Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

Prof. Thomas Mayer on Euro

Prof. Thomas Mayer on Euro at the ECR Study Days 2017 in Berlin

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Shrinkflation – Real Inflation Much Higher Than Reported

600 new words entered our official lexicon this week as the Oxford English Dictionary announced the latest new additions to their online records.

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Sprott Money News Ask the Expert June 2017 – Chris Martenson

Financial author and analyst Chris Martenson answers questions from Sprott Money customers.

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Goldman, Citi Turn Positive On Gold – Despite “Mysterious” Flash Crash

Gold in USD - 1 Week - Massive selling at 0400 EST when U.S. markets closed and thin trading amid holidays in Muslim countries including Turkey, Singapore and Malaysia. - Mystery is that "fat fingers" in gold market are always sell trades that push prices lower

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What Is the Fundamental Gold Price? Precious Metals Supply and Demand [extended version]

Keith Weiner’s weekly look on Gold. Gold and silver prices, Gold-Silver Price Ratio, Gold basis and co-basis and the dollar price, Silver basis and co-basis and the dollar price.

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Marc Faber predicting stock market plunge of 40% or more

Noted market forecaster and editor of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report explains why he is bearish on stocks

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Stocks to plummet 40% or more, warns Marc Faber

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Go for Gold – Win a beautiful Gold Sovereign coin

The Irish Times has teamed up with GoldCore, Ireland’s first and leading gold broker, to offer you the chance to win a beautiful, freshly minted Gold Sovereign coin (2017) which contains nearly one quarter of an ounce of gold and is ‘investment grade’ 22 carat pure gold.

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Are the World’s Billionaire Investors Actually Buying Gold?

The 4 investors profiled in the infographic are: Jacob Rothschild (Lord), chairman of London-based investment trust RIT Capital Partners Plc, David Einhorn, president of Manhattan-based hedge fund firm Greenlight Capital, Ray Dalio, chairman and CIO of hedge fund firm Bridgewater Associates, Westport (Connecticut), Stanley Druckenmiller, chairman and CEO of Manthattan-based Duquesne Family Office (and formerly of Duquesne Capital Management).

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Only Gold Lasts Forever

his current state of play won’t last forever. Only Gold lasts forever. Some days it can feel a little rough being a gold investor. In today’s article Dominic Frisby is certainly feeling that way. Sometimes it can be all too easy to get caught up in the day to day chat around prices. Some forget that the reasons why they invested are still strong, even if it feels like the price isn’t.

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The Fed Rate Hike and Gold – Precious Metals Supply and Demand

Keith Weiner’s weekly look on Gold. Gold and silver prices, Gold-Silver Price Ratio, Gold basis and co-basis and the dollar price, Silver basis and co-basis and the dollar price.

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In Gold we Trust Report: Must See Gold Charts and Research

The 11th edition of the annual “In Gold we Trust” is another must read synopsis of the fundamentals of the gold market, replete with excellent charts by our friend Ronald-Peter Stoeferle and his colleague Mark Valek of Incrementum AG.

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MARC FABER | Amerigeddon Economic Collapse Will be on June 21 2017


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New Gold Pool at the BIS Switzerland: A Who’s Who of Central Bankers

A central bank Gold Pool which many people will be familiar with operated in the gold market between November 1961 and March 1968. That Gold Pool was known as the London Gold Pool.

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The Anatomy of Brown’s Gold Bottom – Precious Metals Supply and Demand

Keith Weiner's weekly look on Gold. Gold and silver prices, Gold-Silver Price Ratio, Gold basis and co-basis and the dollar price, Silver basis and co-basis and the dollar price.

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Liberty Silvers ädelmetallseminarium i Göteborg – Ronan Manly

Info will follow in english. I februari anordnade Liberty Silver ett ädelmetallseminarium i Göteborg. Kvällen började med en företagspresentation av Liberty Silvers VD Mikael From följt av en föreläsning av Liberty Silvers grundare Torgny Persson. Torgny berättade om prismanipulation på ädelmetallmarknaden och bullionbanker. Därefter intog den irländske ädelmetallanalytikern Ronan Manly scenen och föreläste om centralbanker …

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Investor Marc Faber Mr Doom asset allocation

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Who Benefits from Transparency in the Gold Market? – Keith Weiner

Join us at an upcoming event! Stay Connected! Copyright © 2015 Cambridge House International Inc. All rights reserved.

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Who Benefits from Transparency in the Gold Market? – Keith Weiner

Join us at an upcoming event! Stay Connected! Tweets by Cambridge Copyright © 2015 Cambridge House International Inc. All rights reserved.

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In Gold We Trust, 2017

This year’s Incrementum In Gold We Trust report by our good friends Ronald Stoeferle and Mark Valek appears about one month earlier than usual (we already mentioned in our most recent gold update that it would become available soon). As always, the report is extremely comprehensive, discussing everything from fundamentals pertaining to gold, to technical analysis to statistical studies on the behavior of gold under different economic scenarios.

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