Category Archive: 5) Global Macro

Sickcare is the Knife in the Heart of Employment–and the Economy

We need to change the incentives of the entire system, not just healthcare, but if we don't start with healthcare, that financial cancer will drag us into national insolvency all by itself. American Healthcare is a growth industry in the same way cancer is a growth industry: both keep growing until they kill the host, which in the case of healthcare is the U.S. economy. While a great many individuals in the system care about improving the...

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Fortnite to far right: the rise of digital extremism | The Economist

In America, far-right extremism is now considered a greater domestic threat than Islamist terrorism. The pandemic has exacerbated the spread of white supremacism and neo-nazism, which are a plague to global security.

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Why Wage Inflation Will Accelerate

The Fed has created trillions out of thin air to boost the speculative wealth of Wall Street, but it can't print experienced workers willing to work for low wages. The Federal Reserve is reassuring us daily that inflation is temporary, but allow me to assure you that wage inflation is just getting started and will accelerate rapidly.

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Covid-19: how many people have died? | The Economist

Officially, covid-19 has killed 3m people around the world. But statistical modelling from The Economist suggests the number could be as much as four times higher. Chapters 00:00 - How accurate is the official death toll? 01:25 - How to calculate the real death toll 02:10 - How to calculate India’s death toll? 03:25 - Where has the death toll been underreported? 04:14 - Where are excess deaths lower than expected? 05:06 - India’s second wave...

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The ‘Take This Job and Shove It’ Recession

So hey there Corporate America, the Fed and your neofeudal cronies: take this job and shove it. This time it really is different, but not in the way the Wall Street shucksters are claiming.

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Is Myanmar a failed state? | The Economist

Myanmar is on the brink of collapse. Its armed forces are continuing a brutal crackdown—arresting, torturing and killing protesters—as Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar’s de-facto leader, is detained. Our experts answer your questions. Chapters 00:00 - What will happen to Aung San Suu Kyi? 02:15 - What are India and China doing? 03:37 - Should the West intervene? 05:25 - What’s happening to the Rohingya refugees? 07:16 - How will Myanmar’s neighbours be...

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Here’s How ‘Everything Bubbles’ Pop

At long last, the moment you've been hoping for has arrived: you're pitching your screenplay to a producer. Your agent is cautious but you're confident nobody else has concocted a story as outlandish as yours. Your agent gives you the nod and you're off and running:

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Could digital currencies put banks out of business? | The Economist

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have been billed as a major disruptor to finance. But digital currencies issued by governments might be even more radical—they may even threaten the future of traditional banking. Read our special report, “The Future of Banking” : Sign up to our newsletter to keep up to date: Read more of our coverage on Finance & Economics: Listen to...

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Hey Fed, Explain Again How Making Billionaires Richer Creates Jobs

Despite their hollow bleatings about 'doing all we can to achieve full employment', the Fed's policies has been Kryptonite to employment, labor and the bottom 90%--and most especially to the bottom 50%, the working poor that one might imagine most deserve a leg up. As wealth and income inequality soar to new heights thanks to the Federal Reserve's policies of zero interest rates, money-printing and financial stimulus, the Fed says its goal...

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SMART BOURSE – L’invité de la mi-journée : Thomas Costerg (Pictet WM)

Jeudi 6 mai 2021, SMART BOURSE reçoit Thomas Costerg (Économiste sénior US, Pictet WM)

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Is Taiwan part of China? | The Economist

Taiwan’s sovereignty has been a disputed issue for centuries. Though the island sees itself as independent, China insists it is part of the People’s Republic and has not ruled out taking Taiwan by force. That could ignite an all-out war between American and China. Sign up to our newsletter to keep up to date: Read all of our Asia coverage: Listen to Intelligence’s daily podcast “Scared strait:...

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Jeff Snider Just Emailed Me…(You Won’t Believe What He Said)

Jeff Snider Just Emailed Me...(You Won't Believe What He Said)

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What’s Yours Is Now Mine: America’s Era of Accelerating Expropriation

The takeaway here is obvious: earn as little money as possible and invest your surplus labor in assets that can't be expropriated. Expropriation: dispossessing the populace of property and property rights, via the legal and financial over-reach of monetary and political authorities.

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Alexei Navalny: will the West stand up to Russia? | The Economist

Alexei Navalny’s hunger strike has prompted widespread international support. Vladimir Putin has warned that any country meddling in Russia’s affairs will “regret their actions”. How should the West respond to a tyrant like Putin? Chapters 00:00 - What’s happening in Russia? 00:54 - What does Navalny represent for Russia? 01:36 - How should America respond? 03:08 - Do sanctions work? 05:30 - Why were troops sent to the Ukranian border? 07:20 -...

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The Only Way to Get Ahead Now Is Crazy-Risky Speculation

It's all so pathetic, isn't it? The only way left to get ahead in America is to leverage up the riskiest gambles. It's painfully obvious that the only way left to get ahead in America is crazy-risky speculation, but nobody seems to even notice this stark and stunning reality. Why are people piling into crazy-risky bets on speculative vehicles like Gamestop and Dogecoin?

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SMART BOURSE – L’invité de la mi-journée : Thomas Costerg (Pictet WM)

Jeudi 22 avril 2021, SMART BOURSE reçoit Thomas Costerg (Économiste sénior US, Pictet WM)

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Charles Hugh Smith on the Terminally Ill Economy


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If You Don’t See Any Risk, Ask Who Will “Buy the Dip” in a Freefall?

Nobody thinks a euphoric rally could ever go bidless, but as Greenspan belatedly admitted, liquidity is not guaranteed. The current market melt-up is taken as nearly risk-free because the Fed has our back, i.e. the Federal Reserve will intervene long before any market decline does any damage.

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Weekly Market Pulse: The Market Did What??!!

One of the most common complaints I hear about the markets is that they are “divorced from reality”, that they aren’t acting as the current economic data would seem to dictate. I’ve been in this business for 30 years and I think I first heard that in year one. Or maybe even before I decided to lose my mind and start managing other people’s money. Because, of course, it has always been this way.

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America’s Fatal Synergies

America's financial system and state are themselves the problems, yet neither system is capable of recognizing this or unwinding their fatal synergies. why do some systems/states emerge from crises stronger while similar systems/states collapse?

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