Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

Precious Metals Outperform Markets In August – Gold +4 percents, Silver +5 percents

All four precious metals outperform markets in August. Gold posts best month since January, up nearly 4%. Gold reaches highest price since US election, climbs due to uncertainty and safe haven demand. S&P 500 marginally higher; Euro Stoxx, Nikkei lower for month. Platinum is best performing metal climbing over 5%. Palladium climbs over 4% thanks to seven year supply squeeze.

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Six Banks Join UBS’s “Utility Coin” Blockchain Project

Here’s a piece of news that the remaining human members of Wall Street’s FX sales and trading desks probably don’t want to hear. According to the Financial Times, six of the world’s largest banks have decided to join a blockchain project called “utility coin” that will allow banks to settle trades in securities denominated in different currencies without a money transfer.

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Gold Reset To $10,000/oz Coming “By January 1, 2018” – Rickards

Trump could be planning a radical “reboot” of the U.S. dollar. Currency reboot will see leading nations devalue their currencies against gold. New gold price would be nearly 8 times higher at $10,000/o. Price based on mass exit of foreign governments and investors from the US Dollar. US total debt now over $80 Trillion – $20T national debt and $60T consumer debt. Monetary reboot or currency devaluation seen frequently – even modern history. Buy...

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Gold Surges 2.6 percent After Jackson Hole and N. Korean Missile

Gold surges as N. Korea fires ballistic missile over Japan. Safe haven buying sees gold break out to 10-month high after Jackson Hole and rising North Korea risk of attack on Guam. South Korea’s air force dropped eight MK 84 bombs near Seoul; simulating the destruction of North Korea’s leadership.

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Thank God Its Friday with Marc Faber

Marc Faber, , Editor and Publisher, The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report talks about Indian real-estate, cryptocurrency and Indian stocks.

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Diversify Into Gold On U.S. “Political Instability” Advise Blackrock

Gold set to shine as Washington stumbles. “Bet on gold’s diversifying properties rather than political stability”. World’s largest asset manager believes Trump and political drama in the U.S. means gold likely to rise. Real rates flattening out and rising political instability – Blackrock’s Koesterich. “For now my bias would be to stick with gold” – Blackrock. U.S. debt ceiling issue to be fractious as bankrupt U.S. hits $20 trillion debt....

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Precious Metals Supply-Demand Report

Keith Weiner's weekly look on Gold. Gold and silver prices, Gold-Silver Price Ratio, Gold basis and co-basis and the dollar price, Silver basis and co-basis and the dollar price.

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The Truth About Bundesbank Repatriation of Gold From U.S.

Bundesbank has completed a transfer of gold worth €24B from France and U.S. Germany has completed domestic gold storage plan 3 years ahead of schedule. In the €7.7 million plan, 54,000 gold bars were shipped and audited.

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Global Financial Crisis 10 Years On: Gold Price Rises 124 percent From €490 to €1,100

Gold up over 100% in major currencies since financial crisis. Gold up 100% in USD, 124% in EUR and surged 200% in GBP. Gold has outperformed equity, bonds and most assets. Gold remains an important safe-haven in long term.

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Bad Ideas About Money and Bitcoin

How We Got Used to Fiat Money Most false or irrational ideas about money are not new. For example, take the idea that government can just fix the price of one monetary asset against another. Some people think that we can have a gold standard by such a decree today. This idea goes back at least as far as the Coinage Act of 1792, when the government fixed 371.25 grains of silver to the same value as 24.75 grains of gold, or a ratio of 15 to 1.

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Sprott Money News Ask the Expert August 2017 – Nomi Prins

Renowned journalist and author, Nomi Prins, fields questions from Sprott Money customers on topics ranging from the Federal Reserve system to the gold in Fort Knox.

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Ronan Manly-Can China Impact the Fraudulent London Paper Gold Markets?

Ronan Manly, explains how an honest gold bullion market in Shanghai could put pressure on western gold markets to correct price distortion caused by the paper futures markets?

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Precious Metals Supply and Demand Report

Keith Weiner's weekly look on Gold. Gold and silver prices, Gold-Silver Price Ratio, Gold basis and co-basis and the dollar price, Silver basis and co-basis and the dollar price.

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U.S. Treasury Secretary: I Assume Fort Knox Gold Is Still There

US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin visits Fort Knox Gold Later tweeted ‘Glad gold is safe!’ Only the third Treasury Secretary to visit the fortified vault, last visit was 1948

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Buffett Sees Market Crash Coming? His Cash Speaks Louder Than Words

The Sage of Omaha’s adage is “it’s far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price.” But for Warren Buffett the current environment doesn’t appear to be offering up any wonderful companies at fair valuations. The situation is so bad that the cash stockpile of Berkshire Hathaway has more than doubled in the last four years, from under $40 billion to $100bn.

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Gold, Silver Consolidate On Last Weeks Gains, Palladium Surges 36% YTD To 16 Year High

Gold and silver rise as stocks fall sharply after Barcelona attack. Gold, silver 0.6% higher in week after last weeks 2%, 5% rise. Palladium +36% ytd, breaks out & reaches 16 year high (chart). Gold to silver ratio falls to mid 75s after silver gains last week

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Gold Hedges USD Devaluation, Rise in Oil, Food and Cost of Living Since 1971 – Must See Charts

Gold hedges massive ongoing devaluation of U.S. Dollar. 46th anniversary of ‘Tricky Dicky’ ending Gold Standard (see video). Savings destroyed by currency creation and now negative interest rates. Long-term inflation figures show gold a hedge against rising cost of fuel, food and cost of living. $20 food and beverages basket of 1971 cost $120.17 in 2017.

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Greg Weldon Interview: Gold is a “coiled spring”

Read the full transcript here: Listen to this wonderful interview with Greg Weldon of Weldon Financial and author of the book Gold Trading Boot Camp. Greg gives us his thoughts on the dangerous scenario that could ensure if a selloff drives everyone out of stocks all at the same time, shares his opinion on …

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Buy Gold Urges Dalio on Linkedin – “Militaristic Leaders Playing Chicken Risks Hellacious War”

Don't let "traditional biases" stop you from diversifying into gold - Dalio on Linkedin. “Risks are now rising and do not appear appropriately priced in” warns founder of world's largest hedge fund. Geo-political risk from North Korea & "risk of hellacious war". Risk that U.S. debt ceiling not raised; technical US default. Safe haven gold likely to benefit by more than dollar, treasuries.

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Börsenguru Marc Faber: Aktien, Gold und Immobilien sind besser als Bitcoin (Teil 2)

Interview Marc Faber Teil 1: “Dr. Doom” Marc Faber ( glaubt nicht an einen nachhaltigen Erfolg der Kryptowährung Bitcoin. Deshalb hat der Schweizer Investor auch keinen einzigen Bitcoin im Portfolio. “Ich kenne Leute, die intelligent sind, die denken, Bitcoins werden eines Tages 500.000 Dollar wert sein”, sagt Faber. “Meine Ansicht ist, dass sie weniger …...

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