Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

‘Lighthouse’ Planned for Swiss Mountain Top

Plans have been presented to upgrade a popular tourist destination on a mountain top in central Switzerland. As part of the CHF100 million ($100 million) project on the Titlis, a building made of steel and glass will be added to the existing tower for technical installations on 3,028 metres (9,934 feet) altitude.

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Builders Resume Street Protests

Construction workers have continued their protests against worsening labour conditions in Switzerland. An estimated 4,000 people took to the streets of Lausanne on Monday in the latest stage of a series of short regional strikes underway since mid-October.

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Robert Oudmayer, CEO Cembra Money Bank

Cembra Money Bank feierte jüngst ihren fünften Geburtstag. CEO Robert Oudmayer äussert sich im Interview mit cash zu den Herausforderungen seit dem Börsengang, zur Digitalisierung im Zahlgeschäft und zu Dividenden.

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Brian McMillan unpacks the Investec Euro Stoxx50 Digital Plus

Brian McMillan of Investec discusses the Investec Euro Stoxx50 Digital Plus Structured Product.

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Spending All Souls’ Day with 25,000 skulls

In late October and early November the dead seem to return and mingle among the living around Switzerland. For the more adventurous, it’s a chance to visit the ossuaries of Valais. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss …

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Federal office decides drug price cuts

There will be an average drop of almost 20% in the price of 288 medicines from December 1, the Federal Office of Public Health says. Savings of around CHF100 million ($100 million) are expected. The move comes at a time of debate over the high costs of medicines in Switzerland.

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Geneva Aims for a New Company Tax Rate of 13.79 percent

According to, Geneva’s Council of State, or executive, has put forward a proposed corporate tax rate of 13.79% as part of its tax reform project, work triggered by international pressure on Switzerland and its cantons to remove preferential tax treatment for certain international companies.

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Top Finance Ministry Official to Step Down

The State Secretary for International Finance, Jörg Gasser, is to step down in February after three years in office. It was Gasser’s decision to leave the post, according to a statement by the finance ministry on Wednesday.

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Börsen-Talk vom 2. November 2018

Der Vermögensverwalter Bellecapital verschiebt seine Aktieninvestments zunehmend nach China und weg von Europa und Amerika. Im Börsen-Talk sagt Anlagechef Mathias Heim, welche Änderungen er jüngst im Depot vorgenommen hat.

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How to Run a Swiss Business – a Guide to 7 Essential Tasks

Businesses that employ people, including independents, must pay social insurance taxes. These are administered by compensation funds and rates vary slightly by fund and canton, but are around 15% of salaries. The rate for independents is lower.

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Investec Australia | Splend

Splend is the leading ridesharing vehicle solutions provider in Australia which offers fully maintained and flexible vehicle options to ridesharing drivers

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Investec Australia Spring Celebration

Investec australia’s annual spring celebration

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Investec Emerging Companies

Investec Emerging Companies is an integrated capital and advisory partner for entrepreneurs and their high growth emerging companies — typically companies worth $10m–200m in value (private or public). Ideally we assist companies when they are worth $10m and help them get to $200m and beyond.

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Investec Australia | MadeComfy

MadeComfy provides a tailored, end-to-end property management service for property owners seeking to benefit from the higher potential yields of short-term rental.

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Investec Australia | Dresden Optics

Dresden Optics is a provider of high quality, affordable prescription eyewear utilising a unique modular frame and hinge design for easy interchangeability and customisation between multiple pairs. All frames are manufactured in Australia from a mix of bio plastics, recycled materials and virgin plastics.

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Investec Australia | ICM Airport Technics

ICM Airport Technics is a global leader in airport baggage technology, and inventor of the self-service Auto Bag Drop (ABD). ABD is a proprietary self-service baggage check in system

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More Swiss construction workers go on strike

Following strikes in Ticino and Geneva earlier this month, 1,500 construction workers have continued the protest in French-speaking Switzerland. According to the labour unions, more than 1,500 workers from cantons Freiburg, Neuchâtel, Valais and Jura put their tools down on Tuesday.

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Critics of Mercosur deal Name Conditions for Support

A coalition of Swiss farming organisations, consumers and NGOs says it is in favour of a free trade agreement between Switzerland and the four Mercosur countries: Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay. But it is demanding binding criteria concerning sustainability.

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Felix Niederer, Gründer und CEO True Wealth

Der Schweizer Robo Advisor True Wealth hat vor fünf Jahren als Start-up begonnen. CEO Felix Niederer spricht im Interview über weitere Pläne, bevorzugte Portfoliostrategien und er sagt, warum Kunden auf ETF setzen.

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Doctors’ Salaries Exceed eEpectations

The salaries of self-employed doctors in Switzerland are around a third higher than previously thought, according to a study by the Federal Office of Public Health. The median wage is CHF257,000 ($258,000). However, certain specialists can earn considerably more: neurosurgeons, for example, take home a median salary of CHF697,000 and gastroenterologists CHF627,000.

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