Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

A morning with the All Blacks

Watch as the winners of this year’s Investec CSI Soccer League spend time with the All Blacks and Bryan Habana @NZrugby ( For more visit our website:

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L’albero di Natale vivente | UBS Topsy

L’albero di Natale vivente. Un cartone animato YouTube di UBS Svizzera: UBS Svizzera – La vostra banca da oltre 150 anni. Topsy e i suoi amici si recano nel bosco per tagliare un albero per le feste di Natale e fanno una scoperta che cambia in fretta i loro piani. Divertimento e giochi sono … Continue...

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Le vrai sapin de Noël | UBS Topsy

Le vrai sapin de Noël. Un dessin animé d’UBS Suisse sur YouTube: UBS Suisse – votre banque depuis plus de 150 ans. Topsy et ses amis partent en forêt couper un beau sapin pour Noël. Ils y font une découverte qui va vite changer leurs plans. Jouer et s’amuser avec Topsy – le monde … Continue reading...

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Der lebende Weihnachtsbaum | UBS Topsy

Der lebende Weihnachtsbaum. Ein YouTube-Trickfilm von UBS Schweiz: UBS Schweiz – Ihre Bank seit über 150 Jahren. Topsy und seine Freunde machen sich auf in den Wald, um einen schönen Tannenbaum für ihr Weihnachtsfest zu fällen. Dabei machen sie eine Entdeckung, die ihr Plan schnell ändern lässt. Spiel und Spass mit dem Sparfuchs Topsy …

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PostBus may lose some routes after scandal

The state-owned PostBus company is threatened with losing bus routes in several regions, following a scandal over illegal subsidies. Jura is the first canton that will put its 38 routes out to tender next spring, SonntagsZeitungexternal link has reported.

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Investigating suspected welfare cheats – where to draw the line

On 25 November 2018, Swiss will vote on whether to accept laws allowing detectives to uncover welfare fraud. Currently, there is nothing specific in Swiss law covering the practice. In the past, investigators have been used to gather evidence on disability and accident beneficiaries. Between 2009 and 2016, detectives were used on around 220 investigations a year, of which around two thirds were found guilty of fraud.

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Switzerland expecting a 2.5 billion franc federal surplus for 2018

The latest figures forecast Switzerland’s federal spending for 2018 will be CHF 0.9 billion less than expected. This and higher than expected receipts of CHF 1.3 billion add up to an extra CHF 2.2 billion on top of an original budget surplus of CHF 0.3 billion, bringing the total forecast federal surplus to CHF 2.5 billion.

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Self-Employment declining in Switzerland

The percentage of Switzerland’s workers working for themselves has been slowly declining. In 2010, 13.7% of workers were self-employed. By 2017, the figure was 12.8% – self-employed includes those working as independents and those working for companies they own.

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Développement des UBS Strategy Funds – 3e trimestre 2018

Pour plus d’informations, visitez: Dans la vidéo, découvrez – les répercussions des événements géopolitiques sur la performance – l’évolution lors du dernier trimestre des actions, investissements à revenu fixe, obligations et placements alternatifs comme les hedge funds.

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Entwicklung der UBS Strategy Funds – 3. Quartal 2018

Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf: Im Video erfahren Sie – welchen Einfluss die Politik der wichtigsten Zentralbanken und wirtschaftliche Indikatoren hatten; – wie sich Aktien, festverzinslichen Anlagen, Anleihen sowie Alternative Anlagen wie Hedge Funds im letzten Quartal entwickelt haben.

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UBS Vitainvest Funds Review – 1. Halbjahr 2018

Erfahren Sie mehr: Erfahren Sie von Investment Solutions Spezialist Vincent Duval, welche Faktoren die Entwicklung im 1. Halbjahr 2018 beeinflusst haben.

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UBS Vitainvest Funds Review – 1° semestre 2018

per ulteriori informazioni visita: • Come hanno inciso sulla performance gli eventi geopolitici? • Quale influenza hanno avuto le politiche delle principali banche centrali e gli indicatori economici? • Qual è stato, nell’ultimo trimestre, l’andamento di azioni, investimenti a tasso fisso, obbligazioni e investimenti alternativi come hedge fund?

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UBS Vitainvest Funds Review – 1er semestre 2018

pour plus d’informations, visitez: Vincent Duval, experte en solutions d’investissement, vous présente les facteurs d’influence au cours de l’année 2018.

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Développement des UBS Strategy Funds – 2e trimestre 2018

Pour plus d’informations, visitez: Dans la vidéo, découvrez – les répercussions des événements géopolitiques sur la performance – l’évolution lors du dernier trimestre des actions, investissements à revenu fixe, obligations et placements alternatifs comme les hedge funds.

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Performance of UBS Strategy Funds – 2nd quarter 2018

For further information visit: In the video, you’ll learn – what effect geopolitical events have had on performance – how stocks, fixed-interest investments, bonds and alternative investments such as hedge funds have performed over the past quarter.

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Entwicklung der UBS Strategy Funds – 2. Quartal 2018

Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf: Im Video erfahren Sie – welchen Einfluss die Politik der wichtigsten Zentralbanken und wirtschaftliche Indikatoren hatten; – wie sich Aktien, festverzinslichen Anlagen, Anleihen sowie Alternative Anlagen wie Hedge Funds im letzten Quartal entwickelt haben.

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Swiss still World’s Richest

According to the annual wealth report produced by Credit Suisse, Switzerland leads on wealth per adult with US$ 530,240, comfortably ahead of second-placed Australia where the figure is US$ 411,060. The US is third with US$ 403,060.

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Tax System Problems Result in CHF 1.8bn Shortfall

The Federal Tax Administration’s IT project Insieme was a financial disaster and its replacement isn’t much better, according to the Swiss Federal Audit Office (SFAO). Systems are unreliable and underperforming, with billions in tax demands still outstanding.

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Rhine Falls water level at historic low

The historically hot and dry summer and autumn weather is having a dramatic impact on water levels – such as of the Rhine Falls. The historically hot and dry summer and autumn weather is having a dramatic impact on the water levels of Swiss rivers and lakes, and natural landmarks such as the Rhine Falls. … Continue reading...

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Belal M. Khan, HSBC Head of Investment Strategy Switzerland

Für einen Bärenmarkt an der Börse müsste laut Belal M. Khan das konjunkturelle Umfeld viel düsterer sein als derzeit. Im Interview mit cash lobt der HSBC-Stratege die US-Geldpolitik, während die Lage der EZB «brenzlig» sei.

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