Tag Archive: newsletter

EU dependent on Nord Stream 1 for gas, ‘Gazprom will fulfill obligations,’ says Putin | World News

Russia is expected to restart the gas supplies via the North Stream One pipeline on time. This, as per the EU was preparing for Russia to delay the gas supplies after the North Stream One pipeline was shut down for its annual maintenance on July 11.

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Wie würdest du HEUTE neu starten? Live Q&A Teil 1 ‍

Wenn dir heute alles genommen wird, wie würdest du dann nochmal neu starten? Wieso es so wichtig ist dein aktives Einkommen stetig zu erhöhen und welche Chancen und Risiken du beachten solltest. Teilt Ihr diese Meinung und wie würdet Ihr neu starten? Schreibt es gerne in die Kommentare.

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The Real Policy Error Is Expanding Debt and Calling It "Growth"

Waste is not growth, and neither are the unlimited expansion of debt and speculative bubbles. The financial punditry is whipping itself into a frenzy about a Federal Reserve "policy error," which is code for "if the music finally stops, we're doomed!"

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Ask Bob: Is Maxing Out Your 401k A Good Investment Decision?

Since the beginning of 401(k) plans in 1978, people have considered it to be the quintessential retirement plan—you get to save money before taxes and in most cases, the company puts money into your account, too. What could be better than that? But now, 44 years later, it’s time to take a broader look at 401(k)s that considers taxes on 401(k) distributions.

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No Need to Meet With Dictators

By now, most everyone knows about President Biden’s famous “fist bump” with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the Saudi dictator who has been accused of orchestrating the brutal murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi when he visited a Saudi consulate in Turkey.

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Toleration Does Not Require Calling Evil Good

In the early morning of July 6th, an explosion damaged a monument in Georgia known as the Georgia Guidestones. Because of the damage, the rest of the monument was demolished for safety reasons. The stones were erected by anonymous donors in 1980 and list ten principles for humanity. At the time of writing, it seems that the explosion was the result of purposeful sabotage.

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Wirtschaft aktuell: Was passiert jetzt? Ray Dalio, Markus Krall, Dirk Müller und andere Experten klären auf! Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung kompakt zusammengefasst! Wie soll ich jetzt investieren?

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The Necessary Mindset of Buying Stocks for a Rational Investor | Charlie Munger | #Shorts

#mindset #buyingstocks #rationalinvestor #shorts

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Yield Curve Inversion ‘Infection’ Spreading [Ep. 263, Eurodollar University]

The US Treasury yield curve continues to spread and has reached the 52-week bill. The Fed is being told by the market it will be CUTTING rates, soon.

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What the Heck Is Happening to Silver?!

The dollar rose this week, from 17.87mg gold to 18.24mg (that’s “gold fell from $1,740 to $1,705” in DollarSpeak), a gain of 2.1%. In silver terms, it rose from 1.61g to 1.67g (in DollarSpeak, “silver dropped from $19.24 to $18.64), or 3.7%. As always, we want to look past the market price action. Two explanations are hot today. Let’s look at them first, before moving on to our unique analysis of the basis.

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Ray Dalio & Henry Kissinger on the Benefits & Risks of Competition in Tech

The benefits and risks of #competition in #tech. #principles #raydalio

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Silver WARNING : This Is About To Happen To Silver!!

Interest rates are going to rise considerably higher than expectations, forecasts Alasdair MacLeod, head of research at Gold Money. As rates rise, the value of bonds will fall, central banks' balance sheets will collapse in value.

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Christian, 59, Es ist nie zu spät zum Investieren!

Der #DividendenDienstag Livestream findet jeden Dienstag um 19:00 Uhr auf Instagram statt, zusammen mit Johannes Lortz philosophieren wir über #Dividenden #Aktien, das Investieren, die Börse und vieles mehr.

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Critical WARNING FOR GOLD & SILVER PRICE| This Is About To Happen…

Critical WARNING FOR GOLD & SILVER PRICE| This Is About To Happen... Alasdair Macleod | Gold Price

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Ernst Wolff: Russland, China und der Great Reset [Der aktuelle Kommentar 19.07.22]

Ein Kommentar von Ernst Wolff. Das erste Opfer im Krieg ist die Wahrheit. Dieser Spruch gilt auch für den Ukrainekrieg. Allerdings nicht nur für die aktuelle Berichterstattung, sondern auch für die politische Deutung des Konflikts. Eine ganze Anzahl internationaler Kommentatoren versucht uns in den letzten Wochen und Monaten weiszumachen, der Krieg zeige, dass die Welt sich in eine multipolare Richtung bewege. Während der Westen sich im Great...

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Bitcoin breaks outside recent up and down range and pushes toward next key target

The price of bitcoin breaks out of it's recent up and down trading range and looks toward the 38.2% retracement target

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Was läuft schief in Deutschland?

Was läuft schief in Deutschland?

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Aktuell steigender Dax im Fokus – Analyse mit Rüdiger Born

Der Dax steigt heute Nachmittag wegen neuer Hoffnungen um Nord Stream 1. Schauen wir uns das im Video aus charttechnischer Sicht an.

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Gas-Krise: Wie teuer wird es? Was Du jetzt tun kannst

Die Gaspreise steigen! Saidi erklärt im heutigen Video was jetzt auf uns alle zukommt und was Ihr tun könnt. Hol Dir die Finanztip App mit allen News für Dein Geld: https://apps.apple.com/de/app/finanztip/id1607874770 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.finanztip.mobileapp Finanztip Basics ► https://www.finanztip.de/youtube/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=videobeschreibung&utm_campaign=AQIBoyXXb2s Finanztip-News ►...

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