Tag Archive: newsletter

Silver industry responds to WallStreetBets silverqueeze: David Morgan, Alasdair Macleod, and more!

Now that the WallStreetBets group has turned its sights to silver, bullion dealers are getting sold out as the market awaits the Sunday night open.

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FX Daily, February 4: Negative Rates and the Bank of England: Having Your Cake and Eating it Too

Overview:  The euro has been sold through $1.20 for the first time since December 1 and has now given back roughly half of the gains scored from the US election (~$1.16) to the early January high (~$.1.2350).  More broadly, the greenback is bid against most of the major currencies, with the Australian dollar more resilient after reported record iron ore exports and all but a handful of emerging market currencies. 

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PUMP!! Warum steigen Cardano, Polkadot, etc. so stark??

PUMP!! Warum steigen Cardano, Polkadot, etc. so stark?? Was ist tun? Kaufen? Verkaufen? Hodln? In diesem Video erkäre ich genau, was ich mache! ► DeFiChain: DeFi für's Bitcoin Ökosystem: https://trade.kucoin.com/DFI-USDT ► Hier kannst du bitcoins kaufen und bekommst auch gleich bis zu 10% pro Jahr Zinsen: https://cakedefi.com/ —————— Hat dir das Video gefallen? Gib mir nen DAUMEN HOCH ? bzw. TEILE dieses Video um gemeinsam AT, DE und CH...

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There’s Nothing Wrong with Short Selling

The recent GameStop short-squeeze drama has riveted financial markets. Given the historic unpopularity of short sellers (e.g., Holman Jenkins has written that “short-selling is…widely unpopular with everyone who has a stake in seeing stock prices go up”), the resulting heightened invective against them is not a surprise.

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Mn Gordon’s Wealth Prism Letter

Seven Ways To Profit From Obama's Destruction Of America's Financial System. #Mn, #Gordon's, #Wealth, #Prism, #Letter

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Https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/could-take-dollar-down-alasdair-macleod-warns-theres-real-crisis-winds https://sofrep.com/news/the-coming-economic-collapse-of-2021-and-how-to-benefit/

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Dr Marc Faber Market Will Crash, Be Careful

Dr. Marc Faber was born in Zurich, Switzerland and obtained a PhD in Economics at the University of Zurich.

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Libertarianismo – Murray N. Rothbard

Murray N. Rothbard apresentou seu discurso na Convenção do Partido Libertário de Michigan, realizada em Southfield, Michigan, em maio de 1989. O trecho também inclui uma sessão de perguntas e respostas. Agradecimentos especiais a Bob Roddis por disponibilizar este vídeo.

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DIW-Präsident Fratzscher: “Dass wir einen Wirtschaftsboom erleben werden, halte ich für gewagt”

Der Präsident des Deutschen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), Prof. Marcel Fratzscher, wagte am Mittwoch im Rahmen eines Gesprächs mit Vertretern des Vereins der Ausländischen Presse einen Ausblick auf die Entwicklung der deutschen Wirtschaft im Jahr 2021.

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Reddit Residue on Silver, 3 February

The price of silver is going up and down like a yo-yo. On Sunday and into the first part of Monday, the price skyrocketed on news that Reddit was touting the metal. But as the data clearly showed, the price was not driven up by retail buying of physical metal.

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FX Daily, February 3: The Greenback Remains Resilient as the Bulls Drive Equities Higher

Equities have charged higher, and the greenback is mostly firmer.  News that Draghi may become Italy's next Prime Minister has boosted Italian bonds.  The PBOC unexpectedly drained liquidity, and this may have deterred buying of Chinese stocks, a notable exception in the regional rally.

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Wie kannst Du mit einem Short Squeeze Geld verdienen

Was ist ein Shortsqueeze? Im Aktienmarkt kann man Aktien kaufen (long gehen). Wenn der Aktienwert steigt verdient man. Man kann aber auch Aktien verkaufen, welche man gar nicht besitzt (short gehen) und diese zu einen späteren Zeitpunkt kaufen. Wenn man “short geht” verdient man dann, wenn Aktienkurse fallen. Beim “long” gehen sind die Gewinne nicht gedeckelt (eine Aktie kann sich im Wert vervielfachen). Die Verluste sind aber auf 100%...

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Ruh Roh Silver

Sometimes you can count on the manipulation conspiracy theorists to get it exactly wrong. Not just a little bit wrong, nor halfway wrong. Not even mostly wrong. Totally wrong, backwards.

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Yanis Varoufakis meets Owen Jones

Yanis Varoufakis is one of the world's most famous economists and left-wing intellectuals. The former Finance Minister of Greece, he is a Greek politician, the founder of the Democracy in Europe Movement (DiEM25) and launched the Progressive International with Bernie Sanders.

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There Is No “Optimum” Growth Rate for the Money Supply

Most economists hold that a growing economy requires a growing money stock on the grounds that growth gives rise to a greater demand for money that must be accommodated. Failing to do so, it is maintained, will lead to a decline in the prices of goods and services, which in turn will destabilize the economy and lead to an economic recession or, even worse, depression.

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Wall Street Outsiders versus the Hedge Funds

The investment world was convulsed last week when at least one hedge fund (Melvin Capital) lost billions of dollars. The sudden, massive losses happened when a tidal wave of independent individual investors, spearheaded by posts on Reddit.com, triggered a short squeeze that torpedoed the hedge fund.

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Are Switzerland’s new tax breaks for companies a licence to misbehave?

Switzerland has announced that companies will be able to deduct multi-million dollar fines incurred abroad from their tax bill. Critics argue it rewards bad behaviour.

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Our Fragile, Brittle Stock Market

This heavily managed 'market structure' is far from equilibrium and extremely prone to instability.

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#42 physisches Gold als “ultimative Liquidität” – Golden Times

Die Themen in diesem Degussa-Marktreport: Degussa-Chefvolkswirt Thorsten Polleit sieht physisches Gold als ultimative Liquidität. Was überhaupt ist unter Liquidität zu verstehen? Welche Erkenntnisse kann man aus der Haltedauer und den gehandelten Volumina ziehen?

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Leaving gold and silver and lead as your ultimate salvation

Leaving gold and silver and lead as your ultimate salvation

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