Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

Neck and Neck: Russian and Chinese Official Gold Reserves

Official gold reserve updates from the Russian and Chinese central banks are probably one of the more closely watched metrics in the gold world. After the US, Germany, Italy and France, the sovereign gold holdings of China and Russia are the world’s 5th and 6th largest. And with the gold reserves ‘official figures’ of the US, Germany, Italy and France being essentially static, the only numbers worth watching are those of China and Russia.

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Stock Market Party Coming To An End Warns Marc Faber

The party is coming to an end folks. Stock markets are trading at all-time highs and heading for their ninth straight year of record valuations, but one famed investor – known to many as Dr. Doom – is not falling for the hype. “The fact that a market goes up does not necessarily mean it … Continue reading...

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The Gold-Backed-Oil-Yuan Futures Contract Myth

On September 1, 2017, the Nikkei Asian Review published an article titled, “China sees new world order with oil benchmark backed by gold”, written by Damon Evans. Just below the headline in the introduction it states, “China is expected shortly to launch a crude oil futures contract priced in yuan and convertible into gold in what analysts say could be a game-changer for the industry”. Not long after the Nikkei piece was released ‘the story’ was...

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U.S. Mint Gold Coin Sales and VIX Point To Increased Market Volatility and Higher Gold

US Mint gold coin sales and VIX at weakest in a decade. Very low gold coin sales and VIX signal volatility coming. Gold rises 1.7% this week after China’s Golden Week; pattern of higher prices after Golden Week. U.S. Mint sales do not provide the full picture of robust global gold demand. Perth Mint gold sales double in September reflecting increased gold demand in both Asia and Europe. Middle East demand likely high given geopolitical risks. Iran...

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Swiss Flush $3 Million In Gold And Silver Down The Drain Every Year

When it comes to flushing valuables down the toilet, the Swiss are hardly "Austrians", and appear to be equity-opportunity dumpers, whether it is fiat or hard money. Last month we reported that Switzerland was gripped in a mystery, after it was discovered that someone tried to flush $120,000 in €500 bills down the toilet in a bathroom close to a UBS bank vault as well as three nearby restaurants, which in turn clogged the local toilets requiring...

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Global Outlook – Mad, Mad, Mad, MAD World: News in Charts

Global Outlook – Mad, Mad, Mad, MAD World: News in Charts by Fathom Consulting via Thomson Reuters. Alarm bells are ringing for economic fundamentalists such as Fathom Consulting. Asset prices look increasingly out of step with fundamentals, and in some cases they look downright bubbly. And other geopolitical developments are similarly alarming. One might even describe them as…

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Young Guns of Gold Podcast – ‘The Everything Bubble’

Young Guns of Gold Podcast – ‘The Everything Bubble’. Precious Metal Roundtable discuss gold in 2017 and outlook. Gold +9.1% year to date; Performing well given Fed raising rates, lack of volatility and surge in stock markets. “People are expecting too much from gold”. Economy: Inflation indicators, recession on the horizon, global debt issues. Global demand: ETF inflows, Russia central bank purchases, Germany investment figures and international...

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3 million francs of gold and silver found in Swiss sewers

Call it “dirty money” if you wish, because there’s about CHF 3 million in gold and silver found each year in Swiss sewage. But no one is going to get rich, according to a just-published report by the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag). Recovering the estimated CHF 1.5 million in gold, and the same in silver, that passes through Swiss wastewater each year, wouldn’t be cost-effective, says the report. On the bright...

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Frank Holmes Exclusive: Bitcoin Needs Electricity, Gold CONDUCTS Electricity

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Stocks Up and Yields Down – Precious Metals Supply & Demand

Keith Weiner’s weekly look on Gold. Gold and silver prices, Gold-Silver Price Ratio, Gold basis and co-basis and the dollar price, Silver basis and co-basis and the dollar price.

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Practical Economics for Entrepreneurs with Dr. Keith Weiner

Find out practical ideas that you can use from an economic genius in your business. This is for those involved in entrepreneurial activites whether or not you own your own business. Keith Weiner, PhD, is an economist who talks about investments, gold and more. In this discussion we talked about practical economics, gold, bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, and more. Please leave a comment about what you think.

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Practical Economics for Entrepreneurs with Dr. Keith Weiner

Find out practical ideas that you can use from an economic genius in your business. This is for those involved in entrepreneurial activites whether or not you own your own business. Keith Weiner, PhD, is an economist who talks about investments, gold and more. In this discussion we talked about practical economics, gold, bitcoin and …

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Perth Mint Gold Coins Sales Double In September

Perth Mint gold coins see sales double on month in September. Perth Mint silver bullion coin sales surge 78% in September. Perth Mint sold 46,415 ounces of gold in September. Nearly six times more gold coins sold at Perth Mint than U.S. Mint in September. Sales surge at Perth Mint from low base; could indicate trend change and higher demand in coming months

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Gold Investment In Germany Surges – Now World’s Largest Gold Buyers

Gold investment in Germany surged in past 10 years. Germans are largest gold buyers in world: WGC research. Gold investment in Germany surges to €6.8B in 2016. Gold demand per person is highest in world – double Chinese, UK and U.S. demand. Gold one of the most popular investment for retail investors especially those with high incomes. 59% of respondents agreed with the statement that gold will never lose its value in the long-term. 48% agreed with...

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Yahoo Hacking Highlights Cyber Risk and Increasing Importance of Physical Gold

Yahoo admits every single one of 3 billion accounts hacked in 2013 data theft. Equifax hacking and security breach exposes half of the U.S. population. Some 143 million people vulnerable to identity theft. Deloitte hack compromised sensitive emails and client data. JP Morgan hacked and New York Fed hacked and robbed. International hacking group steals $300 million. Global digital banking and financial system not secure

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MARC FABER – The Upcoming Economic Recession in 2017 Has Already Begun!

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Thoughtful Disagreement with Ted Butler

Too Big to Fail? Dear Mr. Butler, in your article of 2 October, entitled Thoughtful Disagreement, you say: “Someone will come up with the thoughtful disagreement that makes the body of my premise invalid or the price of silver will validate the premise by exploding.” Ted Butler – we first became aware of Mr. Butler in 1998, and as far as we know, he has been making the bullish case for silver ever since.

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Artificial Intelligence vs The Rise of Robots w/Martin Ford

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David Morgan: The Fed’s Tightening Because the Dollar Is in Big Trouble

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DANGER! Stop Trading GOLD Now! MARC FABER warning

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