Tag Archive: newsletter

Competition watchdog takes closer look at Sunrise-UPC deal

COMCO, the Swiss Competition Commission, is to intensify its investigation of telecoms operator Sunrise’s takeover of UPC Switzerland, amid fears that the move could create positions of market dominance in several areas.

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What Kind Of Risks/Mess Are We Looking At?

The fact that the mainstream isn’t taking this all very seriously isn’t anything new. But how serious are things really? That’s pretty much the only question anyone should be asking. What are the curves telling us about what’s now just over the horizon?

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Interview mit dem Center for Free Enterprise, Seoul, 03.06.2019 (Deutsch)

Folgen Sie mir auf Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/r.zitelmann/ Folgen Sie mir auf Forbes.com - https://www.forbes.com/sites/rainerzitelmann/ Meine Homepage - http://www.rainer-zitelmann.de/ Die Webseite zum Buch von Dr. Dr. Rainer Zitelmann: Inhaltsverzeichnis - Leserproben - Bestellmöglichkeit: http://kapitalismus-ist-nicht-das-problem.de

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Dollar Supply Creates Dollar Demand, Report 2 June

We have been discussing the impossibility of China nuking the Treasury bond market. We covered a list of challenges China would face. Then last week we showed that there cannot be such a thing as a bond vigilante in an irredeemable currency. Now we want to explore a different path to the same conclusion that China cannot nuke the Treasury bond market.

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FX Daily, June 03: US Penchant for Tariffs Keeps Investors on Edge

Overview:  The weekend failed to break the grip of investor worries that is driving stocks and yields lower.  The US Administration's penchant for tariffs is not simply aimed at China, where there is some sympathy, but the move against Mexico, dropping special privileges for India, and apparently, had considered tariffs on Australia.  At the same time, the threat of 25% tariff on auto imports.

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Swiss Consumer Price Index in May 2019: +0.6 percent YoY, +0.3 percent MoM

03.06.2019 - The consumer price index (CPI) increased by 0.3% in May 2019 compared with the previous month, reaching 102.7 points (December 2015 = 100). Inflation was 0.6% compared with the same month of the previous year. These are the results of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Switzerland world’s 4th most competitive nation, according to business school ranking

Every year, Lausanne-based IMD business school publishes its global competitiveness ranking. Switzerland climbed from 5th last year to 4th behind Singapore, Hong Kong and the US. Venezuela (63rd) was last. The ranking, established in 1989, incorporates 235 indicators and takes into account a wide range of “hard” statistics such as unemployment, GDP and government spending on health and education, as well as “soft” data from an survey of business...

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FX Weekly Preview: Curiouser and Curiouser

The first week of June features the Reserve Bank of Australia meeting, an ECB meeting, and the US employment data.  The RBA is expected to deliver its first rate cut in three years.  The market appears to have discounted not only a second cut in H2 but has priced nearly half of a third cut as well.

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Fewer Swiss farms and dairy cows, more egg-layers and goats

Last year 768 farmers in Switzerland called it quits, while others increased their livestock numbers and production of organic food. Figures released this week by the Swiss Federal Statistical Officeexternal link revealed a 1.5% drop in the number of farms, bringing the total down to 50,852. However, the number of certified organic farms rose by about 400 to 7,032.

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Switzerland a top place for skilled foreign workers and students

Switzerland is one of the most attractive locations for highly qualified foreign workers, according to a new study by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). In a ranking of 35 countries presented on Wednesday, Switzerland comes third behind Australia and Sweden as an attractive destination for skilled workers with a Masters degree or doctorate.

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More What’s Behind Yield Curve: Now Two Straight Negative Quarters For Corporate Profit

The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) piled on more bad news to the otherwise pleasing GDP headline for the first quarter. In its first revision to the preliminary estimate, the government agency said output advanced just a little less than first thought. This wasn’t actually the substance of their message.

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US Money Supply Growth and the Production Structure – Signs of an Aging Boom

Money Supply Growth Continues to Decelerate. Here is a brief update of recent developments in US true money supply growth as well as the trend in the ratio of industrial production of capital goods versus consumer goods (we use the latter as a proxy for the effects of credit expansion on the economy’s production structure).

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FX Daily, May 31: US Struggles to Build Physical Wall, Tries Tariff Wall on Mexico

Overview: The US announcement to lay a 5% tariff on all goods coming from Mexico (starting June 10) until it stops the flow of "illegal migrants" spurred sharp losses in the Mexican peso and general risk-off move that strengthened the yen. The tariffs are set to rise every month until reaching 25%. This is a significant surprise and especially given that the Trump Administration is preparing to formally submit the USMCA to Congress.

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Expansion of SNB statistics

New Focus Article series published on data portal. The Swiss National Bank is expanding its offering in the field of statist ics. It is to start publishing articles on selected statistical subjects at irregular intervals. These articles will appear on the SNB data portal (data.snb.ch, Resources, International economic affairs, Focus articles) as so-called focus articles.

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Swiss Retail Sales, April 2019: -0.1 percent Nominal and -0.7 percent Real

31.05.2019 - Turnover in the retail sector fell by 0.1% in nominal terms in April 2019 compared with the previous year. Seasonally adjusted, nominal turnover rose by 0.4% compared with the previous month. These are provisional findings from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Switzerland ranked world’s fourth most competitive economy

Switzerland is Europe’s most competitive nation, coming fourth in the annual global ranking of the Lausanne-based IMD business school. The small Alpine nation climbed from fifth to fourth place in the 63-country competitiveness ranking. It was helped by economic growth, the stability of the Swiss franc and high-quality infrastructure, IMD said on Tuesday.

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Gold Investment In Switzerland Remains Very Popular

Investors in Switzerland like gold and it is the second most popular investment after property or real estate20% plan to invest in gold in the next 12 monthsAlmost two-thirds buy or invest in precious metals at their bank; fewer than one-in-ten buy gold online

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Why Being a Politician Is No Longer Fun

As a society, we are ill-prepared for the end of "politics is the solution." It's fun to be a politician when there's plenty of tax revenues and borrowed money to distribute, and when the goodies get bipartisan support. An economy that's expanding all household incomes more or less equally is fun, fun, fun for politicians because more household income generates more income tax revenues and more spending that generates other taxes.

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Canada, Mexico, and the USMCA

The US dollar closed today above CAD1.3500 for the first time since January 2.  Despite the setback, the Canadian dollar is the strongest of the major currencies year-to-date with a little less than a one percent gain.  The yen, in second, has is up about 0.2% (~JPY109.50).  Among emerging market currencies,  the Mexican peso's 2.6% gain puts it in in second place behind the Russian rouble's 7.2% appreciation.

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FX Daily, May 30: Kill Bull: Intermission

Overview:  After significant moves in equities and interest rates, investors are taking a collective breath, waiting for fresh developments.  A nervous calm has settled over the capital market.  China, Japan, and Australian equities leaked lower, but other bourses in the region, including Korea and Taiwan posted modest gains, while Indonesian equities are still responding positively to the recent election.

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