Category Archive: 2) Swiss and European Macro

Main Author George Dorgan
George Dorgan
George Dorgan (penname) predicted the end of the EUR/CHF peg at the CFA Society and at many occasions on and on this blog. Several Swiss and international financial advisors support the site. These firms aim to deliver independent advice from the often misleading mainstream of banks and asset managers. George is FinTech entrepreneur, financial author and alternative economist. He speak seven languages fluently.

Diskussion beim IFO-Institut: Die Schuldengemeinschaft und Generationengerechtigkeit

Die Aufklärung für den mündigen Bürger über ESM, Eurobonds, Schuldengemeinschaft und Generationengerechtigkeit. Nehmen Sie sich die Zeit und Sie können die kommende Politik Merkels und den weiteren Verlauf der Eurokrise voraussehen, möglicherweise sogar mit ihrem Investment .

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Frank Schäffler SEITENWEISE: „Vom Wert der besseren Ideen”

Frank Schäffler stellt im Rahmen der Serie „Frank & Frei: Seitenweise” das Buch „Vom Wert der besseren Ideen” von Ludwig von Mises vor und erläutert seine Aktualität.

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Update vom Deutschen Verfassungsgericht 11. Juli

Deutsches Verfassungsgericht braucht 3 Monate für seinen Eilentscheid, der nun eine halbe Hauptsachenentscheidung ist. Die Wahl im Gericht zwischen der system-relevanten Bank ESM und dem "Herausschmeissen" der Südländer aus dem Euro und vieles aus dem Verfassungsgericht.

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German constitutional court needs 3 months to decide about the injunction

The German constitutional court will need up to 3 months for the injunction. Weidmann's critic on the ESM in detail. Estimations of German liability between 900 bln. and 2 trillion EUR.

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German constitutional court injunction decision on ESM and the potential referendum

What is the injunction procedure of the German constitutional court exactly about. What are the arguments of the Anti-ESM and the Pro-ESM fractions ?

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SEITENWEISE – Holger Krahmer – Dieses Mal wird alles anders

Holger Krahmer, MdEP, stellt im Rahmen der Serie „Frank & Frei: Seitenweise” das Buch „Dieses Mal ist alles anders” von Kenneth Rogoth vor und erläutert seine Aktualität.

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Switzerland in MoM deflation due to cheaper energy and clothes

Slowing energy prices (MoM -4.2%) and seasonal effects for clothes and footwear (MoM -2.8%) drove Switzerland in a slight deflation on monthly basis again.

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Opportunites in the luxury sector

The luxury sector looks promising as the Emerging Markets represent now 40% of the global luxury items consumption. In this video Caroline Reyl, Senior Investment Manager, explains how the Chinese consumers will drive growth and profitability for luxury brands.

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Only 17% of German voters in favor of Eurobonds

  Voters are strongly against many other European utopias The newest poll of the Forsa institute, here in the left-wing Stern and the conservative Welt, shows that Germans are strongly against Eurobonds and many more European “utopias”, as we called it. The German chancellor Angela Merkel recently connected her life with the fulfillment of the voters wish to …

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Wolfgang Münchau, FT: Merkel was the winner of the Euro summit

  Wolfgang Münchau endorsed many of our arguments Wolfgang Münchau, Financial Times, has endorsed many of our arguments of our Friday's opinion  about the Euro summit where we stated that there was nothing really new. Münchau even claims that "The real victor in Brussels was Merkel."

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Frank Schäffler – Rede zur Verabschiedung von Fiskalpakt und ESM

Frank Schäffler spricht vor dem Deutschen Bundestag in der Debatte zur Verabschiedung des Fiskalpakts und des ‘”Europäischen Stabilitätsmechanismus” (ESM)

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At the Euro summit there was nothing really new. What was the party about ?

At the euro summit today there was essentially nothing what was really surprising. We wonder what markets are so excited about.

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Frank Schäffler – über Fiskalpakt und ESM (Interview)

Frank Schäffler im Interview – ESM und Fiskalpakt als Mittel gegen die Eurokrise? Interview von Tom Aslan —

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Merkel: ‘No Eurobonds as Long as I Live’, Hollande: ‘Eurobonds will take up to 10 years’

  German chancellor Angela Merkel today confirmed the content of our article that Eurobonds are pure utopia. She vows  "No Eurobonds as Long as I Live".

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The relevance of hedge funds

Some people wonder if the hedge fund industry is less performant because it has reached full capacity. Nicolas Campiche gives his views and explains what we should expect for the future and why hedge funds have a role to play in portfolios.

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Can Merkel stop the Eurobonds ? German “Der Focus” on Eurobonds

  The German "Der Focus",one of the most successful weekly magazines, titles "Can Merkel stop the Eurobonds ?" Der Focus claims that Eurobonds have the following issues:

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Frank Schäffler SEITENWEISE: „Ethik der Geldproduktion”

Frank Schäffler stellt im Rahmen der Serie „Frank & Frei: Seitenweise” das Buch „Ethik der Geldproduktion” von Jörg Guido Hülsmann vor und erläutert seine Aktualität.

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Eurobonds, fiscal union or banking union are all pure utopia

Eurobonds are light years away.Germany wants the following order: 1) Euro Plus Pact 2) Fiscal Compact 3) ESM 4) Political union 5) Fiscal union 6) Eurobonds

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Frank Schäffler – SEITENWEISE – Geschichte und Freiheit

Frank Schäffler stellt im Rahmen der Serie “Frank & Frei: Seitenweise” das von Alexander Dörrbecker herausgegebene Lord-Acton-Brevier “Geschichte und Freiheit” vor und erläutert seine Aktualität.

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Frank Schäffler: Rede zur Riester-Rente


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