Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

UBS Safe: the digital safe deposit box | UBS

Safe your documents and passwords securely via e-banking in UBS Safe or in the UBS Safe app. Find more information about the UBS Safe under

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Login to Mobile Banking via Access App | UBS

Watch our video for the UBS Access App. Log in to Mobile Banking securely via app and use all the functions on your smartphone. More information about the App here:

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Login to E-Banking via Access App | UBS

Watch our video for the UBS Access App. Log in to E-Banking securely on your smartphone. More information about the App here:

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Eugen Weinberg, Leiter Rohstoffanalyse Commerzbank

Eugen Weinberg, Leiter Rohstoffanalyse bei der Commerzbank, macht im Interview mit cash klare Ansagen über die Entwicklung der Rohstoffpreise in den nächsten Monaten.

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Philipp Vorndran, Kapitalmarktstratege bei Flossbach von Storch

In den letzten Wochen haben grosse Schweizer Pharmawerte deutlich zugelegt. Das könnte das Comeback der defensiven Aktien einläuten, sagt Kapitalmarktstratege Philipp Vorndran von Flossbach von Storch im Börsen-Talk.

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Per Access App ins Mobile Banking einloggen | UBS

Jetzt sicher per App ins Mobile Banking einloggen und alle Funktionen bequem auf Ihrem Smartphone nutzen. Hier mehr Infos zur App:

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UBS Safe: das digitale Schliessfach | UBS

Speichern Sie Ihre Dokumente und Passwörter sicher via E-Banking im UBS Safe oder in der UBS Safe App. Noch mehr Informationen zum UBS Safe finden Sie unter

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Per Access App ins E-Banking einloggen | UBS

Jetzt sicher und bequem per Smartphone ins E-Banking einloggen. Hier mehr Infos zur App:

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Mobile phones – a veritable gold mine

Gold, silver and copper are sought-after materials, and can be found inside mobile phones. Despite this, in Switzerland only 20% of mobile phones are recycled. (RTS/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For …

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Uncertainty and concern follow voter rejection of Switzerland’s company tax reform

Speaking to Tribune de Genève, Serge Dal Busco, Geneva’s minister of finance, voiced his concerns about last Sunday’s rejection of Switzerland’s planned company tax reform. At the same time he remains optimistic about the chances of a new federal corporate tax reform project.

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Swiss analysis: Switzerland’s gender pay gap – what the detail reveals

In 2014, the average gross annual salary for a full-time male worker in Switzerland was CHF 81,000, CHF 10,000 or 12.5% higher than that of an average woman. But what does this high level difference mean? Inspired by the Swedish statistician Hans Rosling, who passed away recently, I decided to dig deeper to see what was behind this top line pay difference.

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cash-Talk vom 17. Februar 2017

Die Inflation zieht überall an: In der Euro-Zone, in den USA und auch in der Schweiz. Im cash-Talk sagt Felix Brill, CEO von Wellershoff & Partners, wie Notenbanken, der Franken und Aktienmärkte darauf reagieren werden.

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Swiss unemployment rises. French-speaking cantons worst affected.

The unemployment rate across Switzerland climbed by 0.2% to 3.7% in January, and regional differences were clear. Across French and Italian-speaking cantons the rate averaged 5%, while across the German-speaking cantons it was 3.1%.

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Haïti at the St Moritz ski championships

Meet Céline Marti : the police officer from Geneva who is representing Haïti in the world ski championship in St Moritz. (RTS/ She snagged 61st place out of 74 in the qualifications for the giant slalom on Monday. Marti, who gave her impressive performance after just three full months of intensive training, proudly wore the …

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Lukas Braunschweiler, CEO Sonova

Sonova-CEO Lukas Braunschweiler äussert sich im Interview mit cash zu Geschäft und Aktie des Hörgeräteherstellers und fragt sich, wie wahrscheinlich eine Übernahme von Sonova durch einen Giganten wie Johnson&Johnson wäre.

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Top marks for building school with local wood

A primary school in Vaulruz in canton Fribourg – built with wood from the local forest – has won a prestigous prize for making good use of local resources. (RTS/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective …

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The West Is Going Through a Profound Demographic Transition

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The West Is Going Through a Profound Demographic Transition

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