Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

“Swissleaks” author arrested in Spain at Switzerland’s request

According to Tribune de Genève, Hervé Falciani was arrested in Madrid last week at Switzerland’s request. In 2008, Falciani a French-Italian who grew up in Monaco, took confidential information from the Geneva offices of HSBC, his employer, and fled to Lebanon where some claim he attempted to sell it. Later he shared the information with authorities in France and sought refuge there in 2009.

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SR Technics to cut jobs at Zurich airport

Aviation support company SR Technics has announced plans to cut a net 200 jobs at Switzerland’s main airport as part of a business review. The company, which is part of China’s HNA group, announced that it could reduce its workforce in aircraft services by as many as 300 positions while adding more than 100 jobs in engine services.

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Nine out of ten Swiss want to buy less, survey finds

A World Wildlife Fund (WWF) survey published on Monday has found that the majority of people in Switzerland are considering shopping less, and young people are particularly likely to take a critical look at their buying behaviour. The Swiss consume “as if there is no tomorrow”: they fly twice as frequently as their neighbours, buy the heaviest cars in Europe, and produce more waste per capita than in any other nation on earth, the WWF said in a...

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Börsen-Talk vom 13. April 2018

Gemäss Sonja Laud, Leiterin Aktien bei Fidelity, sollten Anleger wegen eines möglichen Wirtschaftsabschwungs defensive Aktien suchen, wie sie im Börsen-Talk sagt. Sie äussert auch ihre Haltung zu Facebook-Aktien.

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Cross-border workers in Geneva face ‘toxic’ environment

Cross-border workers are tired of being the target of political attacks in Geneva, says the president of a French-Swiss cross-border lobby group, who calls for a change in current rhetoric to prevent future damage to the Swiss economy. For Michel Charrat, president of the Groupement transfrontalier européenexternal link, disenchantment between Geneva and its cross-border workers may be at its lowest point.

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Cows continue to suffer for ‘beauty ideal’

Cow shows are public festivals in Switzerland. Everyone wants to lead the most beautiful cow into the ring, doing her hair, rubbing her with lotion, using sprays to make her glisten. But this year people are nervous at Expo Bulle, the Swiss National Holstein and Red Holstein Show. — is the international branch of …

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The little boat that cleans the ocean

A Swiss skipper’s solution to clean the oceans. Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider world. Keep up to date and watch the videos wherever you are, whenever you like. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland …

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Marc Walder, CEO von Ringier

Ringier konnte 2017 den operativen Gewinn steigern, nicht aber den Umsatz. Unter dem Strich gabs sogar rote Zahlen. CEO Marc Walder äussert sich im Gespräch mit cash zum Ergebnis und zur Zukunft der Werbeallianz Admeira.

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Why does health insurance in Switzerland keep on getting more and more expensive?

Why does health insurance in Switzerland keep on getting more and more expensive? Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider world. Keep up to date and watch the videos wherever you are, whenever you like. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role …

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Swiss corporate tax rates ‘likely to fall’ in some cantons

Impending corporate tax reforms are likely to reduce rates in higher tax cantons, such as Geneva, Vaud and Basel City, according to KPMG. Overall, the business consultancy group expects Switzerland to remain an attractive location for multinational corporations.

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cash-Talk vom 6. April 2018

Laut Hypotheken-Vermittler Giampiero Brundia können Immobilienbesitzer noch lange mit tiefen Zinsen rechnen. Bei der Wahl der richtigen Strategie gelte es allerdings einiges zu beachten, sagt er im cash-Talk.

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Four ways to get your employees “change fit”

There’s a reason why 84% of companies fail at digital transformation. Mike Perk, MD of WWC, shared four ways to future-proof your employees. Speaking at a recent Investec Cash Investments Business Matters event, Mike Perk, from digital transformation advisory firm World Wide Creative (WWC), highlighted four important steps to manage digital change in your organisation. …

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The Swiss National Bank owns more A-class Facebook shares than Zuckerberg

At the end of March 2018, the Swiss National Bank (SNB), held 8.93 million A class shares compared to Mark Zuckerberg’s holding of 8.91 million, according to the newspaper Handelszeitung. However, most of Zuckerberg’s shares are B class shares, a class of shares which is not quoted and give the founder control of the business. Zuckerberg holds 393.9 million of these.

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Thomas Eisenring, Hochdorf

Der Milchverarbeiter Hochdorf verfolgt ehrgeizig Wachstum, steckt aber auch in einer Übergangsphase. Im Interview mit cash sagt CEO Thomas Eisenring, worauf sich Firma und die Anleger dabei einstellen müssen.

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French strike affects Swiss rail connections

Nationwide strikes in France against railway reforms have resulted in all rail connections to Switzerland being cancelled on Tuesday. The so-called Black Tuesday marked the first day of a series of strikes expected to last until the end of June. Rail employees have been called upon to stop work on two out of five days every week until June 30.

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French-speaking Swiss artists take the rap scene by storm

In the past, the French-speaking Swiss rap scene was dominated by Sens Unik and Stress. Today’s stars are Slimka, Makala and Di-Meh. What makes their music so popular? (RTS/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on …

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Food consumes far less of Swiss budgets than it did 25 years ago

Comparing the most recent statistics on Swiss consumer inflation to those in 1993 reveals a steep drop in the percentage of spending allocated to food. When statisticians calculate consumer price rises they look at the prices of a standard basket of goods. In 1993, food and non-alcoholic beverages made up 14.3% of the value of this standard basket. By 2018, the percentage had fallen to 10.4%, a 27% drop.

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Bringing everyone to the table

When politics polarise, solutions become difficult and blockades form. How to cope? Get people together and let them speak freely. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit …

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Trilogie des Fiatgeldes (II): Das fraktionelle Reservesystem, die Mutter aller Finanzkrisen und die Quelle der Ohnmacht der Notenbanken

Genial aus der Sicht der Banken war, dass sie das fraktionelle Reservesystem in das Zeitalter des FED hinüberretten konnten – sie waren selber erstaunt, dass ihnen dies gelang und der Geniestreich nur von einigen wenigen Senatoren und Beobachtern durchschaut wurde. So konnten sie ihr eigenes Buchgeld weiterhin emittieren und dies einzig und allein mit dem Versprechen, es jederzeit in Bargeld umzutauschen.

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EasyJet foresees Swiss market growth

In an interview given to the SonntagsZeitung on Sunday, EasyJet CEO Johan Lundgren described the company's strategy for increasing its already-growing share of passengers in the Swiss market. Lundgren told the German-language paper than in recent years, the low-cost British airline has counted about one million additional passengers in the Swiss market annually, and anticipates continued growth thanks to a combination of targeted advertising and...

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