Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Bernhard Hodler, CEO Julius Bär

Die launischen Finanzmärkte haben Julius Bär bei der Neugeldentwicklung etwas gestört. Der neue Konzernchef Bernhard Hodler erwartet weiterhin Volatilität, will die Fokussierung der Privatbank aber voranbringen.

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Swiss slap nearly 20,000 fines over labour violations

Swiss authorities sanction on average ten companies per day for violating wage protection rules, according to official figures. That corresponds to 19,200 fines in the span of five years. NZZ am Sonntag published these figures on Sunday on the basis of a list compiled by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).

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Rothschild bank sanctioned for role in 1MDB scandal

The Swiss financial regulator has concluded its investigations into the Malaysian 1MDB scandal by finding Rothschild Bank AG and one of its subsidiaries in serious breach of anti-money laundering regulations. The Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) said on Friday that it has appointed an auditor to make sure the bank and its Rothschild Trust vehicle properly implement an internal overhaul of its practices.

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Börsen-Talk vom 20. Juli 2018

Eskaliert der Handelsstreit nicht, geht die Erholung an der Schweizer Börse weiter, sagt Eric Steinhauser im Börsen-Talk. Zudem zählt der Anlagechef der Bank Rahn+Bodmer die Vorzüge der AMS-Aktie und anderer Titel auf.

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James Clunie, Fondsmanager Jupiter Asset Management

Fondsmanager Clunie über die Perspektiven von Technologie-Aktien.

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Giovanni Staunovo, Rohstoffanalyst UBS

In den letzten 52 Wochen sind die Ölpreise deutlich gestiegen. Und der Trend wird sich weiter fortsetzen, sagt Rohstoffanalyst Giovanni Staunovo im Video-Interview. Verantwortlich dafür sei nicht die Opec, sondern Trump.

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Börsen-Talk vom 20. Juli 2018

Eskaliert der Handelsstreit nicht, geht die Erholung an der Schweizer Börse weiter, sagt Eric Steinhauser im Börsen-Talk. Zudem zählt der Anlagechef der Bank Rahn+Bodmer die Vorzüge der AMS-Aktie und anderer Titel auf.

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Swiss bank settles US tax evasion probe

The Zurich-based Neue Privat Bank (NPB) has paid $5 million (CHF5 million) fine to settle a criminal tax evasion investigation in the United States. NPB is one of a handful of so-called ‘category 1’ Swiss or Swiss-based bank branches that were still facing sanctions at the start of this year.

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Maddie Hinch on the preparation it takes to win.

The hero of team GB’s Olympic penalty shoot-out knows how important preparation is to succeeding at the highest level. Maddie Hinch shares her insights, and what drives her to be the best. #TogetherAsOne

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Alex Danson: Inspiring the future

England captain Alex Danson is determined to drive success for the next generation #TogetherAsOne

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Anna Toman: forging relationships in GB’s squad of champions.

Joining a squad of Olympic champions is inspiring for a new team member. Anna Toman talks about the importance of those relationships with her teammates, and how they prepare to win. #TogetherAsOne

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Swiss claim success in international cybercrime case

Two people suspected of illegally obtaining and using the e-banking data of Swiss bank customers have been arrested in the Netherlands. The Swiss Office of the Attorney General says the suspects were arrested near the city of Rotterdam and premises were searched in the coordinated operation between Dutch and Swiss police and justice authorities.

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Uber plans softer Swiss expansion drive

The ride sharing service Uber plans to expand further in Switzerland, but not as aggressively as in the past, Swiss head Steve Salom says in a newspaper interview. Uber is present in Zurich, Basel, Geneva and Lausanne with 300,000 regular customers and some 2,600 drivers in Switzerland, Salom told SonntagsBlick.

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The large tax differences between Swiss cantons

In Switzerland, tax is largely determined by the canton of residence. The range of tax rates is wide. In 2017, a single person earning CHF 100,000 paid only CHF 7,592 in the canton of Zug but CHF 19,233 in the canton of Neuchâtel, more than 2.5 times as much. Someone married with children earning the same amount paid CHF 920 in Zug and CHF 9,249 in Neuchâtel, more than 10 times as much.

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EU migration into Switzerland down significantly in 2017

Net migration into Switzerland from the EU was down by 11% last year, according to the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO). In 2017, a net 31,250 people from the EU and EFTA moved to Switzerland. And, with a 4% decline in the number arriving over the five months to May 2018, the fall looks set to continue.

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WIPO crowns Switzerland as world’s most innovative nation

Switzerland retained its crown as the world’s most innovative country for the eighth year in a row, according to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) – the global intellectual property agency.

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Börsen-Talk vom 13. Juli 2018

Der weltweite Handelskonflikt könnte Währungsturbulenzen auslösen. UBS-Chefökonom Daniel Kalt analysiert im cash-Talk die Krisenstimmung und schätzt die Folgen für die Schweiz und den Franken ein.

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Are we missing opportunities for biodiversity?

Have you seen a “green rooftop” where you live? There’s plenty of potential in plain sight! Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider world. Keep up to date and watch the videos wherever you are, whenever you like. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation …

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The case of the missing meadow

Rich ecosystems that exist in dry meadows are disappearing. What’s happening? Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider world. Keep up to date and watch the videos wherever you are, whenever you like. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to …

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Work pension challenge targets age-related unfair dismissals

A lobby group representing the interests of older workers has launched a people’s initiative to reform the occupational pension system to reduce the incentive for employers to sack people once they pass the age of 50.

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