Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Swiss start-ups to benefit from multi-million fund

Start-ups and innovative small and medium-sized businesses are to be encouraged to stay in Switzerland thanks to a new fund of up to CHF500 million ($499 million). The initiative, from Swiss Entrepreneurs Foundation (SwissEF) and launched on Thursday, has the backing of some heavy hitters in the business world, including insurer Mobiliar and banks UBS and Credit Suisse.

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Sunrise confirms talks to buy Liberty Global’s Swiss unit

Switzerland’s Sunrise Communications Group has confirmed it is in talks to buy Liberty Global’s cable operator UPC Switzerland. The company said in a statement on Tuesday: “Sunrise confirms it is in discussions with Liberty Global regarding a possible acquisition of UPC Schweiz. Sunrise will only pursue a transaction that is strategically compelling and demonstrably value creative for its shareholders.”

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Magdalena Martullo, CEO EMS-Gruppe

Ems-CEO Magdalena Martullo ist für die Weltwirtschaft weiterhin skeptisch. Was sie vom wichtigen Automarkt erwartet und warum die Ems-Aktie ein Rendite-Titel bleibt, sagt sie im Interview mit cash.

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Magdalena Martullo, CEO EMS-Gruppe

Ems-CEO Magdalena Martullo ist für die Weltwirtschaft weiterhin skeptisch. Was sie vom wichtigen Automarkt erwartet und warum die Ems-Aktie ein Rendite-Titel bleibt, sagt sie im Interview mit cash.

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Social media with Maps Maponyane and Emma Sadleir

Emma Sadleir and Maps Mapoyane talk about protecting your personal brand on social media. This video shows the legal, disciplinary and reputational risks of social media. Maps Maponyane is an ambassador for Investec Private Banking. Emma Sadlier in South Africa’s leading expert on social media law and the founder of the Digital Law Company. Follow …

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Börsen-Talk vom 8. Februar 2019

Die Altersvorsorge steht unter Druck, und persönliches Sparen ist wichtiger denn je. Im cash-Talk zeigt Finanzplaner und cash-Pensionscoach Gabor Gaspar Wege auf, wie Sparer ihre Situation verbessern können.

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Börsen-Talk vom 8. Februar 2019

Die Altersvorsorge steht unter Druck, und persönliches Sparen ist wichtiger denn je. Im cash-Talk zeigt Finanzplaner und cash-Pensionscoach Gabor Gaspar Wege auf, wie Sparer ihre Situation verbessern können.

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Over 18 million unsolicited calls made every month in Switzerland

According to a consumer group, over 18 million unsolicited telephone calls are made every month in Switzerland. The SKS consumer group for German-speaking regions has addressed the problem of unsolicited phone calls in a letter sent to a Swiss parliamentary commission discussing the revision of the Swiss telecommunications law. A copy of the letter was recently published in Tamedia newspapers.

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Tourists return to Swiss mountain destinations

Overnight stays in Swiss Alpine resorts have increased for four consecutive seasons since winter 2016/17, with summer destinations doing better than winter destinations. Lucerne topped an international study of 145 resorts.

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Swiss bike couriers take out protection against Uber Eats

Swiss bicycle couriers have signed a 'Europe-first' collective bargaining agreement deal aimed at protecting them from cheaper rivals, such as the food delivery service Uber Eats. The courier employer’s association Swissmessengerlogistics (SML) negotiated the contract with the trade union Syndicom on Tuesday.

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Supporting local dancers at Prix de Lausanne

The world-renowned international ballet competition, Prix de Lausanneexternal link, is underway in western Switzerland – with 74 young dancers from 19 countries. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and …

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Switzerland’s gender pay gap closes further

A recent survey by the Federal Statistical Office shows the overall median pay gap in Switzerland’s private sector shrunk to 12% in 2016, down from 12.5% in 2014 and 15.6% in 2010. In 2016, median pay for women was CHF 6,011 francs a month and median pay for men was CHF 6,830. The gap rose to 18.54% for the highest management positions.

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Alexander Everke, CEO AMS

«Wir werden weiter ‹big› gehen». Trotz eines kolossalen Absturzes der Aktie sieht AMS-CEO Alexander Everke den Sensorenhersteller auf dem richtigen Weg. Im cash-Video-Interview nimmt er zu brennenden Fragen Stellung.Weiterlesen…

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Swiss firms increase EU lobbying

Swiss companies have sharply increased their lobbying in Brussels in the face of uncertain relations with the European Union. Switzerland has more companies lobbying in Brussels than many other European countries, writes the SonntagsBlick newspaper, citing the EU’s latest transparency register.

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Pierre Aubert in Africa

From the programme “Panorama der Woche” by Swiss public television (today SRF) at the end of January 1979. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit or …

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No Swiss exemption from EU steel import cap

The European Union is imposing limits on steel coming into the bloc from Saturday in response to US President Donald Trump’s metals tariffs. The measures will also affect Swiss steel exports to the EU. The EU said on Friday that it is introducing new measures to prevent steel produced for the US market from flooding into Europe instead because of tariffs introduced by Trump.

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Swiss wage gap between genders remains bafflingly wide

The pay gap between men and women in Switzerland has increased slightly, amounting to hundreds of francs per month on average. Men earned 19.6% more pay than female colleagues in 2016, compared to a 19.5% difference in 2012. While some of this gap can be explained by length of service, additional qualifications and the like, in more than four out of ten cases researchers could see no reason why women are paid less.

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Börsen-Talk vom 1. Februar 2019

Bleiben die Finanzmärkte volatil, bleibt auch die Schweizer Börse attraktiv, sagt EFG-Anlagechef Moz Afzal im cash-Börsen-Talk. Zudem äussert er sich über die amerikanische Fed und die Zukunft von Bankaktien.

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Half of Swiss Population Commutes Half an Hour to Work

Nine out of ten employees in Switzerland – or four million people total – commuted to work last year, most of them to another municipality, and most by car. In 2017, the average one-way Swiss commute was 15 kilometres (9.3 miles) and took 30.6 minutes, reported the Federal Statistical Officeexternal link on Tuesday.

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UBS Systematic Allocation Portfolio Funds Review – Gesamtjahr 2018

Im Video erfahren Sie mehr zur aktuellen Entwicklung der UBS SAP Funds sowie zu folgenden Themen: • Auswirkung geopolitischer Ereignisse auf die Performance • Einfluss der wichtigsten Zentralbanken und wirtschaftliche Indikatoren

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