Florian Günther
Florian Günther ist der Kopf hinter Investorenausbildung.de. Er ist studierter Bankkaufmann und hilft Menschen auf der Ausbildungsplattform Investorenausbildung durch handfeste Regeln die richtige Aktienauswahl zu treffen und daraus monatliche Einnahmen zu generieren. Und das in jeder Marktphase! Florian Günther is the proud dad of a young daughter, 31 years old and comes from Hersbruck near Nuremberg. He is a successful investor himself and shares his knowledge and experience on his financial blog and YouTube channel Investor Training. Florian is also the author of several books on asset building and stock analysis.Full bio
Florian Günther is the proud dad of a young daughter, 31 years old and comes from Hersbruck near Nuremberg. He is a successful investor himself and shares his knowledge and experience on his financial blog and YouTube channel Investor Training. Florian is also the author of several books on asset building and stock analysis.
My father was self-employed and after the sale of his company began to deal with the topic of finance. He was not given anything from his parents' home and it was very important to him to introduce me and my siblings to the topic of finances at an early stage. This happened to me at the age of 11 with the help of the book A Dog Named Money * by Bodo Schäfer.
At the age of 11, I was so motivated and wanted to own my own shares. My father had several Deutsche Post shares in the depot at the time and I bought him 2 shares on paper.
Today I still invest in equities. In addition, I am involved in various companies and own several properties.
These were usually things that I didn't do and missed great chances.
My personal greatest success has been with my family. This has made me the person I am today.
Start immediately and don't be afraid of mistakes, because only through mistakes can you learn and develop.
How did you come to deal with the topic of investing?
My father was self-employed and after the sale of his company began to deal with the topic of finance. He was not given anything from his parents' home and it was very important to him to introduce me and my siblings to the topic of finances at an early stage. This happened to me at the age of 11 with the help of the book A Dog Named Money * by Bodo Schäfer.
What was your first investment?
At the age of 11, I was so motivated and wanted to own my own shares. My father had several Deutsche Post shares in the depot at the time and I bought him 2 shares on paper.
What are your investments today?
Today I still invest in equities. In addition, I am involved in various companies and own several properties.
What was your biggest mistake in investing?
These were usually things that I didn't do and missed great chances.
What was your biggest investment success?
My personal greatest success has been with my family. This has made me the person I am today.
What advice can you give newcomers?
Start immediately and don't be afraid of mistakes, because only through mistakes can you learn and develop.
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