Category Archive: 1) SNB and CHF

Week Ahead: Highlights include Fed, US CPI; ECB, BoE, SNB, Norges Bank

MON: UK GDP Estimate (Oct), Chinese M2/New Yuan Loans (Nov).TUE: OPEC MOMR; BoE Financial Stability Report; German CPI Final (Nov), UK Unemployment Rate (Oct)/Claimant Count (Nov), EZ ZEW (Dec), US CPI (Nov), Japanese Tankan (Q4), New Zealand Current Account (Q3).WED: FOMC Policy Announcement, IEA OMR; UK CPI (Nov), Swedish CPIF (Nov), EZ Industrial Production (Oct), US Export/Import Prices (Nov), Japanese Exports/Imports (Nov).THU: ECB, BoE,...

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Issuance calendar for Confederation bonds and money market debt register claims in 2023

The Swiss National Bank (SNB) and the Federal Finance Administration (FFA) advise as follows: The FFA plans to issue bonds with a face value of CHF 8 billion in 2023. Taking account of bonds maturing in 2023, the volume of bonds outstanding will increase by CHF 3.4 billion.

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SNB-Vize Schlegel signalisiert neuen Zinsschritt im Dezember

SNB-Vize Martin Schlegel hat angedeutet, dass die Schweizerische Nationalbank die Leitzinsen im Dezember erneut anheben wird. Er betonte die Notwendigkeit, das starke Wachstum der Konsumentenpreise zu bekämpfen.

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Andréa M. Maechler / Thomas Moser: Return to positive interest rates: Why reserve tiering?

It is with great pleasure that my colleague Thomas Moser and I welcome you to this year’s Swiss National Bank (SNB) Money Market Event in Geneva. We are very glad that so many of you have joined us this evening, be it on site or remotely.

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SNB-Maechler: Rückkehr zu positiven Zinsen bedingt neuen Ansatz für Geldpolitik

Die erste Leizins-Erhöhung seit 15 Jahren im Juni bezeichnet SNB-Direktoriumsmitglied Andréa Maechler als historischen Moment.

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Barclays forecasts EURCHF trading around parity for the next few quarters

Barclays Research discusses CHF outlook and targets EUR/CHF around 0.97, 0.97, 0.98, and 1.00 by end of Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 of next year respectively.

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SNB’s Jordan: Monetary policy is is still expansionary

SNB's Jordan, who has been chatting more in the NY session at least of late, is no the wires saying:monetary policy is a still expansionarywe have most likely to adjust monetary policy againinflation is very thorny and there is still a risk that inflation will rise furtherinflation rate is above our target now.

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SNBs Jordan: IN 2023, sees Swiss growth weaker than this year. USDCHF trades near lows.

SNB's Jordan is on the wires saying that:He sees weaker growth in 2023 than this year.SNB still has credibility that inflation will moderateInflation has broadenedSees limited 2nd round wage effects in SwitzerlandThere is a great probablility that SNB will need to further tighten monetary policy.

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EZB-Ratsmitglied Holzmann: Fiskalpolitik im Euroraum gibt mehr Geld aus als nötig

Der Kampf der EZB gegen die Rekordinflation wird zum Teil von einer Haushaltspolitik konterkariert, die zu viel Geld ausgibt, um die steigenden Lebenshaltungskosten abzufedern, sagte Ratsmitglied Robert Holzmann.

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How to Lose $143 Billion Trading Stocks

Now here’s the headline! Swiss National Bank loses nearly $143 billion in first nine months Reuters reported the Q3 result last week, in which Switzerland’s publicly traded central bank (SNB) suffered its largest loss in its 115-year history.

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Federal Reserve speakers coming up on Wednesday, 9 November 2022 – Williams, Barkin

The talking heads at the US Federal Reserve have pivoted to talking about how high rates will go before they top out as against how quickly they will rise.

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Thomas Jordan: Decision-making under uncertainty: The importance of pragmatism, consistency and determination

It is my pleasure to welcome you to this high-level conference on global risk, uncertainty and volatility. Thank you all for accepting our invitation to join the discussions. I am very pleased to see such a distinguished group of central bank officials and academics. I would like to thank our colleagues at the Bank for International Settlements and the Federal Reserve Board for working together with us in organising this event.

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Swiss National Bank, Banque de France, Monetary Authority of Singapore and BIS Innovation Hub to explore cross-border trading and settlement of wholesale CBDCs using DeFi protocols

Project Mariana explores automated market makers (AMM) for the cross-border exchange of hypothetical central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) in Swiss francs, euros and Singapore dollars between financial institutions to settle foreign exchange trades in financial markets.

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Turnover in foreign exchange and derivatives markets in Switzerland

The SNB has today published the results of the survey on turnover in foreign exchange and over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives markets in Switzerland. The data reflect the turnover in April 2022 of the banks surveyed.

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Thomas Jordan: Current challenges to central banks’ independence

In the recent past, the political and economic backdrop has changed dramatically. Inflation is far too high almost everywhere, and central banks are raising their policy interest rates at a time when stocks of government debt are large. In some places, central bank independence is being publicly called into question.

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SNB’s Jordan: Central Bank Independence is crucial to fight inflation effectively

SNB Jordan is on the wires speaks in general terms: Central bank independence is crucial to fight inflation effectively.

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Buch-Vernissage: Die SNB in Zürich. Das Gebäude der Gebrüder Pfister 1922 – 2022

Die Veranstaltung fand am 29.09.2022 statt.

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SNB-Direktorin Andrea Maechler: Weitere Zinserhöhungen könnten nötig sein

Die Schweizerische Nationalbank (SNB) ist zu weiteren Zinserhöhungen bereit, um die Inflation unter Kontrolle zu bringen.

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CHF traders – heads up for a SNB speaker Wednesday, 5 October 2022 – Maechler

Swiss National Bank monetary policymaker Andrea Maechler is speaking at 1130 GMT, at an event titled: After the interest rate change: high inflation, rising interest. How will it affect the Swiss economy?

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The strong Swiss franc – truth or myth?

The Swiss franc has hit an all-time high against the euro. Even though it trades at an unprecedented CHF0.95 to the euro, the strong franc no longer poses a threat to the Swiss economy. What has changed in the last ten years? 

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