Category Archive: 2) Swiss and European Macro

Main Author George Dorgan
George Dorgan
George Dorgan (penname) predicted the end of the EUR/CHF peg at the CFA Society and at many occasions on and on this blog. Several Swiss and international financial advisors support the site. These firms aim to deliver independent advice from the often misleading mainstream of banks and asset managers. George is FinTech entrepreneur, financial author and alternative economist. He speak seven languages fluently.

Wie Amerika sollte auch Europa die transatlantische Beziehung als Vernunftehe betrachten

Der Handelskrieg weitet sich immer mehr aus und macht selbst vor europäischen Unternehmen nicht mehr Halt. Sie müssen mittlerweile abwägen, inwieweit sie noch Geschäfte mit China machen können, ohne es sich mit dem US-Absatzmarkt zu verscherzen. Muss sich auch die EU zwischen Baum – amerikanischem Druck – und Borke – chinesischem Absatzmarkt – entscheiden? Oder …

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Geld verdienen mit fallenden Kursen!

➤ Mein YouTube-Kanal zum Thema Trading: ► TIPP 1: Sichere Dir wöchentlich meine Tipps zu Gold, Aktien, ETFs & Co. – 100% gratis: ► TIPP 2: Spare monatlich in die besten Aktien der Welt, mit dem Zukunfts-Depot der Rendite-Spezialisten. Jetzt anmelden und Gratis-Monat sichern: Kann eigentlich jeder mit fallenden Kursen Geld verdienen? …...

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Pictet – In Conversation with Rahaf Harfoush

Anthropologist Rahaf Harfoush was in the Bahamas for 2019’s Latam Family Office Master Class to enlighten Latin American families on how shifting technology consumption is affecting how we interact with each other and redefining our belief systems. Despite the challenges for companies and individuals when it comes to navigating fake data and adapting to a new digital ethical landscape, she also argues that there are plenty of investor prospects, in...

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Pictet — Multi-Generational Wealth, Nassau

Technology plays an increasingly important role in our lives, from business interactions to the way we communicate in our private lives. Pictet’s 2019 edition of its annual Latam Family Office masterclass – which took place in Nassau, the Bahamas – delved into this topic around the central themes of geopolitics, families and the new power of social media. Alongside a Pictet line-up that included managing partners Marc Pictet and Boris Collardi,...

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Pictet – In Conversation with Rahaf Harfoush

Anthropologist Rahaf Harfoush was in the Bahamas for 2019’s Latam Family Office Master Class to enlighten Latin American families on how shifting technology consumption is affecting how we interact with each other and redefining our belief systems. Despite the challenges for companies and individuals when it comes to navigating fake data and adapting to a …

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Pictet — Multi-Generational Wealth, Nassau

Technology plays an increasingly important role in our lives, from business interactions to the way we communicate in our private lives. Pictet’s 2019 edition of its annual Latam Family Office masterclass – which took place in Nassau, the Bahamas – delved into this topic around the central themes of geopolitics, families and the new power …

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Yanis Varoufakis: we must stop Europe from falling into a racist abyss | DiEM25

After events in Austria with Strache and so on, we have an even greater duty to ensure that the propaganda machine of the Right does not win. Vote for Demokratie in Europa – DiEM25 or a European Spring party on May 26!

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Swiss Labour Force Survey in 1st quarter 2019: 0.8percent increase in number of employed persons; unemployment rate based on ILO definition at 4.9percent

16.05.2019 - The number of employed persons in Switzerland rose by 0.8% between the 1st quarter 2018 and the 1st quarter 2019. During the same period, the unemployment rate as defined by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) declined from 5.2% to 4.9%. The EU's unemployment rate decreased from 7.4% to 6.8%. These are some of the results from the Swiss Labour Force Survey (SLFS).

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Tesla: Ver-10-facht sich die Aktie?

► Mein Podcast auf Google Podcasts: ► Mein Podcast auf iTunes:ür-die-erfolgreiche/id1455853622 ► Mein Podcast auf Spotify: ► TIPP: Sichere Dir wöchentlich meine Tipps zu Gold, Aktien, ETFs & Co. – 100% gratis:...

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Demokratie in Europa: Yanis Varoufakis in Hannover

Yanis Varoufakis ist trotz seiner nur fünf Monate dauernden Amtszeit als Finanzminister von Griechenland als eines der prägenden Gesichter der griechischen Staatsschuldenkrise in Erinnerung geblieben. 2016 hat er gemeinsam mit dem Philosophen Srećko Horvat die Bewegung „Democracy in Europe. Movement 2025“ (DiEM25) gegründet – Hauptsitz: Berlin. Varoufakis ist deutscher Spitzenkandidat für die Europawahl am 26. …

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Bayer befindet sich in einer schweren Krise

In den USA hat Bayer mittlerweile den dritten Prozess um womöglich krebserregende Produkte der Tochter Monsanto verloren und wurde zu hohen Schadensersatzzahlungen verurteilt. Das hat Signalwirkung, da über 13.000 weitere Klagen anhängig sind. Erschwerend kommt der Verdacht hinzu, Monsanto habe Verschleierungsaktionen durchgeführt, um von der Krebsgefahr abzulenken. Wie könnte es mit Bayer und dem Aktienkurs …

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Swiss Producer and Import Price Index in April 2019: -0.6 percent YoY, unchanged MoM

The Producer and Import Price Index remained unchanged in April 2019 compared with the previous month. The index stood at 102.2 points (December 2015 = 100). Higher prices were seen in particular for petrol and machinery, while diesel and heating oil became cheaper.

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Uber-Aktie: Bei diesem Kurs kaufen!

► Mein Podcast auf Google Podcasts: ► Mein Podcast auf iTunes:ür-die-erfolgreiche/id1455853622 ► Mein Podcast auf Spotify: ► TIPP: Sichere Dir wöchentlich meine Tipps zu Gold, Aktien, ETFs & Co. – 100% gratis:...

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French tax cuts designed to reboot Macron’s presidency

The French government’s respond to the ‘yellow vest’ protests could provide a meaningful boost to consumer spending, mostly next year.Following a series of townhall meetings with French citizens up and down France, President Emmanuel Macron responded to social unrest with two doses of fiscal easing.

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DiEM25 Yanis Varoufakis – FaceBook and China, Brexit, Trump & Putin – 18 April 2018

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Can Yanis Varoufakis save Europe?

The Greek economist is back battling the EU establishment, this time at the helm of a new movement, DiEM25. Backed by Pamela Anderson and the world’s most famous cyborg, he is fighting ultra-right populism with a radical agenda he thinks can restore people’s lost faith in democracy. As the European parliamentary elections approach, is anyone …

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The Future & Political Economy of Europe with Yanis Varoufakis

Support our non-profit & independent work via a small donation: On the 27th of April 2019, the Munich Kammerspiele organized an event called “The Future of Europe” that hosted Yanis Varoufakis (Co-Founder of DiEM25) amongst other experts. A host of issues were discussed that dealt specifically with the political developments surrounding Europe including solutions …

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So wird Geld wertlos!

► Mein Podcast auf Google Podcasts: ► Mein Podcast auf iTunes:ür-die-erfolgreiche/id1455853622 ► Mein Podcast auf Spotify: ► TIPP: Sichere Dir wöchentlich meine Tipps zu Gold, Aktien, ETFs & Co. – 100% gratis:...

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Switzerland Unemployment in April 2019: Unchanged at 2.4percent, seasonally adjusted unchanged at 2.4percent

Registered Unemployment in April 2019 - According to surveys by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), at the end of April 2019, 107,298 unemployed persons were registered at the regional employment agencies (RAV), 5,043 fewer than in the previous month. The unemployment rate fell from 2.5% in March 2019 to 2.4% in the month under review.

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Europe Battle | Sven Giegold vs. Yanis Varoufakis | EuropaCamp 2019

Beim Europa-Battle treten zwei Spitzenkandidaten der Europa-Wahl im Ideenwettstreit gegeneinander an: Sven Giegold von der Partei Bündnis 90/Die Grünen misst sich mit Yanis Varoufakis von der paneuropäischen Bewegung Demokratie für Europa. Eine Jury aus drei Experten (Ulrike Guérot, Donau-Universität Krems, Kübra Gümüşay, Journalistin, und Daniel Hegedüs, German Marshall Fund of the United States) stellt den …

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