Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

Liberty Silvers ädelmetallseminarium i Göteborg – Ronan Manly

Info will follow in english. I februari anordnade Liberty Silver ett ädelmetallseminarium i Göteborg. Kvällen började med en företagspresentation av Liberty Silvers VD Mikael From följt av en föreläsning av Liberty Silvers grundare Torgny Persson. Torgny berättade om prismanipulation på ädelmetallmarknaden och bullionbanker. Därefter intog den irländske ädelmetallanalytikern Ronan Manly scenen och föreläste om centralbanker …

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Investor Marc Faber Mr Doom asset allocation

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Who Benefits from Transparency in the Gold Market? – Keith Weiner

Join us at an upcoming event! Stay Connected! Copyright © 2015 Cambridge House International Inc. All rights reserved.

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Who Benefits from Transparency in the Gold Market? – Keith Weiner

Join us at an upcoming event! Stay Connected! Tweets by Cambridge Copyright © 2015 Cambridge House International Inc. All rights reserved.

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In Gold We Trust, 2017

This year’s Incrementum In Gold We Trust report by our good friends Ronald Stoeferle and Mark Valek appears about one month earlier than usual (we already mentioned in our most recent gold update that it would become available soon). As always, the report is extremely comprehensive, discussing everything from fundamentals pertaining to gold, to technical analysis to statistical studies on the behavior of gold under different economic scenarios.

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David Morgan Interview: Gold & Silver At Breakout Point From 6 Year Downtrend

Read the full transcript here ? David Morgan of The Morgan Report joins Mike Gleason of Money Metals Exchange for a terrific interview on counterparty risk and other dangers in today’s markets and also shares his thoughts on when he expects the metals to turn and what the smart money is already doing. Don’t …

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Gold Prices Steady On UK Election Risk; ECB Meeting and Geopolitical Risk

Gold held steady on Thursday as investors awaited cues on market direction amid a number of geopolitical events later in the day that could boost the safe-haven demand for the metal.

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Gold Prices Break 6-Year-Long Downtrend On Safe Haven and 50percent Surge In Chinese Demand

Gold prices break 6 year down trend on safe haven demand (see charts). Chinese gold demand set to surge 50% to 1,000 metric tonnes. Chinese demand for gold bars on track to surge more than 60 percent in 2017. Geopolitical risk internationally leading to safe haven demand. UK election, terrorism and rising tensions in Middle East supporting gold after attacks in London and attacks in Iran today.

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Stocks, Bonds, Euro, and Gold Go Up – Precious Metals Supply and Demand

Keith Weiner's weekly look on Gold. Gold and silver prices, Gold-Silver Price Ratio, Gold basis and co-basis and the dollar price, Silver basis and co-basis and the dollar price.

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Deposit Bail In Risk as Spanish Bank’s Stocks and Bonds Crash

Deposit bail in risk as stocks and bonds of Spanish bank – Banco Popular – crash. Banco Popular stock crashes most on record – down 63% this year to 34 euro cents. Spanish bank tells employees – “Don’t panic”. Risk of Spanish banking crisis as Banco Popular credit curve inverts. Banco Popular needs to find at least €4 billion more capital – analysts.

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Who Benefits From Transparency from Gold Market – Keith Weiner

Keith Weiner's of Monetary Metals' presentation at the Cambridge Metal Writers Conference in Vancouver on Who Benefits From Transparency from Gold Market Please subscribe for updates on new videos to inform the public on financial honesty, solutions and the politics. Keith Weiner website Twitter @kweiner01 Website: Facebook: Twitter:...

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Who Benefits From Transparency from Gold Market – Keith Weiner

Keith Weiner’s of Monetary Metals’ presentation at the Cambridge Metal Writers Conference in Vancouver on Who Benefits From Transparency from Gold Market Please subscribe for updates on new videos to inform the public on financial honesty, solutions and the politics. Keith Weiner website Twitter @kweiner01 Website: Facebook:

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Chris Martenson: Make Yourself More Self-Sufficient NOW, While It’s Still Easy…

Read the full transcript here: Interview starts at: 5:35 Dr. Chris Martenson of The Crash Course and gives a stern warning to those who are becoming complacent and don’t seize on the opportunity to become more self-reliant and self-sufficient during this calm before the storm… and what appears to be an inevitable economic …

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Uncertainty Thanks to Twitter and UK Elections

Gold hits five-week high. Reaches $1,273.74/oz, highest since April 25th. Sterling recovers after UK polls point towards a hung Parliament. Expected Fed-tightening capped gains. 90-dead in Kabul, further signs of increasing tension in Middle East. Trump expected to pull out of Paris Accord and Trump’s anti-Iran axis already feuding.

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Trump provides ‘great entertainment’ overseas, Marc Faber says

‘The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report’ editor Marc Faber discusses why Amazon, Netflix and Tesla shares will each drop 10 percent in a single trading session, and his views on President Trump.

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Silver Bullion In Secret Bull Market

Do you think silver is poised to go higher? I sure do. That’s because I’m watching what is going on in the world’s silver ETFs. I’m also watching the mountain of forces that are piling up to push the metal higher. Look at this chart. It shows all the metal held by the world’s physical silver ETFs (black line). And all the metal held by the world’s physical gold ETFs (blue line) …

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There Is A Bubble In The Most Popular Stocks: Marc Faber

Marc Faber, Author, The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report states that there is a bubble in the most popular stocks.

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Gold Data Science – Precious Metals Supply and Demand

Keith Weiner's weekly look on Gold. Gold and silver prices, Gold-Silver Price Ratio, Gold basis and co-basis and the dollar price, Silver basis and co-basis and the dollar price.

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Gold’s Advantages Over Fiat Currency – An Interview with Claudio Grass

Central Banks Produce Dire Consequences for the Free Market. Todd “Bubba” Horwitz has recently produced a podcast with our friend Claudio Grass of Global Gold, which we can be called up further below. Bubba has provided a summary of the topics discussed, an edited version of which you find below as well.

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Michael Pento Warns of Exploding Debt, Inverted Yield Curve, and Then “Economic Armageddon”

Read full interview transcript here: Michael Pento of Pento Portfolio Strategies joins Money Metals Exchange and lays out a scenario he says is ahead for the economy, interest rates, and monetary policy – all of which point to a watershed moment for gold. ================== Follow Money Metals: ================== Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:...

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