Tag Archive: newsletter

The Coming Revolt of the Middle Class

That's how Neofeudal systems collapse: the tax donkeys and debt-serfs finally rebel and start demanding the $50 trillion river of capital take a new course. The Great American Middle Class has stood meekly by while the New Nobility stripmined $50 trillion from the middle and working classes. As this RAND report documents, $50 trillion has been siphoned from labor and the lower 90% of the workforce to the New Nobility and their technocrat...

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Varoufakis THREATENS EU with eurozone exit as he rages at bloc for ‘bankrupting’ Greece

EUROSCEPTIC Yanis Varoufakis launched a renewed threat to Brussels as his party prepares to fight for Greece to leave the eurozone unless the bloc accepts his demands.

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Why the Utes Opposed Biden’s Plans to Limit Oil Drilling

Within a day of the inauguration, the Biden administration issues a bevy of new executive orders designed to please a variety of the Democratic Party’s core special-interest groups. Among these was an executive order curtailing oil and gas leasing on federal and tribal lands.

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Falling Interest Rates Destroy Capital (Keith Weiner)


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Augeon Kongress – Markus Krall

Bei unserem Halbjahreskongress hatten wir Herrn Dr. Krall zu Gast. Markus Krall ist Volkswirt, Autor und langjähriger Berater und Manager in der Finanzwirtschaft zu Risikomanagement und Geldpolitik.

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Dr. Thorsten Polleit aktuell über Geldsystem & Wirtschaft - Dr. Polleit analysiert messerscharf, warum die aktuelle Politik & Wirtschaft überdacht werden sollten - Dr. Thorsten Polleit über Fiskalpolitik, Geopolitik & Mögliche Lösungen aus der aktuellen Krise zu gelangen...

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FX Daily, January 27: The Fed and Earnings on Tap

Overview:  Risk appetites seem subdued even if GameStop's surge draws attention. Asia Pacific equities mostly slipped lower, and profit-taking was seen in Hong Kong and Seoul, which are off to an incredibly strong start to the year. Small gains were reported in Tokyo, Beijing, and Taipei.

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Switzerland and UK to push ahead with financial services deal

Britain and Switzerland will press on with plans to strike a trade deal for their vast financial services industries, UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak said on Wednesday ahead of talks with his Swiss counterpart.

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STRENG GEHEIM?! MICROSTRATEGY BITCOIN KONFERENZ FÜR SP500 CEOs ANFANG FEBRUAR MIT MICHAEL SAYLOR! Wenn eine Person gerade in den Medien erwähnt wird, dann ist es mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit Michael Saylor. Doch was genau bedeutet das alles für dich als Investor? Worauf musst du acht geben? Mit diesem Video bist du aus alles Vorbereitet. Link: https://www.microstrategy.com/en/resources/events/world-2021/bitcoin-summit ► Hier kannst du bitcoins...

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Studie: Corona-Arbeitslosigkeit könnte in den USA weitere 900.000 Tote fordern

Der Tribut, den das Coronavirus gefordert hat, war hoch. Aber eine neue Studie hat herausgefunden, dass die kollektive Reaktion auf das Virus letztendlich mehr Leben fordern könnte als das Virus selbst.

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The Real Investment Show

Market Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors CIO, Lance Roberts

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Finanzmeinung: Markus Krall (Wi geht’s weiter mit Gold?)

Das Video dient lediglich zu Informationszwecken. Wir übernehmen keinerlei Haftung für die Richtigkeit der Informationen in diesen Videos. Die Informationen können und sollen eine individuelle Beratung durch hierfür qualifizierte Personen nicht ersetzen.

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Manser diaries donated to Basel museum

The diaries of Bruno Manser, a Swiss environmental and human rights activist, have been donated to the Museum der Kulturen in Basel.

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MAX OTTE bei der Atlas Initiative zum neuen Buch [PI POLITIK SPEZIAL]

#MaxOtte #Buch #Krise #AtlasInitiative #Corona #Mudlack Mit freundlicher Genehmigung zeigen wir hier das Interview, das vor wenigen Tagen Benjamin Mudlack von der Atlas Initiative mit Prof. Max Otte über sein neues Buch "Die Krise hält sich nicht an Regeln" geführt hat.

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Understanding the Roots and Causes of Inflation

If the supply of caviar were as plentiful as the supply of potatoes, the price of caviar—that is, the exchange ratio between caviar and money or caviar and other commodities—would change considerably. In that case, one could obtain caviar at a much smaller sacrifice than is required today.

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Yanis Varoufakis: From an Economics without Capitalism to Markets without Capitalism | DiEM25

A lecture organised by University of Tübingen economics students, delivered on Monday February 3, 2020, on the theme "From an Economics without Capitalism to Markets without Capitalism".

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Bitcoin wertlos, wenn er reguliert wird?

► TIPP 1: Hole Dir mein exklusives E-Book zum Thema Bitcoin, mit allen Informationen, die Du wissen musst - 100% gratis: http://lars-erichsen.de/

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Funding for start-ups barely dented by coronavirus

More than CHF2 billion of venture capital flowed into young Swiss companies for the second year in a row, a sustained rate of funding that defied the economic destruction wreaked by the pandemic last year.

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Short-Trades Tabu | Der Blick auf die Woche | KW04

Short-Trades Tabu | Der Blick auf die Woche | KW04 Diese Woche heißt es Finger weg von Short-Trades! Trage dich jetzt in unseren Newsletter ein, um den "Blick auf die Woche" am Montag noch vor allen anderen zu erhalten: https://mariolueddemann.com/aktuelles/#newsletter Basiskurs Trading: https://mariolueddemann.com/basiskurs-trading/ Screeningdienst für nur 1€ testen: https://mariolueddemann.com/screeningdienst/ Termine: 06.02. -...

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Dollar Trading Sideways as FOMC Meeting Begins

The FOMC begins its two-day meeting today with a decision out tomorrow afternoon; Senate Minority Leader McConnell has finally agreed to a power-sharing deal based on the 2001 model; President Biden signaled willingness to negotiate his stimulus proposal in order to get a bipartisan deal; Fed manufacturing surveys for January will continue to roll out; Brazil reports mid-January IPCA inflation

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