Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

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Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Martin Wenk über das Wesen von Börsen-Crashes

Martin Wenk, Konzernleitungsmitglied und abtretender Anlagechef von Baloise, schätzt im cash-Interview Marktpreise bei Immobilien, Aktien und Obligationen ein und sagt, wann er als Privatmann an der Börse zuschlägt.

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Sender must now pay Swiss Post for customs checks

Currently, anyone ordering something from outside Switzerland, must pay Swiss Post an administrative charge if their package attracts import tax (duty and/or VAT). In addition, they must pay Swiss Post an additional CHF 13 if the parcel needs to be opened, usually because the package has been poorly labelled.

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Government stops tax rises on Swiss cigarettes

Swiss cigarette prices will not rise over the coming years unless manufacturers increase the underlying price. On Tuesday, Switzerland’s Council of States (upper house), withheld permission to allow the Federal Council (cabinet) to continue hiking the tax on smokes.

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Musings of a street cleaner

Michel Simonet has been devoted to cleaning the streets of Fribourg for 30 years. He has written a book about his experiences, thoughts and observations, which has now been published in German. (SRF/ “Mit Besen und Rose” (With a broom and a rose) is a homage to the street cleaner’s profession, calling on the reader … Continue...

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Swiss government drops plan to restrict lobbyists’ access to parliament

One year after Switzerland’s Council of States (upper house) voted in favour of controlling lobbyists’ access to parliament, the draft proposed implementation plan has been rejected by the commission in charge of it.

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46 percent of Swiss industrial companies considering relocating operations abroad

After a very difficult year in 2015, the Swiss mechanical and electrical engineering industries (MEM) started to recover in 2016, with new orders rising by 9.5%. At the same time 23% of the industry made a loss on the back of high costs and a 1.8% drop in sales, says the industry association Swiss MEM.

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Swiss rents 40 percent too high, according to bank’s calculation

According to the bank Raiffeisen, if rents had followed the path prescribed in the Swiss Code of Obligations, they would be much lower. Their figures show that changes in interest rates have not flowed through to renters. If rents had fallen in step with mortgage interest rates they would be 40% lower than they are currently.

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Hiren Dasani, Head India Equity Goldman Sachs Asset Management

In Indien laufen Wirtschaft und Aktienmarkt sehr gut. Wie lange geht das noch so weiter und welche Möglichkeiten haben Anleger? Antworten darauf vom lokalen Aktienspezialisten Hiren Dasani.

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Olaf Swantee, CEO Sunrise

Sunrise fährt die grosszügige Dividendenpolitik fort, weist aber einen rückläufigen Umsatz aus. Was CEO Olaf Swantee vom letzten Jahr hält, sagt er im Interview. Zudem äussert er sich zum geplanten Sendemastenverkauf.

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Proposal to remove Swiss home-owner tax rejected

In Switzerland, those who own the home they live in must add imputed rent to their income when calculating their income tax. This means owner-occupiers are taxed for living in their own homes, an odd concept for some who are new to Switzerland.

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Bank drops plan to loosen Swiss mortgage restrictions

The bank Raiffeisen has dropped its attempt to reduce minimum deposit requirements for home loans, according to RTS. Last autumn, it unveiled plans to reduce loan deposit requirements. However, last week, the bank announced that FINMA, Switzerland’s financial regulator, was opposed to the idea.

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Swiss drug prices more than double european average – “Mr Price” takes aim

Switzerland’s public price watchdog chief, Stefan Meierhans, also know as “Mr Price”, has taken aim at high Swiss drug prices. A report published last week shows prices of generic drugs are nearly 2.4 times more expensive in Switzerland compared to the average price across 15 european countries.

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Thomas Ankenbrand, Finanz-Dozent an der Hochschule Luzern.

Laut einer neuen Studie wurden 2016 in der Schweiz weniger Fintech-Unternehmen gegründet als im Vorjahr. Stösst der Fintech-Boom an seine Grenzen? Finanz-Dozent Thomas Ankenbrand bezieht im Interview mit cash Stellung.

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Grégoire Poux-Guillaume, CEO Sulzer

Die Märkte für Öl und Gas haben Sulzer vergangenes Jahr Gegenwind bereitet. CEO Grégoire Poux-Guillaume gibt einen Ausblick und sagt, warum der Konzern «schmerzhafte» Sparprogramme durchführt.

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Breweries boom in Switzerland

The number of breweries in Switzerland has mushroomed over the past ten years, even though the Swiss are not drinking more. Swiss Public Televison, RTS, reports on the ‘La Comète’ brewery, which has been revived in La Chaux-de-Fonds. (RTS/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to …

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California, Nestle and Decentralization

Nestle USA has announced that it will move its headquarters from Glendale, California, to Rosslyn, Virginia, taking with it about 1200 jobs. The once Golden State has lost some 1690 businesses since 2008 and a net outflow of a million of mostly middle-class people from the state from 2004 to 2013 due to its onerous tax rates, the oppressive regulatory burden, and the genuine kookiness which pervades among its ruling elites.*

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Patrik Gisel, CEO Raiffeisen Schweiz

Starkes Hypothekenwachstum, aber grosse Probleme mit der Leonteq-Beteiligung: Das Geschäftsresultat von Raiffeisen bietet Höhen und Tiefen. CEO Patrik Gisel stellt sich im Interview den Fragen von cash.

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Taking an abbot as a model

A 300-year-old fresco adorns the south facade of the monastery in Disentis, canton Graubünden. It has been undergoing restoration for the past few months. Because several figures were no longer visible, they have been re-painted from scratch, and it was the current abbot who posed as a model. (SRF/ — is the international branch …

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Börsen-Talk vom 24. Februar 2017

cash-Guru Alfred Herbert freut sich über den neuen Schwung im SMI. Er traut dem Markt noch Kurssteigerungen zu, rechnet aber mit einer Ernüchterung im Sommer. Im Börsen-Talk sagt er, was Anleger bis dahin tun können.

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Robert Arnott, Gründer von Research Affiliates

Robert Arnott ist einer der brillantesten Finanzökonomen und Vater des Fundamental-Index. Im Interview mit cash sagt er, wie Markt-Schnäppchen entstehen und warum ein erfolgreicher Trump eher schlecht für die US-Börse ist.

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