Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Over 27percent of Swiss workers are stressed

Workplace stress in Switzerland is on the rise, particularly among younger workers – who often show up feeling unwell. The consequences are costly. The “Job Stress Index” – published by Health Promotion Switzerlandexternal link on the eve of World Mental Health Dayexternal link – has found that stress levels at work continue their upward trend.

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Swiss Public Broadcaster to Shed Fewer Jobs than Expected

The Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC) will shed fewer jobs than initially stated as it embarks on a four-year CHF100 million ($100 million) cost-cutting programme. Some 200 jobs are slated to go instead of the 250 announced in June.

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Börsen-Talk vom 12. Oktober 2018

Francesco Conte von J. P. Morgan investiert in kleinere europäische Firmen. Während er an den Aktienmärkten einen Stimmungswechsel beobachtet, bevorzugt er bestimmte Aktien aus der Schweiz sowie Italien.

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Swiss Divorce Rates Continue to Climb

By 2017, 40.5% of those married in 1987 were divorced, compared to 33.2% of those married in 1977 and 24.7% of those married in 1967. Divorce in Switzerland starts early. 9.4% of those married in 1987 were divorced after five years, as were 8.1% of those married in 1977 and 4.8% of those who tied the knot in 1967.

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Airbnb goes high-end with luxury Swiss chalets

Book an apartment and live like the locals – authentic and cheap – that’s Airbnb’s business model. The booking platform was launched ten years … Book an apartment and live like the locals – authentic and cheap – that’s Airbnb’s business model. The booking platform was launched ten years ago, and now it wants to …

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What is a flag of convenience?

What does it mean to ‘sail under a flag’, and which countries are happy to lend their flags to boats which don’t come from their country? Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider world. Keep up to date and watch the videos wherever you are, whenever you like. — … Continue...

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IMF raises Swiss economic growth forecast

The Swiss economy is tipped to grow by 3% by the end of this year, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). In April, the organisation had forecast Switzerland’s gross domestic product (GDP) to rise by 2.3%.

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Nicholas Yeo, Head of China Equities bei Aberdeen Standard Investments

China-Experte Yeo über den gegenwärtigen Kursfall am chinesischen Aktienmarkt, den Handelskrieg und spannende A-Aktien in China.

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Ace Adulting and a work-life balance with Maps Maponyane

How does one balance work and life? Investec brand ambassador Maps Maponyane and his delightfully cheeky little co-pilot Lwando tackle “big life questions” with a lot of laughs in this next Ace Adulting instalment. For any young professional looking to find the energy, discipline and “Hell, yes I can!” attitude to slay at your job …

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UBS tax fraud trial opens in Paris

A sweeping investigation into UBS bank, accused of tax fraud and money laundering, comes to trial in Paris today. The bank risks a fine of up to €5 billion (CHF5.7 billion). The trial is set to begin on Monday after years of investigations into the Swiss bank’s French activities, as well as aborted negotiations in which authorities made a settlement offer of €1.1 billion.

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Immobilier suisse, la réalité du cumul de risques. Olivier Crottaz

Avant-propos: Voici un argumentaire très intéressant que nous livre Olivier Crottaz. Les caisses de pension et autres fonds d’investissement venus de l’étranger se sont engouffrées dans l’autoroute de l’industrie immobilière, construite par la BNS. Du sur mesure donc qui pour l’instant n’a pas tant profité aux Suisses.

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Swiss-US tax data transfer method ‘violates law’

The Swiss Data Protection Commissioner has issued a legal complaint against the Finance Ministry for sending the names of bank employees, lawyers, accountants and other third parties to the United States to assist with tax evasion investigations.

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Digitization ‘to cost one million jobs’ in Switzerland

The growing trend of digitization in the economy will render a million Swiss jobs redundant in the next 12 years, according to a new study. Some 800,000 jobs will be clawed back by new IT openings, but much of the workforce will need to be re-trained, warns consultancy firm McKinsey. Automation will mainly take the place of manual labour, office and retail workers, says the NZZ am Sonntag newspaper, which has seen an advance copy of the McKinsey...

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Swiss take the Train more often, and further, than European Neighbours

The latest Europe-wide figures confirm Switzerland’s reputation as a country of trains, with average trips and kilometres covered per habitant far higher than elsewhere. Some 72 trips and 2,463 kilometres: this was the average train time for each Swiss resident in 2016, according to Eurostat figures reported Tuesday by Litraexternal link, the Swiss information service for public transport.

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Jan-Gebert Sturm, Ökonom KOF Zürich

Die Konjunkturforscher der ETH Zürich zeichnen sehr positive Aussichten für die Schweizer Wirtschaft. Ökonom Jan-Egbert Sturm prognostiziert steigende Löhne, weist aber auch auf einige Risiken hin.

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Swiss investments in Turkey drop by half

The severe policies of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan have led to Swiss companies decreasing their investments in Turkey by 50% compared to the average over the past decade, Swiss Public Television SRF reports. Over the last ten years, Swiss companies have on average invested some CHF200 million ($202 million) in Turkish markets, but today the figures amount to roughly half that.

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An Orthodox Jew who breaks the rules

Screenwriter Thomas Meyer and director Michael Steiner talk about their comedy, “Wolkenbruch”, working in Yiddish and keeping things authentic. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit …

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Henri Gétaz on challenges

Henri Gétaz on challenges — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit or subscribe to our YouTube channel: Website: Channel: Subscribe:...

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Henri Gétaz and his first experience of EFTA

Henri Gétaz and his first experience of EFTA — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit or subscribe to our YouTube channel: Website: Channel: Subscribe: …

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Study finds Swiss economy is looking up, but risks abound

Switzerland's GDP is on track this year to increase by 2.9%, according to a forecast by Zurich's KOF Swiss Economic Institutepublished Wednesday. This positive outlook is tempered by concerns over the potentially negative impact of global trade wars and a no-deal Brexit on the neutral nation.

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