Tag Archive: newslettersent

Precious Metals Supply and Demand

Keith Weiner’s weekly look on Gold. Gold and silver prices, Gold-Silver Price Ratio, Gold basis and co-basis and the dollar price, Silver basis and co-basis and the dollar price.

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Après les Panama Papers, enquête sur Malte, « paradis fiscal méconnu ». L’Express

l existe une armée « d’émigrés du fisc à Malte », dénonce un consortium de journalistes. Bouygues et Total figurent parmi les entreprises épinglées. Mediapart et le réseau European Investigative Collaborations (EIC) ont publié, vendredi, une longue enquête sur Malte et « les coulisses d’un paradis fiscal« .

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A Look Inside The Secret Swiss Bunker Where The Ultra Rich Hide Their Bitcoins

Somewhere in the mountains near Switzerland’s Lake Lucerne lies a hidden underground vault containing a vast fortune. It’s no ordinary vault, according to Quartz. Built inside a decommissioned Swiss military bunker dug into a granite mountain, it’s precise location is a closely guarded secret, and access is limited by myriad security precautions.

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Le Liban découvre la politique monétaire non conventionnelle

S’il y a une chose que les Libanais savent faire, c’est compter! S’il y a une deuxième chose qu’ils savent faire, c’est oser s’exprimer. C’est exactement ce que le député Georges Adwan a fait: Calculer le manque à gagner généré par la Banque du Liban à travers sa politique monétaire, et en faire part.

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FX Daily, October 24: Dollar Treads Water as 10-year Yield Knocks on 2.40percent

The US dollar is narrowly mixed in mostly uneventful turnover in the foreign exchange market. There is a palpable sense of anticipation. Anticipation for the ECB meeting on Thursday, which is expected to see a six or nine-month extension of asset purchases at a pace half of the current 60 bln a month. Anticipation of the new Fed Chair, which President Trump says will be announced: "very, very soon."

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Weekly Technical Analysis: 23/10/2017 – USDJPY, EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCAD


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Canada: Monetary and Fiscal Updates This Week

Divergence between US and Canada's two-year rates is key for USD-CAD exchange rate. Canada's 2 hikes in Q3 were not part of a sustained tightening sequence. Policy mix considerations also favor the greenback if US policy becomes more stimulative.

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Les coulisses secrètes de l’Europe vues par Yannis Varoufakis.

L’ancien ministre grec Yannis Varoufakis vient de sortir un livre, « Conversations entre adultes. Dans les coulisses secrètes de l’Europe (Les Liens qui libèrent, 530 pages, 26 euros) », dans lequel cet économiste anticonformiste relate son expérience de ministre des finances de sept mois, janvier-juillet 2015, dans le gouvernement d’extrême-gauche de Alexis Tsipras.

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What Made Gold Go Up Last Thursday

Claim-Less Delirium. Yesterday, the Department of Labor announced that initial jobless claims dropped. Quite a lot. So naturally, markets reacted. The stock market began to rise. The euro rose, at least for a while. And the prices of our favorite heavy metals rose, particularly silver. Silver was around its low of $16.92 before the report. Two and a half hours later, it was $17.26. Our first reaction was to ask, “really??

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Bi-Weekly Economic Review: Yawn

When I wrote the update two weeks ago I said that we might be nearing the point of maximum optimism. Apparently, there is another gear for optimism in this market as stocks have just continued to slowly but surely reach for the sky.

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FX Daily, October 23: US Dollar Starts New Week on Firm Note

The US dollar is enjoying modest gains against most currencies as prospects of both tax reform and additional monetary tightening by the Fed carry over from last week. The strong showing of the Liberal Democrats in Japan, where the governing coalition has maintained its super-majority is seen as confirmation of continuity. This helped lift Japanese shares and weighed on the yen. The Nikkei advanced 1.1%, the most in a month, and extends the...

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FX Weekly Preview: Three on a Match: US Tax Reform, ECB and Bank of Canada Meetings

Busy week of economic data and central bank meetings, and reaction to Spanish developments and Japan and Czech elections. Focus below is on the Bank of Canada and ECB meetings and tax reform in the US. The biggest challenge to tax reform is unlikely on the committee level but on the floor votes, especially in the Senate, in a similar way the stymied health care reform. US and German 2-year rates are diverging the most since the late 1990s and...

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Stories making the Swiss Sunday papers

Scepticism of Sion’s Winter Olympics bid, the cost of travelling around the country and Switzerland’s addiction to sugar – here are some of the leading stories making Swiss newspapers on Sunday. The bid for the 2026 Winter Olympics has seriously underestimated the cost of security for the event, according to some observers.

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Key Charts: Gold is Cheap and US Recession May Be Closer Than Think

Every year, Ronald-Peter Stoeferle and Mark J Valek of investment and asset management company Incrementum put together the report In Gold We Trust – 160-plus pages of charts and thoughts, mostly gold-related, on the state of the world’s finances. There’s so much to look at and consider. It’s a sort of digital equivalent of a coffee-table book.

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Emerging Markets: Week Ahead Preview

EM FX ended the week on a soft note. Indeed, nearly every EM currency was down for the entire week, led by ZAR, BRL, and TRY. While higher US rates will pressure EM FX as a whole, we think heightend political risk will continue to hit these three currencies particularly hard, plus perhaps MXN too.

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Which Rotten Fruit Falls First?

I predict the current investigations will widen and take a variety of twists and turns that surprise all those anticipating a tidy, narrowly focused denouement. The theme this week is The Rot Within. To those of us who understand the entire status quo is rotten and corrupt to its core, the confidence of each ideological camp that their side will emerge unscathed by investigation is a source of amusement.

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One billion franc Swiss winter Olympic bid sparks backlash

On Wednesday, Switzerland’s Federal Council said it would stand behind the country’s winter Olympic bid to the tune of nearly one billion francs, according to newspaper 20 Minutes. The town of Sion, in Valais, is throwing its Olympic hat into the ring as the centerpiece for the 2026 winter games. Other cantons would also host certain events. In autumn 2019, a choice will be made between Sion, and other possible contenders, including Innsbruck...

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End of tax-free online shopping delayed by a year

Last year Switzerland’s government announced plans to change the rules on charging VAT on imported goods. Currently, most things ordered abroad and sent through the post to Switzerland that attract VAT of less than CHF 5, are waived through customs free of charge.

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Gold Up 74percent and One Of Top Performing Assets Since Last Market Peak 10 Years Ago

10 year anniversary of pre-Global Financial Crisis market peak in S&P 500 on October 9th. Gold up 74% since the last market peak a decade ago; 11% pa in USD, 9.4% pa in EUR and 12.4% pa in GBP. Precious metal has climbed $736/oz on Oct 9th 2007 to $1278.75 ten-years later. S&P 500’s 102% climb is thanks to asset-pumping policies by central banks, rather than value. Gold’s performance is slowly forcing mainstream to re-consider gold.

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GDP Is Bogus: Here’s Why

The rot eating away at our society and economy is typically papered over with bogus statistics that "prove" everything's getting better every day in every way. The prime "proof" of rising prosperity is the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which never fails to loft higher, with the rare excepts being Spots of Bother (recessions) that never last more than a quarter or two.

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