtlich einen eigenen internen geheimen Überwachungsdienst unterhält, der Arbeitnehmer auch ausserhalb des Arbeitsplatzes und ihrer Arbeitszeiten überwacht respektive bespitzelt.

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FX Weekly Preview: US Soars while Rivals are Hobbled

We are approaching the mid-point of the first quarter, and the coronavirus from China is the new key development for businesses and investors.  The economic impact appears to be still growing as the disruption to supply chains, production, and demand continues.  The re-opening of China from the extended Lunar New Year holiday brought some relief to the markets as officials ensured ample liquidity, leaned against short selling, and offered...

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Credit Suisse chairman hopeful to see out term

The chairman of the Credit Suisse bank says he does not expect to be voted out of office before his term ends next year following the departure of the bank’s CEO on Friday amid a surveillance scandal. Urs Rohner says he has received “clear responses” from shareholders that they back the company board policy to accept CEO Tidjane Thiam decision to step down.

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Controlling the Narrative Is Not the Same as Controlling the Virus

Are these claims even remotely plausible for a highly contagious virus that spreads easily between humans while carriers show no symptoms? It's clear that the narrative about the coronavirus is being carefully managed globally to minimize the impact on global sentiment and markets. 

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The Fight for Liberty and the Beltway Barbarians

In the conservative and libertarian movements there have been two major forms of surrender, of abandonment of the cause. The most common and most glaringly obvious form is one we are all too familiar with: the sellout. The young libertarian or conservative arrives in Washington, at some think-tank or in Congress or as an administrative aide, ready and eager to do battle, to roll back the State in service to his cherished radical cause.

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Central banks weigh up response to Libra and bitcoin

Central banks are contemplating a response to alternative money systems, such as bitcoin or Libra, with new digital versions of their own currencies. They go by the name of Central Bank Digital Currencies, or CBDCs. Libra’s stablecoin project launched in Geneva last year was a “watershed” moment that “kicked everyone in the pants”, Michael Sung, a professor at Fudan University, told the recent Crypto Finance Conferenceexternal link (CfC) in St...

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Drivers for the Week Ahead

Risk-off sentiment intensified last week; the dollar continues to climb. This is another big data week for the US; the US economy remains strong. Fed Chair Powell testifies before the House Tuesday and the Senate Wednesday; the Senate holds confirmation hearings for Fed nominees Shelton and Waller Thursday.

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USD/CHF trades at fresh 2020 highs above 0.9760 ahead of NFP

CHF struggles to find demand as a safe-haven on Friday. US Dollar Index pushes higher above the 98.50 mark. Nonfarm Payrolls in US is expected to come in at 160K in January. The USD/CHF pair closed the last four trading days in the positive territory and continued to edge higher on Friday to touch its best level since December 27th at 0.9772.

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