Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

UBS Strategy Funds Review – Année 2018

Dans la vidéo, découvrez-en plus sur le développement actuel du UBS Strategy Funds ainsi que sur les thèmes suivants: • Répercussion d’événements géopolitiques sur la performance. • Influence des principales banques centrales et indicateurs économiques. • Évolution des actions, des obligations et des placements alternatifs comme les hedge funds.

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UBS Strategy Funds Review – Full year 2018

In the video, you’ll find out more about the current performance of the UBS Strategy Funds as well as the following topics: • The effect of geopolitical events on performance. • The influence of the most important central banks and economic indicators. • How stocks, bonds and alternative investments such as hedge funds have performed.

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UBS Strategy Funds Review – Gesamtjahr 2018

Im Video erfahren Sie mehr zur aktuellen Entwicklung der UBS Strategy Funds sowie zu folgenden Themen: • Auswirkung geopolitischer Ereignisse auf die Performance • Einfluss der wichtigsten Zentralbanken und wirtschaftliche Indikatoren • Entwicklung der Aktien, Anleihen und alternative Anlagen wie Hedge Funds

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Sandra Navidi, Finanzexpertin und Buchautorin

Finanzmarktexpertin und Buchautorin Sandra Navidi geht mit US-Präsident Donald Trump hart ins Gericht. Im cash-Video-Interview am WEF schildert sie seine Taktik und seine Absichten beim US-Shutdown.

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Nariman Behravesh, Chefökonom IHS Markit

Der Aufschwung an den Aktienmärkten seit Jahresbeginn sollte einigermassen stabil bleiben, wie Nariman Behravesh, Chefökonom bei IHS Markit, im cash-Video-Interview am WEF in Davos sagt.

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cash-Talk vom 18. Januar 2019

Das Problem der Leerstände bei Schweizer Mietwohnungen hinterlässt langsam Spuren, sagt Expertin Ursina Kubli von der Zürcher Kantonalbank im cash-Talk. Dennoch wird die Zahl leerstehender Wohnungen 2019 weiter steigen.

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Inauguration of ILO headquarters in 1926

A new purpose-built International Labour Organization (ILO) headquarters was inaugurated in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1926. Three keys were required to open the gates, symbolizing the ILO’s tripartite structure. The ILO’s first Director, Albert Thomas, addressed participants at the inauguration. (© ILO archives) — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its …

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Swiss unemployment lowest in 10 years

Switzerland’s unemployment rate, now 2.6%, hasn’t been so low for 10 years, according to the latest figures from Switzerland’s State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO). A weakening of the Swiss franc helped boost Switzerland’s economic growth, creating more jobs.

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Davos’s main runway, Zurich

This time around, Trump, May and Macron will not transfer at Zurich’s main airport on their way to the World Economic Forum in Davos. For those in charge of security, these cancellations are by no means a respite. Here’s a look behind the scenes in the WEF control room at Zurich Airport, and at how … Continue reading »

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Switzerland has second-most part-time workers in Europe

Part-time work in Switzerland continues to increase, with the latest figures from the Federal Statistical Office showing that over a third of employees work less than 90%. The figures, said the statistical office on Thursdayexternal link, show a marked increase in part-time work over the past 20 years: from 26.3% to 36.7%.

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Interview with Syngenta CEO, Erik Fyrwald

Erik Fyrwald, CEO of Swiss-based Syngenta, sat down with to share his views on the future of food systems, the role of technology in sustainable agriculture, and whether CEOs should speak out more on issues such as climate change. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is …

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Swiss firms in record number of mergers and acquisitions

The number of merger and acquisition deals involving Swiss companies hit a record high in 2018, according to a report by consultancy firm KPMG. Activity peaked in a number of sectors including financial services, consumer markets, technology, media and telecommunications, power and utilities, says KPMG. There were also a record number of private equity transactions.

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L’enfer fiscal peut être suisse… Si si!

Le scandale de la valeur locative, un revenu fictif taxé. Je profite du billet de G Monti pour introduire un thème qui, à lui seul résume ce que peut être l’injustice fiscale. Il s’agit de ce qui est appelée en Suisse la valeur locative de son logement. Il ne faut pas le confondre avec un impôt foncier, ni avec un loyer.

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Workers paid in euros may not claim for currency losses

The Swiss Federal Court has ruled that two Swiss companies do not have to compensate two employees who were paid in euros and who ended up with less than their franc-earning colleagues. Explaining its decision on Tuesday, the country’s highest court said the cross-border workers from Germany and France had agreed to a corresponding change to their contracts in 2011 – knowing what it meant for their salaries – and therefore any subsequent demands...

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Swiss and Italian leaders discuss cross-border tax deal

By spring, the Italian government is expected to clarify its position on a new tax system for cross-border commuters between Italy and Switzerland. “It is a delicate issue that must be digested sufficiently, with both administrative and political evaluations. It takes time, but spring is not far away,” Italian Foreign Affairs Minister Enzo Moavero Milanesi told Swiss Foreign Affairs Minister Ignazio Cassis in Lugano in southern Switzerland on...

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Learn to ski in three lessons!

Learn to ski in three lessons! — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit or subscribe to our YouTube channel: Website: Channel: Subscribe:...

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20 years of fighting the white death

Heavy snowfalls in recent days have prompted the authorities to issue the highest level of avalanche risk warning in the Swiss mountains. Similar dangerous levels were reached in the winter of 1999. What has changed in avalanche protection since then? (SRF, — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its …

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Financial watchdog pushes for upgrade of cyber defence

The chief executive of the Swiss financial watchdog, Mark Branson, has called for the creation of a national cyber defence centre. In an interview with the SonntagsZeitung newspaper, Branson reiterated that Switzerland was lagging on safety standards behind other financial centres.

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Chris Iggo, Anlagechef Festverzinsliche, AXA Investment Managers

Wegen der unsicheren Märkte wird die Fed ihre geplanten Zinserhöhungen nicht umsetzen – zumindest vorläufig. Das sagt der Investmentchef für festverzinsliche Anlagen bei Axa Investment Managers im cash-Video-Interview.

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SIHH watch fair opens in Geneva

The Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie (SIHH) has opened in Geneva with 35 watch brands showing off their wares. SIHHexternal link will run until Thursday, when it is open to the public, who must register and pay CHF70 ($71.20) in advance. It is the first watch fair of the year and important in terms of setting trends, particularly in the luxury segment.

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