Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

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SA’s political tipping point? By Stephen Grootes

Description: Senior political correspondent Stephen Grootes shares his views on the recent developments involving Minister of Finance Pravin Gordhan, and the possible impact on both the ruling party and South Africa as a whole.

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The Swiss Begin To Hoard Cash

While subtle, the general public loss of faith in central banking has been obvious to anyone who has simply kept their eyes open: it started in Japan where in February hardware stores were reported that consumers were hoarding cash, as confirmed by t...

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Hydrogen-powered street sweeper hits the road

Over the next two years, the municipality of Dübendorf, in canton Zurich, will be testing a hydrogen powered street cleaning vehicle. The trial is intended to show the viability of hydrogen power for everyday use. (SRF, — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on …

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Swiss cross-border shopping declines

Residents of German-speaking Switzerland appear to doing less shopping across the border, something that has also been observed in Geneva. According to the newspaper the Handelszeitung, Swiss cross-border shopping peaked in 2015 and local customs posts have seen a decline in VAT and duty collected since March.

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Global stocks at lowest levels since July

The Swiss Market Index is set to finish the week lower, but outperforming global stocks, thanks to a strong week of luxury good stocks. Global stocks fell to their lowest levels since July on Thursday as investors rushed to the safety of government bonds, yen and gold after renewed concerns over weakness in the Chinese economy and as the Federal Reserve considers raising interest rates.

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Sailors from a landlocked country

The Swiss merchant navy celebrates its 75th anniversary in 2016. Up until the 1960s, the crews of Swiss ocean-going freighters were still mainly Swiss. (SRF, — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For …

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Börsen-Talk vom 14. Oktober 2016

Ungeachtet einer unsteten Börse sollen Anlager auf Megatrends setzen. Anlagechef Sandro Merino von der Basler Kantonalbank sagt, warum Digitalisierung, Klimawandel und Automation Gründe zum Diversifizieren sind.

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More Swiss visas for non-Europeans in 2017

Visa quotas for non-EU workers will rise next year. The increased quotas will include 3,000 B-permits and 4,500 L-permits, 1,000 more than this year. These limits are still lower than in 2014, when Swiss politics turned against the free movement of workers from the EU.

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Forget ‘Great, Again’; Make America Switzerland?

talked to a Swiss local yesterday about American politics. He says everyone in Switzerland is following the race closely. He favors Trump because he thinks Trump would be better for the global economy. I asked if anyone he knows in Switzerland is worried about Trump’s “temperament” and having his finger on the nukes.

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Swiss central bank can cut rates further if needed, says bank president Jordan

The Swiss National Bank can cut interest rates further into negative territory if needed, President Thomas Jordan said. “We have still some room to go further if necessary,” Jordan said Saturday in an interview in Washington with Bloomberg Television’s Francine Lacqua. Jordan, who is attending the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, noted that the bank has already pushed rates quite far.

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George Friedman: Eurasia Is Undergoing Massive Destabilization

Download a FREE transcript of George Friedman’s speech from the Strategic Investment Conference 2016 here:

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Manufacturing opportunities with robots

Swiss manufacturing is often associated with quality and precision. Automation could soon be part of the equation too. (srf/ According to an index by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Switzerland is top in the world when it comes to innovation, but it’s also faced with some of the highest labour costs in the world. …

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Swiss Freiberg breed fights for recognition

The Swiss Freiberg breed is trying to shake off its work horse image. The pedigree that used to be popular with the army and famers was recently on show at the Marché-Concours horse show in Saignelégier, canton Jura. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to …

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Too proud to go on welfare

The Brogers have been entitled to welfare for the past 20 years but have never taken payments. It’s a matter of pride for the couple. It would also mean giving up their 13 dogs. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and …

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Fragenkatalog für Privathaftpflichtversicherungen

Privathaftpflichtversicherungen in der Schweiz sind sehr intransparent. Oft steckt der Teufel im Detail, irgendwo in den AGB. Zum Abschluss einer neuen Versicherung sende ich diesen Fragebogen zu verschiedenen Anbietern.

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Weekly Swiss Markets: Stocks fluctuated on central bank statements

The Swiss Market Index is set to finish the week mainly unchanged, outperforming global stocks modestly while markets fluctuated on speculation that the US Fed will increase interest-rate later this year.

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Switzerland’s central bank offers a glimpse behind the curtain

The Swiss National Bank is offering a rare look into how it sets monetary policy. A video of SNB President Thomas Jordan and fellow members of the governing board shows them beginning their quarterly policy assessment discussing the state of the economy with about 30 people.

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cash-Talk vom 7. Oktober 2016

Der Verkauf von Einfamilienhäusern oder Eigentumswohungen ist ein stufenweiser Vorgang, der Geduld erfordert. Tipps dazu gibt Immoscout24-Direktor Martin Waeber im cash-Talk, der dem Thema Immobilienverkauf gewidmet ist.

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Stephen Macklow-Smith, Portfoliomanager J.P. Morgan Asset Management

Im Hinblick auf die US-Präsidentschaftswahlen sind Pharma-Aktien unter Druck geraten. Stephen Macklow-Smith von J.P. Morgan glaubt aber an die Branche und an die beiden Schweizer Big Shots, wie er im cash-Video sagt.

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Rebecca Chesworth, ETF-Marktstrategin State Street Global Advisers

Entscheidung für das Weisse Haus: Wie werden Aktien reagieren? Rebecca Chesworth, ETF-Marktstrategin State Street Global Advisers, mit einer Einschätzung.

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