Tag Archive: newsletter

Why “Classical” Liberals Want Decentralization

[This article is chapter 3 of Breaking Away: The Case for Secession, Radical Decentralization, and Smaller Polities. Now available at Amazon and in the Mises Store.] In recent decades, many pundits, scholars, and intellectuals have assured us that advances in communications and transportation would eliminate the different political, economic, and cultural characteristics peculiar to residents of different regions within the United States. It is...

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Steht die USA über dem Gesetz? #shorts

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Explore the Minor Issues Archives

This week Mark invites you to explore the Minor Issues archives. We have produced about a half a year's worth of short audio commentaries about the economy, and we are grateful to our listeners for their feedback. Topics range from the price of toilet paper to macro-business cycle topics, but our specialty is highlighting issues that the mainstream media ignores or misrepresents as insignificant. Thank you for listening.  Be sure to...

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Modern Socialism Is Forced Socialization

My article “The Education of the Modern Socialist” deserves a follow-up. The first part showed that a change has occurred in the definition of “socialism”—a necessary change in view of the failures of this ideology during the last century. Socialism today is based on the ideology of “statism”—the conviction that the state must play a fundamental role in society. Ludwig von Mises’s wider definition of socialism as state intervention implies a modern...

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Why Government Pollution Control Fails

In over twenty-five years of teaching undergraduate students, I have heard the same refrain countless times: free markets have many problems that government has to step in to solve. Indeed, students expect government to “step in” so much that markets occupy a peripheral role in their idealized economic system. Even students with an ideological predilection toward markets will be quick to argue that certain problems, such as pollution, require...

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Ukraine-Weizenexport – die Lüge mit den armen Ländern

► Mein bald erscheinendes Buch jetzt vorbestellen: https://amzn.to/3K5EOW2 ► Mein Merch: https://shop.marc-friedrich.de/ ► Mein letztes Buch Du möchtest das erfolgreichste Wirtschaftsbuch 2021 "Die größte Chance aller Zeiten" bestellen? Auf Amazon: https://www.amazon.de/shop/marcfriedrich oder mit Signatur: https://www.marc-friedrich.de/ ► Friedrich & Partner Vermögenssicherung https://www.friedrich-partner.de/ ► Social Media...

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AfD holt CDU ein! Boris Palmer rechnet mit Regierung ab!!

Boris Palmers Abrechnung mit seiner eigenen ehemaligen Grünen Partei und der Regierung ist in der Diagnose zwar richtig, aber seine vorgeschlagene Therapie ist zu homöopathisch :D 💰 Meine Aktiendepot Empfehlung mit bis zu 3,6 % für Einlagen in EUR Bis zu 5,8 % für Einlagen in USD https://link.aktienmitkopf.de/Depot * Bildrechte: Hermann Luyken, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons 👉🏽5 Euro Startbonus bei Bondora ►► https://goo.gl/434rmp * 📊 Tracke deine...

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Wie gut ist die Trader IQ wirklich + Geschenk

JETZT ERSTGESPRÄCH BUCHEN: https://traderiq.net/erstgespraech-pdf

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Interest Rate Markets Flash Warning Signs

🔔 SUBSCRIBE TO MONEY METALS EXCHANGE ON YOUTUBE ➤ http://bit.ly/mmx-youtube As the U.S. dollar continues to lose purchasing power at home and prestige around the world, a major presidential candidate is calling for a return to sound money. Also, this week's market action in precious metals. Read the Full Transcript here: https://www.moneymetals.com/podcasts/2023/07/21/interest-rate-markets-flash-warning-signs-002779 Do you own precious metals...

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This is why meditation has been the secret to my success

This is why #meditation has been the secret to my #success. #principles #raydalio #shorts

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ForexLive Video:EURGBP trades the technicals this week, that is good new for the next week’s trading

The technical levels did a good job of at extremes and on the correction from the high this week. That is good news for next week's trading.

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How East Germany’s Stasi Perfected Mass Surveillance

The state has a monopoly on violence. However, abusive repression harms government credibility and alienates public support in the long run. A more subtle and effective way to exercise power is to surveil the population and to prevent open manifestations of discontent. This article analyzes the case of the of the German Democratic Republic’s (DDR) Ministry for State Security (MfS), also known as the Stasi. The thesis is that an effective...

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How the Fed Could Bring in a CBDC Through the Back Door

George Gammon, host of the popular Rebel Capitalist show, warns that the Fed won't have to force the public to adopt a central bank digital currency (CBDC). Instead, the public might clamor for it, being promised safe, high-interest checking accounts at the Fed, just like Jamie Dimon. The Rebel Capitalist show: Mises.org/HAP405a How the Fed Could Bring in a CBDC through the Back Door Video of How the Fed Could...

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Inside El Salvador’s war on crime

President Nayib Bukele’s brutal crackdown on crime has dramatically reduced the murder rate and won him favour with the public, but what’s the true cost of his war on gangs? The Economist’s deputy editor, Robert Guest, reports from El Salvador on how Bukele is using the fight against crime to amass power. 00:00 - Inside president Bukele’s crackdown 02:25 - How the public and the prisoners’ families have reacted 03:55 - El Salvador’s security...

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ForexLive Video:AUDUSD trades lower today and makes a new week low. What next heading into new week?

The AUDUSD is below the 50% at 0.67466 and a swing area between 0.6737 and 0.67546

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Mises and Nationalism

Nationalism is a potent force in the modern world, and it is not surprising that some libertarians have been attracted to it. Indeed, in some circles the slogan “Blood and Soil” has come into to use to denote a people’s attachment to the land. It should be noted that although this slogan was used by the Nazis, especially by Walter Darré, it did not originate with them but was common among German nationalists such as Oswald Spengler. It would be...

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The War in Ukraine Is Far From Over

Ryan McMaken and Zachary Yost look at the many factors behind Ukraine's failure to defeat Russia or move closer to NATO membership. Ukraine is sadly caught between a cynical NATO and a Russia that is in it for the long haul.  Be sure to follow War, Economy, and State at Mises.org/WES.

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ForexLive Video: USDCAD trades down and back up. Above the 100/200 hour MAs, but work to do.

What are the technical levels telling us now and what levels would tilt the bias further in the pair.

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Dem Markt wird Liquidität entzogen – Marktausblick Juli 2023 mit Markus Koch & Stefan Breintner

Stefan Breintner, Research-Leiter von DJE, spricht in seinem monatlichen Marktausblick-Dialog mit dem Wall-Street-Experten Markus Koch u.a. folgende Punkte an: Die Politik der Notenbanken zielt darauf ab, die #Wirtschaft abzuschwächen. Inzwischen zeigt die #Konjunktur Schwächen, und wenn monetär so weiter gebremst wird wie in den vergangenen Monaten, dann kann es zu einer ausgewachsenen #Rezession kommen. Vor allem die Europäische Zentralbank...

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Deutschland ist Weltmeister! #shorts

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