Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Swiss Sovereign money initiative: war on bankers but not on central banksters

Iceland has gained the admiration of populists in recent years by doing that which no other nation in the world seems to be willing or capable of doing: prosecuting criminal bankers for engineering financial collapse for profit.

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“Brexit Sends A Clear Message To Sick Political Elite” Marc Faber Sees “Only Good Contagion”

"We're moving into a global recession that has nothing to do with Brexit," warns Marc Faber stressing that Britain leaving the EU would not be disastrous, saying that if Switzerland can operate in a "single" market and outside of the EU so can Britain.

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Inside Switzerland’s only transgender shop – in 360°

Hidden away inside an unremarkable building on an industrial estate on the outskirts of canton Zurich is Switzerland’s only transgender shop. Sharon runs the business and also works for the Transgender Network Switzerland, to help trans people who want to come out at work. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation …

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Quitting the Cucumber Affair

  Winners and Quitters Vince Lombardi, the famous American football coach, once said, “Winners never quit and quitters never win.”  Maybe he meant that winners overcome obstacles to reach their goals while quitters give up and fall short… or somethin...

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Another Sexual Assault Gets Refugees Banned From Pools In Austria

Authorities in the Austrian town of Mistelbach issued a temporary pool ban for refugees following a sexual assault by a “dark-skinned’ man on a 13-year-old girl. German and Swiss are issuing leaflets how to behave in pools.

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Fasting as a teenager during Ramadan

What is it like to fast as a 15-year-old during Ramadan? This year the period of observing the Muslim fast falls during June. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, …

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Panama Tax Haven Scandal: The Bigger Picture

The “Panama Papers” tax haven leak is big … After all, the Prime Minister of Iceland resigned over the leak, and investigations are taking place worldwide over the leak. But the Panama Papers reporting mainly focuses on friends of Russia’s Putin, Ass...

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Britain’s Dreams of a ‘Swiss Miracle’ Look More Like Fantasy

To help explain why the British voted to leave the European Union, look to Switzerland. The famously neutral Swiss rejected membership in the European Economic Area, a potential steppingstone to the European Union, in a 1992 referendum, but Switzerland didn’t formally withdraw its dormant application until last week, when the Swiss Parliament decided to terminate it.

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Rule Britannia

What a glorious day for Britain and anyone among you who continues to believe in the ideas of liberty, freedom, and sovereign democratic rule. Against all expectations, the leave camp somehow managed to push the referendum across the center line, with 51.9% of voters counted electing to leave the European Union.

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Transport minister Doris Leuthard gets emotional at Gotthard opening

“It’s a day to be proud,” said Doris Leuthard, Switzerland’s transport minister, visibly moved as she spoke with at the opening of the Gotthard rail tunnel on June 1 2016. “It’s proof that Switzerland can achieve something.” (Daniele Mariani, — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role …

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Brexit shakes global markets and the SMI

The Swiss Market Index (SMI) is set to post a modest gain this week despite confirmation that the UK has decided to leave the European Union. The SMI opened almost 7% lower following the announcement before recovering.

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Behind the scenes at SWI

Follow us during a day of work at SWI From editorial meetings to voiceovers in the studio to reporting outdoors. A behind the scenes look into our daily life. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective …

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Swiss tax redistribution in 2017 – winners and losers

Switzerland has a system known as la péréquation financière nationale in French, or Finanzausgleich in German, which requires “rich” cantons to give money to “poor” cantons. Yesterday, the Swiss federal government published the numbers for 2017.

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British Discontent About The EU: Only A Precursor To Unrest On The Continent

Britain leaves the EU and if the reaction to Brexit causes years of uncertainty, the EU will reap what it has sowed. British discontent is only a precursor to unrest on the Continent, where populists from across the political spectrum feel they have lost control over their fate, and are gaining popularity

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Danny Kerry on his journey as Head Coach of GB Women’s Hockey

“To be a truly great player you have to have passion, commitment and self belief.” GB Women’s Hockey Head Coach Danny Kerry on his journey with the team ahead of the biggest summer of their lives.

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Who Is The “European Movement” And Why The Answer May Change How You Vote On “Brexit”

The UK has to choice: Remain as sovereign state or merge it into the undemocratic United States of Europe. Big business, banks, central banks and the IMF want to excercise their power through unelected officials. And wonder who is responsible for the "European Movement."

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The British Referendum And The Long Arm Of The Lawless

Kings have long arms, many ears, and many eyes.” So read an English proverb dated back to the year of our Lord 1539. And thus was born an idiom that today translates to the very familiar Long Arm of the Law. It stands to reason that such a warning was born of feudal times when omnipotent and seemingly omnipresent monarchs personified the law.

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World’s Central Bankers Gathering At BIS’ Basel Tower Ahead Of Brexit Results

What happens on the 18th floor of the main tower at Centralbahnplatz 2 in Basel, stays on the 18th floor of the main tower at Centralbahnplatz 2.

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Cameron van der Burgh: The Making of an Out of the Ordinary Advert

Discover the lengths to which director Keith Rose went to in order to depict burning ambition that’s anything but ordinary. Be inspired by more Out of the Ordinary stories here:

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Burning ambition: Cameron van der Burgh’s Out of the Ordinary talent

When the heat is on, what does it take for Cameron van der Burgh to push himself beyond his limits? Experience the burning ambition which drove his Out of the Ordinary success. Dive in now and be inspired:

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