Florian Günther
Florian Günther ist der Kopf hinter Investorenausbildung.de. Er ist studierter Bankkaufmann und hilft Menschen auf der Ausbildungsplattform Investorenausbildung durch handfeste Regeln die richtige Aktienauswahl zu treffen und daraus monatliche Einnahmen zu generieren. Und das in jeder Marktphase! Florian Günther is the proud dad of a young daughter, 31 years old and comes from Hersbruck near Nuremberg. He is a successful investor himself and shares his knowledge and experience on his financial blog and YouTube channel Investor Training. Florian is also the author of several books on asset building and stock analysis.Articles by Florian Günther
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On Swiss National Bank
SNB Sight Deposits: decreased by 4.0 billion francs compared to the previous week
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USD/CHF posts modest gains to near 0.9000 in thin holiday trading
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Forex Today: Markets quiet down as Christmas approaches
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Gold finds some support at $2,660, with upside attempts limited
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USD/CHF aims to revisit 0.8950 as SNB to cut rates further
Main SNB Background Info
SNB Sight Deposits: decreased by 4.0 billion francs compared to the previous week
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The Secret History Of The Banking Crisis
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SNB Balance Sheet Now Over 100 percent GDP
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The relationship between CHF and gold
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CHF Price Movements: Correlations between CHF and the German Economy
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