Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

Manipulation of Gold and Silver Is “Undeniable”

Manipulation in precious metals is undeniable. Now so chronic that it is obvious and therefore predictable. Central banks around the world are repatriating their gold from the U.S. in preparation for some major event to come. I want to be long … “when that event occurs”.

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Russia Buys 600,000 oz Of Gold In May After Dumping Half Of US Treasuries In April

Russia adds another 600,000 oz to it’s gold reserves in May. Holdings of U.S. government debt slashed in half to $48.7 billion in April. ‘Keeping money safe’ from U.S. and Trump – Danske Bank. Trump increasing the national debt by another 6% to $21.1 trillion in less than 18 months. Asian nations accumulating gold as shield against dollar devaluation and trade wars.

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Sprott Money News Weekly Wrap-Up – 6.22.18

Eric Sprott discusses global demand for physical gold, the impending trade wars and the potential impact on the US dollar.

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“Perfect Environment For Gold” As Fed To Weaken Dollar and Create Inflation

“Fed is tightening into weakness and will eventually over-tighten and cause a recession”. “More inflation and a weaker dollar” is “the perfect environment for gold”. Geopolitical shocks will return when least expected and gold will soar in flight to safety.

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In Gold, Silver and Bitcoin We Trust? Goldnomics Podcast with Ronald-Peter Stoeferle

In Gold, Silver and Bitcoin We Trust? Goldnomics Podcast (Episode 5) interview with Ronald-Peter Stoferle. We interview our friend Ronald-Peter Stoeferle, partner in Incrementum in Liechtenstein and author of the must read, annual gold report ‘In Gold We Trust’ in this the fifth episode of the Goldnomics Podcast.

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Mark O’Byrne: Proof How Cash Will Die Of Crypto Surge – Dublin Ireland MoneyConf 2018

Mark O'Byrne: Proof How Cash Will Die Of Crypto Surge - Dublin Ireland MoneyConf 2018 How to start: Buy at least $100 in bitcoin via Coinbase: BTC Donation: 14stqaDEH6BRJC4LgqK6Dii6cjcFjm6scH BitCoin Market Daily Index Updates: Subscribe and hit the notification bell for the latest crypto world news: Follow:...

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Cryptocurrency Technicals – Navigating the Bear Market

Long time readers may recall that we regard Bitcoin and other liquid big cap cryptocurrencies as secondary media of exchange from a monetary theory perspective for the time being. The wave of speculative demand that has propelled them to astonishing heights was triggered by market participants realizing that they have the potential to become money.

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In Gold and Bitcoin We Trust – Goldnomics Podcast Episode 5

In Gold and Bitcoin We Trust – The Goldnomics Podcast – Episode 5 In this the fifth episode of the Goldnomics Podcast we interview Ronald-Peter Stoferle, partner at the asset management firm Incrementum in Lichtenstein and author of the well respected and annual publication of the gold industry report; “In Gold We Trust”. Ronni has …

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Keith Weiner Update on Gold and Silver and Debt

Keith offers a fresh look at some of those “oft-repeated yet difficult to get your mind around” macro problems with the dollar and our monetary system. Keith offers a fresh look at some of those “oft-repeated yet difficult to get your mind around” macro problems with the dollar and our monetary system. Subscribe for Latest …

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Lift-Off Not (Yet) – Precious Metals Supply and Demand

Keith Weiner’s weekly look on Gold. Gold and silver prices, Gold-Silver Price Ratio, Gold basis and co-basis and the dollar price, Silver basis and co-basis and the dollar price.

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Keith Weiner – Update on Gold and Silver and Debt #3930

Keith offers a fresh look at some of those “oft-repeated yet difficult to get your mind around” macro problems with the dollar and our monetary system. Of particular interest is Keith’s concept of Yield Purchasing Power the Marginal Productivity of Debt. They help shed light on where the economy really is. The value of each …

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Sprott Money News- Weekly Wrap-Up 6 15 18

Eric Sprott discusses this week’s events and looks ahead for the precious metals and the mining shares.

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Sprott Money News Ask the Expert June 2018 – Doug Casey

Doug Casey, founder of Casey Research, joins us to answer Sprott Money’s questions on the global economy, the dollar, gold and the gold miners.

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Bitcoin To Hit $1 Million or $0 In One Year? MoneyConf 2018 Poll

Bitcoin price in one year (June 2019)? Most MoneyConf poll participants see bitcoin at $10,000. Bears see bitcoin at $0 while uber bulls including Max Keiser see it over $100,000. It is “binary” and “bitcoin will likely go to zero or go much higher.” Which cryptocurrency are people betting on in 2019? What’s the biggest …

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Cashless Society – Good or Bad? MoneyConf 2018

– Cashless society or ‘Lesscash’ society? – Do you carry cash and how much? – When might we see the world’s first completely cashless society? – Who wins the payments battle – Apple, Google, WeChat, Alipay? – Privacy, bank, electricity, wifi, tech and systemic risk underlines importance of cash – What do you think?

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Do We Still Need Banks? – Moneyconf 2018

Moneyconf 2018 – Do we still need banks in the fintech age? Mark O’Byrne, Director of Research at looks at the changing attitude towards banks in the modern world of fintech (Financial Technology), and looks at the responses to a poll run at #MoneyConf 2018

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Sovereign Money Referendum: A Swiss Awakening to Fractional-Reserve Banking?

On Sunday 10 June 2018, Switzerland’s electorate voted on a referendum calling for the country’s commercial banks to be banned from creating money. In a country world-famous for its banking industry, this was quite an interesting turn of events. Known as the Sovereign Money Initiative or ‘Vollgeld’, the referendum was brought to the Swiss electorate in the form of a ‘Popular Initiative‘.

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Interview with Dr. Marc Faber

Marc Faber joins us as a special guest on this show, and it makes for a great conversation on markets, the economy, why the rent is too high in California, his advice for millenials, and his unusual sleep schedule. Marc writes great newsletter the Gloom Boom & Doom Report which can be found on … Continue reading...

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“Without Gold I Would Have Starved To Death” – ECB Governor

– “Without gold I would have starved to death” – Ewald Nowotny, governor of Austrian central bank and member of ECB’s governing council – “I was born in 1944. When I was a baby, my mother could only buy food because she still had some gold coins…” – “When the going gets tough, gold becomes the ultimate money” reports Die Presse

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Swiss Government Pension Fund To Buy Gold Bars Worth Some $700 Million

Swiss Government Pension Fund Allocating 2% Of Pension Fund To Gold Bars. The Swiss government pension fund, Switzerland’s AHV/AVS fund, has decided to diversify into physical gold bars in their substantial CHF35.2bn (€30.5bn) pension portfolio. At the end of last week the first pillar buffer fund tendered a custodianship and storage for CHF 700m (EUR 600m / USD 700m / GBP 525m) in gold bars via IPE Quest.

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