Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

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Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Foreigners could suffer under new building restrictions

Swiss politicians and investors are at loggerheads over government plans to tighten the laws on non-EU citizens buying property. (SRF/ ——- is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit …

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Digital Gold – For Now Caveat Emptor

Bitcoin surpasses gold price - a psychological and arbitrary headline. Royal Mint blockchain gold asks you to trust in the UK government. Royal Canadian Mint and GoldMoney blockchain product asks you to trust in government and the technology, servers, websites etc of the providers. Invest in a gold mine using cryptocurrency - but wait until 2022 for your gold and trust the miners that it is there. Blockchain and gold will likely make a "good...

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Swiss Post to start delivering with drones this summer

Swiss post has said it will deliver the first packages by air this summer. The first deliveries will be made between two medical laboratories on the southern side of the Alps. Test flights were conducted in the canton of Bern last year. Now Swiss Post is ready to make commercial deliveries starting in Lugano.

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The Swiss Franc Hits its Lowest Since December

According to some experts, the weaker franc can be partly explained by the market activities of the Swiss National Bank (SNB). The cantonal bank of Thurgau said that the SNB appeared to be targeting a weaker franc ahead of the Dutch elections on Wednesday. Adding that they think an exchange rate of around 1.085 against the euro is possible.

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CS and UBS Tell Wealthy Retail Clients To Buy Stocks…”Here, Can You Please Hold This Bag”

Warren Buffett has frequently advised aspiring investors to take a contrarian view on markets and "be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful." In fact, being dismissive of the wall street 'herd mentality' has resulted in some of Buffett's most successful trades over the years including his decision to load up on bank stocks during the 'great recession'.

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Cheapest places to live

A Credit Suisse study shows that living in the country is much cheaper than in a town or city. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit …

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Huge new technology campus in Sion, canton Valais

A huge technological campus is being built in Sion, canton Valais, to house more than a thousand specialists in the fields of energy, biotechnology and health. ‘Energypolis’ is billed as an important place of synergy between pure research, applied research and entrepreneurship. (RTS/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). …

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Europe’s best bricklayer comes from Valais

The best contenders in the EuroSkills vocational championships tend to come from Switzerland. Like Bruno Pravato, a building foreman from Fully who recently won the gold medal. Swiss Public Television visited a hotel in Bad Ragaz, Canton St. Gallen, where future star chefs learn their trade. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the …

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Vaud Discusses Extending Winter School Holiday to 2 Weeks

In Switzerland, this ski season has been disappointing, particularly if you have school aged children. During the Vaud school holiday this season, the fourth week of February, there was limited snow. Even at high resorts like Verbier, snow conditions were fairly average across the week. The week before there was good snow. But then everyone was still at school. A two-week school holiday in February would increase the chances of striking good snow.

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Julian Diaz, CEO Dufry

Der weltgrösste Reise-Detailhändler Dufry ist zu ordentlichem Wachstum zurückgekehrt. Was das für die Dividende bedeutet und welche Gefahr der Terrorismus darstellt, sagt CEO Julian Diaz im cash-Video-Interview.

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What are the benefits to investing in the Investec USD Digital Plus? Protection

Find out more on our website

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What are the benefits to investing in the Investec USD Digital Plus? Growth

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Low strength cannabis sales explode across Switzerland

According to an article in Tribune de Genève, some cigarette vendors are desperately searching for supplies of the drug to meet demand. Recently kiosques in Geneva started selling low strength cannabis like they sell cigarettes. Some kiosque owners are over the moon, while others desperately search for a supplier.

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Börsen-Talk vom 10. März 2017

Für Thomas Heller von der Schwyzer Kantonalbank hat die Börsen-Hausse allmählich ungesundes Terrain erreicht. Im Börsen-Talk nennt er trotzdem seine drei Schweizer Aktienfavoriten und andere spannende Anlageklassen.

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Swiss score highest number of patents per capita. Again.

According to the European Patents Office (EPO), once again Switzerland topped the per capita patents ranking in 2016, with 892 applications per million inhabitants. Second and third places went to the Netherlands (405) and Sweden (360), followed by Denmark (334) and Finland (331). The first non-European country was Japan in ninth place (166), well above the EU average of 122.

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Patrick Dunkerley, Leiter Oyster US Selection Fonds Syz

Patrick Dunkerley von Syz Asset Management sagt dem amerikanischen Aktienmarkt trotz Höchstständen bei den Indizes weiter einen guten Lauf voraus. Dies liege nicht zuletzt am neuen US-Präsidenten und dessen Reformplan.

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IDX Futures with Simon Brown and Richard Swain

Simon Brown talks to Richard Swain from Investec about IDX Futures – a simple mechanism to access and trade international shares. Find out more about IDX Futures on our website:

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Switzerland ranked best country despite relatively low GDP per capita

In a new ranking by US News, Switzerland is described as a nation with cultural contributions disproportionate to its small size. Swiss citizens have won more Nobel Prizes and registered more patents per capita than any other nation.

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David Dean, CEO Bossard Gruppe

Bossard legt für 2016 ein Rekordergebnis vor – auch dank der Zusammenarbeit mit Tesla. Wie geht diese Kooperation weiter, und wie gestaltet Bossard seine Dividendenpolitik? Antworten von CEO David Dean im cash-Interview.

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Switzerland ranked world’s worst currency manipulator

The Economist magazine placed Switzerland first in a recent ranking of currency manipulators. According to the analysis, China, commonly thought of as the world’s champion at keeping its currency’s value artificially low, appears to be doing the opposite: actively trying to push the value of its currency up. On the other hand, Switzerland that has been working hardest to artificially devalue its money.

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