Tag Archive: Featured

Why Fed Bugs Really, Really Hate Gold

Judy Shelton, a Trump nominee to the Fed Board of Governors, may not have coined the excellent term "Fed Bug," but she used it to delicious effect in this 2019 Financial Times interview: “People call me a goldbug, and I think, well, what does that make them? A Fed bug,” she says.

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EM Preview for the Week Ahead

The dollar got some traction against the majors towards the end of last week. This weighed on EM FX, with the high best currencies TRY, BRL, CLP, and ZAR leading the losers. We downplay risk of contagion from Turkey, but we acknowledge it will keep investors wary of the countries with poor fundamentals.

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Coronavirus: Swiss health authority adds pregnant women to risk list

After a number of recent studies that suggest pregnant women are exposed to higher risks from the SARS-CoV-2 virus, Switzerland’s Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) adds them to the list of people vulnerable to Covid-19. The FOPH reached its recent conclusion based on discussions with the Swiss society of gynecology and obstetrics. The society sets out the findings of a number of studies in a report.

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If the “Market” Never Goes Down, The System Is Doomed

"Markets" that never go down aren't markets, they're signaling mechanisms of the Powers That Be. Markets are fundamentally clearing houses of information on price, demand, sentiment, expectations and so on--factual data on supply and demand, shipping costs, cost of credit, etc.--and reflections of trader and consumer emotions and psychology.

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Coronavirus: new cases in Switzerland remain at last week’s level

In the seven days to 7 August 2020, the reported number of new SARS-CoV-2 infections recorded in Switzerland was 1037, roughly the same as the 1,078 cases recorded the week before. Over the weeks prior to this there were 772 and 692 new cases, according to worldinfometer.com.

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Shoe V arning

It’s no wonder we’re obsessed with shoes these days. Even the V-people, as I’ll call them, keep one wary eye glued looking behind them. Survivor’s euphoria means a lot of potentially bad things, only beginning with a false sense of survivor-hood.

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FX Daily, August 07: Position Adjustment Dominates ahead of US/Canada Employment Reports

Escalating dramas may be behind the position adjustment today ahead of the US jobs data. The US and China feud expanded beyond Tiktok to WeChat, and efforts to tighten disclosure rules for Chinese companies listed in the US are nearing. The negotiations between the White House and the Democrats broke down, preventing or at least delaying additional stimulus. 

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Wann darf ich mehr als 2 ETFs im Depot haben?

Per möchte wissen: Ab wann ist mein Depot so groß, dass ich mehr als nur die Kombi MSCI World / MSCI Emerging Markets besparen kann? Viele Zeilen im Depot = Diversifikation Hm, der Finanzwesir hat eine klare Meinung dazu. Bonus-Meinung: Der Finanzwesir weiß, was Dr. Gerd Kommer von vielen Zeilen im Depot hält und sagt es auch. In diesem Clip! **Mehr vom Finanzwesir** - Blog: https://www.finanzwesir.com - Buch:...

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Swiss International Air Lines’ turnover halved due to coronavirus

The economic repercussions of the coronavirus have caused turnover at SWISS to fall by 55% in the first half of 2020. With a turnover of CHF1.17 billion ($1.28 billion) between January and the end of June, the carrier suffered an operating loss of CHF266.4 million in the first half of the year, following an operating profit of CHF245.3 million a year earlier.

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The Bogus “Recovery,” Stress and Burnout

We have three basic ways to counter the destructive consequences of stress.We have all experienced the disorientation and "brain freeze" that stress triggers. The pandemic and the responses to the pandemic have been continuous sources of stress, i.e. chronic stress, which is the pathway to burnout, the collapse of our ability to cope with the burdens pressing on us.

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FX Daily, August 06: Markets Consolidate

The Australian dollar powered to marginal news highs for the year as the move against the US dollar continued yesterday. The euro stopped a few hundredths of a cent below the high seen at the end of last week. However, neither sustained the upside momentum and have come back offered today.

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Purchasing Managers Indigestion

There’s already doubt given how the two major series supposedly measuring the same thing seemingly can’t agree. If the rebound was truly robust, it would show up unambiguously everywhere. But IHS Markit’s purchasing managers indices struggled to get back above 50 in July, barely getting there, suggesting the economy might be slowing or even stalling way too close to the bottom.

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FragDichReich! Das neue Online Format | Ausgabe 1

FragDichReich! Das neue Online Format | Ausgabe 1. In diesem Format beantworte Ich eure Börsen und Finanz orientierten Fragen in einem Online Seminar. Intro: (00:00) Über Mich: (00:48) Können Sie grundsätzlich etwas zu Indikatoren Sagen?: (01:15) Können Sie etwas zu Sell sagen?: (03:23) Was ist ein Take-Profit? (04:44) Was sagst du zu keine Positionen vor Unternehmenszahlen die veröffentlicht werden?: (06:49) Was bedeutet das 6 Phasen Modell:...

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Swiss Consumer sentiment makes a strong recovery but remains below average

Consumer sentiment in Switzerland has largely recovered from its slump in April. Expectations regarding general economic development have improved, but those regarding the labour market remain very negative. Accordingly, respondents believe that now is not a good time to make major purchases.

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Switzerland’s dark business with Ukrainian coal

Pro-Russian separatists are financing their war in Ukraine with coal deliveries to the West. Now the role of Swiss companies in Zug and Geneva is being investigated, according to a report in the SonntagsZeitung. 

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Why Keynes Was Wrong about Consumer Spending

As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, most experts are of the view that it is the role of the government and central bank to minimize the damage inflicted by the virus—and the policy response to it—on the economy.

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FX Daily, August 5: Corrective Pressures in the FX Market Prove Short-Lived

The drop in US yields to new lows amid paralysis in Washington, except apparently over a lip-syncing app's threat to US national security, sent the dollar back to its lows after a modest recovery in early North American trading yesterday. 

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Record fall in overnight stays in first half of 2020

Record fall in overnight stays in first half of 2020The hotel sector registered 9.9 million overnight stays in Switzerland in the first half of 2020, representing a decline of 47.5% (– 8.9 million overnight stays) compared with the same period a year earlier. With a total of 4.1 million overnight stays, foreign demand dropped by 60.1% (– 6.1 million).

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Horizon 2020: long-term investing in a world marked by pandemic

The sudden, violent recession triggered by this year’s covid-19 outbreak provides further impetus to pre-existing economic and market dynamics.

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Pandemic crashed demand for hotels and trains

The number of overnight stays in Swiss hotels practically halved in the first six months of the year. Covid-19 also hit demand for public transport, with passengers notching up a third of their normal distances by train in the past three months.

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