Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

Bank Of England Warns “Bigger Systemic Risk” Now Than 2008

Bank of England warn that “bigger systemic risk” now than in 2008. BOE, Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) concerns re financial system. Banks accused of “balance sheet trickery” -undermining spirit of post-08 rules. EU & UK corporate bond markets may be bigger source of instability than ’08. Credit card debt and car loan surge could cause another financial crisis. PRA warn banks returning to similar practices to those that sparked 08 crisis....

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Sprott Money News Ask the Expert July 2017 – David Morgan

Silver expert David Morgan joins us to discuss wide range of topics related to silver and the precious metals.

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“Financial Crisis” In 2017 Or By End Of 2018 – Prepare Now

John Mauldin of Mauldin Economics latest research note, Prepare for Turbulence, is excellent and a must read warning about the coming financial crisis. Mind refreshed from what sounds like a wonderful honeymoon and having had the time to read some books outside his “comfort zone” he has come to the conclusion that we are on the verge of a “major financial crisis, if not later this year, then by the end of 2018 at the latest.”

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Stockholm Syndrome – Precious Metals Supply and Demand

Stockholm Syndrome is defined as “…a condition that causes hostages to develop a psychological alliance with their captors as a survival strategy during captivity.” While observers would expect kidnapping victims to fear and loathe the gang who imprison and threaten them, the reality is that some don’t.

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MARC FABER – The Upcoming Economic Recession in 2017 Has Begun


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“Financial Crisis” Of Historic Proportions Is “Bearing Down On Us”

“Financial Crisis Of Historic Proportions” Is “Bearing Down On Us”. John Mauldin of Mauldin Economics lata“Financial Crisis Of Historic Proportions” Is “Bearing Down On Us”. John Mauldin of Mauldin Economics latest research note, Prepare for Turbulence, is excellent and a must read warning about the coming financial crisis.

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Exclusive Interview With Axel Merk On Diversifying With Gold Cash

Read the full transcript here: Axel Merk, President and Chief Investment Officer of Merk Investments and manager of the Merk Funds breaks down investor complacency, the risk of putting too much money into risk assets and gives advice on the proper weighting of precious metals in your own portfolio. Don’t miss a sensational interview …

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India Gold Imports Surge To 5 Year High – 220 Tons In May Alone

Gold imports into India have surged in the last six months thanks to festivals, economic recovery and concerns over a new tax regime and the push for the cashless society in India. Imports totalled 521 tonnes in the first half of this year, compared to just 510 tonnes in all of 2016.

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Putting the Latest Silver Crash Under a Lens

Keith Weiner’s weekly look on Gold. Gold and silver prices, Gold-Silver Price Ratio, Gold basis and co-basis and the dollar price, Silver basis and co-basis and the dollar price.

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“Silver’s Plunge Is Nearing Completion”

– Silver’s plunge is nearing completion – Bloomberg analyst. Silver’s 10% sharp fall in seconds remains “mystery”. Plunge despite anemic global supply and strong demand .Total silver supply declined in ’16 – lowest level since ’13. Silver mine production down in ’16, first time in 14 years. Total silver supply decreased by 32.6 Mln Ozs in 2016 .Supply deficit in 2016- fourth consecutive year (see table). “Falling knife” caution but opportunity...

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6 Things Precious Metals Naysayers Get Dead Wrong – Stefan Gleason

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6 Things Precious Metals Naysayers Get Dead Wrong – Stefan Gleason

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China, Russia Alliance Deepens Against American Overstretch

China and Russia allied on Syria and North Korea. Beijing & Moscow economic & monetary ties deepen. Trump needs Russia in order to maintain balance of power in superpower triumvirate. Sino-Russian relations currently in their “best time in history” says Chinese President ahead of G20.

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6 Things Precious Metals Naysayers Get Dead Wrong – Stefan Gleason

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Gold and Silver Capitulation – Precious Metals Supply & Demand Report

Keith Weiner’s weekly look on Gold. Gold and silver prices, Gold-Silver Price Ratio, Gold basis and co-basis and the dollar price, Silver basis and co-basis and the dollar price.

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Marc Faber on the Wealth Gap, the Economic Impact of Technology, Populism, and War in Asia

Subscribe to Hidden Forces here: In this Market Forces segment of the Hidden Forces podcast, Demetri Kofinas speaks with the investor, commentator, and editor of the Gloom, Boom, and Doom Report, Marc Faber. Though Dr. Faber has been dubbed “Dr. Doom,” by the financial press, he is perhaps most famous for his very accurate …

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Silver Prices Bounce Higher After 7% Fall In Minute

– Silver prices ‘flash crash’ before rebound– Silver hammered 7% lower in less than minute in Asian trading– Silver fell from $16 to $14.82, before recovering to $15.89– Silver plunge blamed on another ‘trading error’– Gold similar ‘flash crash’ last week and similar recovery– Hallmarks of market manipulation as $450 million worth of silver futures sold in minute– Trading ‘errors’ always push gold and silver lower. Why never...

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Unveiling the Silver in the LBMA London vaults

Sometime in the coming days, the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) plans to begin reporting the amount of real physical gold and silver that is actually stored in the network of LBMA vaults in London. This follows an announcement made by the LBMA on 8 May.

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A Look at the Gold and Silver Price Drop of 3 July, 2017

Keith Weiner’s weekly look on Gold. Gold and silver prices, Gold-Silver Price Ratio, Gold basis and co-basis and the dollar price, Silver basis and co-basis and the dollar price.

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Synthetic Gold Holdings Are An Accident Waiting To Happen (w/ Ronan Manly) | Gold | Real Vision™

The only financial TV that matters. Start a 30 day trial on Real Vision to watch this interview in full: Ronan Manly brings an investment banking background to his analysis of the London gold market, which is dominated by a handful of bullion banks and huge unallocated positions. An inability to convert these positions …

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