Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

An Interview with GoldCore Founder, Mark O’Byrne

“Uber-bull predictions of gold at over $5,000 per ounce are not beyond the realms of possibility…” So says GoldCore founder and self-confessed gold bug, Mark O’Byrne. Indeed, I recently caught up with Mark to get his thoughts on gold and what’s going on with it right now… But before we got to the nitty-gritty, I started by asking him a little about his background.

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It’s Now Time For Gold Keith Weiner Says

Please click above to subscribe to my channel Thanks for ing! Financial News Silver News Gold Bix Weir RoadToRoota Road To Roota Kyle Bass Realist . Please Click Below to SUBSCRIBE for More Special Reports Videos Thanks for ing!

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What’s the Point? Precious Metals Supply and Demand Report

Keith Weiner’s weekly look on Gold. Gold and silver prices, Gold-Silver Price Ratio, Gold basis and co-basis and the dollar price, Silver basis and co-basis and the dollar price.

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What Gives Cryptocurrencies Their Value

The value of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, just like any other kind of money, comes fundamentally from what you can do with it. As a follow up to What Backs Bitcoin, I want to dig into that value. The idea, which comes from Austrian economist Carl Menger, is that just as a shovel’s value comes from its ability to dig, a currency’s value comes from its ability to help you do two things: transactions and savings.

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Low Cost Gold In The Age Of QE, AI, Trump and War

‘Fear and Loathing In the Age of QE … AI’ is a presentation given at Mining Investment London earlier this week. Stephen Flood, CEO of GoldCore presentation (28 minutes) was well received at the conference which is a strategic mining and investment conference for leaders in the mining and investment sectors, bringing together attendees from 20 countries.

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Bitcoin Tops $10,100 – Fed’s Powell Says “Cryptocurrencies Just Don’t Matter”

Update: Cryptocurrencies are widely bid tonight with Bitcoin over $10,150, Ether holding $475, and LiteCoin topping $100 for the first time. Bitcoin has now soared over 20% since Black Friday's close, topping $10,000 for the first time in history (rising from $9,000 in just 2 days)... now up over 950% year-to-date.

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Own Gold Bullion To “Support National Security” – Russian Central Bank

We own gold bullion to “support national security” – Russian Central Bank. Russia warns Washington: Confiscating fx reserves would be “declaration of financial war”. Russia has quadrupled its gold bullion reserves in decade. BRICs discussing ‘the possibility of establishing a single (system of) gold trade’. Russia, China & maybe Saudi Arabia form alliances to unseat petrodollar. Putin warns state-owned and private companies: be ready for rapid...

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Did Anyone Do Even a Minimal Check on the Sensationalist Bitcoin Electrical Consumption Story?

Check the context before uncritically accepting sensationalist conclusions. Let's start with a primer on how to write a sensationalist story that can be passed off as "journalism:" 1. Locate credible-sounding data that can be de-contextualized, i.e. sensationalized. 2. Present the data as "fact" rather than data that requires verification by disinterested researchers.

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Cool Video: Short Take on Bitcoins

I stopped by Bloomberg near midday to talk with Vonnie Quinn and Shery Ahn. We talked about many macro issues, but this clip that Bloomberg provided covers is the one topic that has overshadowed the big rally in US equities, tax reform and Matt Lauer: Bitcoins. In this two minute clip, I mention that despite Bitcoins capturing the headlines, most Americans are not and cannot be involved.

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Bitcoin $10,000 – Huge Volatility of Cryptocurrencies and Risky Fiat Making Gold Attractive

Bitcoin tops $10,000, soaring more than 850% since beginning of 2017. Irrational exuberance arguably main driver of price performance. Google Trends shows search for ‘Bitcoin Bubble’ hit highest level this morning. Buyers need to be aware of hacking and security risks. Other primary risks to widespread adoption is volatility and liquidity risk. World’s largest online trading platform IG Markets suspends BTC trading – Volatility of...

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Gerald Celente on the Relationship Between Bitcoin and Bullion (Money Metals Interview)

Read the full transcript here: Gerald Celente of the Trends Journal ( weighs in on the rise of cypto-currencies, the massive volatility he sees ahead in the crypto world and the key geopolitical ticking time bomb that he sees having a big effect on gold prices. Don’t miss another outstanding interview with Gerald Celente, …

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My Crazy $17,000 Target for Bitcoin Is Looking Less Crazy

The basis of this admittedly crazy forecast was simple: capital flows. I think we can all agree that bitcoin (BTC) is "interesting." One of the primary reason that bitcoin (and cryptocurrency in general) is interesting is that nobody knows what will happen going forward. Unknowns and big swings up and down are characteristics of open markets.It's impossible to forecast bitcoin's future price because virtually all the future inputs are unknown.

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The Asymmetry of Bubbles: the Status Quo and Bitcoin

Regardless of one's own views about bitcoin/cryptocurrency, what is truly remarkable is the asymmetry that is applied to questioning the status quo and bitcoin. As I noted yesterday, everyone seems just fine with throwing away $20 billion in electricity annually in the U.S. alone to keep hundreds of millions of gadgets in stand-by mode, but the electrical consumption of bitcoin is "shocking," "ridiculous," etc.

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Fear and Loathing In the Age of QE..AI

GoldCore CEO Stephen Flood discusses various markets themes for 2018 and beyond. Fear and Loathing in the age of QE ..AI is named as a parody for a global capital market swamped in printed money, comparing it to the drug-fueled binge of Hunter S Thompson in Las Vegas. How to buy gold as a hedge, … Continue reading »

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Bitcoin – Die Tulpenknolle des Computerzeitalters

Von 10 auf 100 auf 1’000 auf 10’000 Dollar. Das ist die Kursentwicklung von Bitcoins in den wenigen Jahren seit ihrem Bestehen bis gestern früh. Der Vergleich mit der Tulpenmanie in der Hochblüte Hollands ist nicht mehr fern. Der Preis einer kostbaren Tulpenzwiebel stieg im 17. Jahrhundert in Holland auf das über 60-fache eines durchschnittlichen damaligen Jahressalärs.

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Is Marc Faber a Racist?

Taken as a excerpt from the One Road Podcast’s full length interview with Marc Faber, this 18 minute clip has Marc directly address the allegations that he is a racist. What do you think about his answer? To see the full length video, click here: To instead listen to the full podcast, check out our … Continue reading »

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On the Road with Marc Faber Full video!

The One Road Podcast, broadcasting financial streams of consciousness For this special episode of the One Road podcast, we have a video recording of the entire Marc Faber interview. If you are looking for just the audio or download, please see the links below. Marc gets right down to brass tax and addresses the controversy …

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Precious Metals Supply and Demand – Thanksgiving Week

Keith Weiner’s weekly look on Gold. Gold and silver prices, Gold-Silver Price Ratio, Gold basis and co-basis and the dollar price, Silver basis and co-basis and the dollar price.

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Bitcoin Facts

When we last wrote more extensively about Bitcoin (see Parabolic Coin – evidently, it has become a lot more “parabolic” since then), we said we would soon return to the subject of Bitcoin and monetary theory in these pages. This long planned article was delayed for a number of reasons, one of which was that we realized that Keith Weiner’s series on the topic would give us a good opportunity to address some of the objections to Bitcoin’s fitness as...

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Buy Gold As Fed Shows Uncertainty And Concern Over Financial ‘Imbalances’

FOMC minutes show uncertainty and concern about markets are affecting officials’ decision-making. Officials were cautious when evaluating market conditions and the ‘damaging effects on the economy’. Worry about ‘potential buildup of financial imbalances’ and a sharp reversal in asset prices’. Members seem oblivious to impact of inflation on households and savings. Physical gold and silver remain the only assets for real diversification and...

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