Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

Bitcoin: Attention à l’arnaque. Dossier.

C’est la monnaie préférée des pirates informatiques. Celle qu’exigent les hackers lorsqu’ils formulent une demande de rançon. Mais pas seulement ! Depuis que le bitcoin flambe (il a dépassé le 15 décembre les 17 000 dollars), de plus en plus de fonds d’investissement, alléchés par les perspectives haussières de son cours, s’y intéressent. Et de nombreux sites de commerce en ligne se mettent à facturer produits et services dans cette...

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Weekly Wrap Up – December 1, 2017

This week, Eric Sprott discusses the global demand for physical gold and silver and how this might impact prices in 2018. – video upload powered by

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Weekly Wrap Up – November 24, 2017

Eric Sprott discusses the week that was for precious metals and begins to look ahead to December and 2018. – video upload powered by

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Weekly Wrap Up – November 10, 2017

This week we’re joined by Keith Neumeyer of First Majestic Silver for a discussion of silver supply, silver demand and the ongoing rally in commodities. – video upload powered by

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Weekly Wrap Up – November 3, 2017

Eric Sprott discusses the latest economic data and his outlook for gold and silver prices into year end. – video upload powered by

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New Rules For Cross-Border Cash and Gold Bullion Movements

New EU Rules For Cross-Border Cash, Gold Bullion Movements. War on cash continues and expands to affect non-criminals including gold owners. New definitions of “cash” to be drawn up by EU to include gold and precious metals. Claim cash and gold bullion “often used for criminal activities such as money laundering, or terrorist financing”. Legislation will allow authorities to seize assets from those ‘without a criminal conviction’. New rules usurp...

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‘Gold Strengthens Public Confidence In The Central Bank’ – Bundesbank

‘Availability of gold strengthens public confidence in the central bank’s balance sheet’ say Bundesbank. Bundesbank has Audited Reserves amounting to almost 3,400 tonnes, around 68% of Bundesbank’s reserve assets. Bank taken series of steps to increase transparency around Germany’s gold holdings. Germany has second largest gold holdings in the world; U.S. believed to be largest. Transparency important and all central banks should follow the...

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ALERT: Cheering For Bitcoin, Gold And Silver Report December 2017 Keith Weiner

Please click above to subscribe to my channel Thanks for ing! Financial News Silver News Gold Bix Weir RoadToRoota Road To Roota Kyle Bass Realist News Greg Mannarino Rob Kirby Reluctant.

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David Smith: Cryptos Bringing Broad Attention to All Dollar Alternatives

Read the full transcript here: David Smith of The Morgan Report and columnist weighs in whether crypto-currencies and precious metals can coexist and talks about what we can glean from the current mania in the cyrptos as it relates to the upcoming mania in precious metals. Be sure to stick around for my …

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Keith Weiner: Bitcoin Hyper Deflation Cheering for Bitcoin ALERT

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Regulating Cryptocurrencies–and Why It Matters

Nations that attempt to limit cryptocurrencies' ability to solve these problems will find that protecting high costs and systemic friction will grind their economies into dust. There's a great deal of confusion right now about the regulation of cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin. Many observers seem to confuse "regulation" and "banning bitcoin," as if regulation amounts to outlawing bitcoin.

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[Keith Weiner] Bitcoin Hyper Deflation Cheering for Bitcoin – MUST WATCH

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[Keith Weiner] Bitcoin Hyper Deflation Cheering for Bitcoin – MUST WATCH

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Goldnomics Podcast – Gold, Stocks, Bonds, Bitcoin in 2018. Everything Bubble Bursts? (Episode 1)

In this our first GoldNomics podcast we take a look at the major financial market themes of 2017 and delve into the outlook in 2018. GoldCore CEO Stephen Flood and GoldCore’s Research Director and world renowned precious metals commentator Mark O’Byrne are interviewed by Dave Russell. Touching on a wide range of macro-economic and geo-political …

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A Gold Guy’s View Of Crypto, Bitcoin, And Blockchain

Bitcoin was on my radar far back as 2011, but for years, I didn’t think much of it. It was a curiosity. Nothing more. Sort of like the virtual money you use in World of Warcraft or something. In 2015, looking deeper, I slowly (not the sharpest tool in the shed) arrived at that “aha” inflection point that most advocates of honest money arrive at. I realized that a distributed public ledger has the power to change, well, everything.

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National Precious Metals Company Announces Sound Money Scholarship Winners

December 13, 2017 (Eagle, Idaho) -- A national precious metals dealer has selected four outstanding students to receive tuition assistance from America’s first gold-backed scholarship fund. Beginning last year, Money Metals Exchange, a national precious metals dealer recently ranked “Best in the USA,” teamed up with the Sound Money Defense League and well known members of academia and freedom-minded non-profits to offer the first gold-backed...

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Buy Gold, Silver Time After Speculators Reduce Longs and Banks Reduce Shorts

Gold and silver COT suggests bottoming and price rally coming. Speculators cut way back on long positions and added to short bets. Commercials/banks significantly reduced short positions. Commercial net short position saw biggest one-week decline in COMEX history. ‘Big 4’ commercial traders decreased their short positions by 28,800 contracts. Seasonally, January is generally a good month to own gold (see table). "If history is still reliable,...

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Bitcoin vs Fiat Currency: Which Fails First?

What if bitcoin is a reflection of trust in the future value of fiat currencies? I am struck by the mainstream confidence that bitcoin is a fraud/fad that will soon collapse, while central bank fiat currencies are presumed to be rock-solid and without risk. Those with supreme confidence in fiat currencies might want to look at a chart of Venezuela's fiat currency, which has declined from 10 to the US dollar in 2012 to 5,000 to the USD earlier this...

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Sprott Money News Ask The Expert – December 2017 – Jim Willie

Acclaimed analyst Jim Willie joins us for a look ahead to 2018 while answering questions submitted by customers of Sprott Money.

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Year-end Rate Hike Once Again Proves To Be Launchpad For Gold Price

Year-end rate hike once again proves to be launchpad for gold price. FOMC follows through on much anticipated rate-hike of 0.25%. Spot gold responds by heading for biggest gain in three weeks, rising by over 1%. Final meeting for Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen. Yellen does not expect Trump's tax-cut package to result in significant, strong growth for US economy. No concern for bitcoin which 'plays a very small role in the payment system'.

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