Tag Archive: newsletter

Habeck eskaliert im Bundestag! #politik #habeck #news

Habeck geht steil 😅 Video by Simon Lang content-Butler.com

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Entrepreneurship and Property Rights

What is the Mises Institute? The Mises Institute is a non-profit organization that exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian School of economics, individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard. Non-political, non-partisan, and non-PC, we advocate a radical shift in the intellectual climate, away from statism and toward a private property...

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DISRESPECT: Public Schools Got It

Some of us may remember the Helen Lovejoy character in The Simpsons, who would appear any time some catastrophe befell the town and plaintively wail, “Won’t someone please think of the children?!” The joke here, of course, is that as long as you do something in the name of helping children, it must be right, and you must be virtuous.Such sentiments are easily ridiculed in cartoons, but unfortunately, they take root in reality like Russian knapweed...

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Public Schools Have No Respect for the Students or Their Parents

Some of us may remember the Helen Lovejoy character in The Simpsons, who would appear any time some catastrophe befell the town and plaintively wail, “Won’t someone please think of the children?!” The joke here, of course, is that as long as you do something in the name of helping children, it must be right, and you must be virtuous.Such sentiments are easily ridiculed in cartoons, but unfortunately, they take root in reality like Russian knapweed...

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Mises and Rothbard on Credit Contraction during a Downturn

What is the Mises Institute? The Mises Institute is a non-profit organization that exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian School of economics, individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard. Non-political, non-partisan, and non-PC, we advocate a radical shift in the intellectual climate, away from statism and toward a private property...

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EURUSD traders play the technical levels on the corrective move lower today. What next?

The 38.2-50% retracement of the move higher yesterday held support, but MAs on the 5 minute chart also stalled the bounce higher. Traders are battling it out.

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EURCHF is testing a key topside target area that you may want to know about.

What is so great about the area? In this video, I will show you why.

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“Dann droht Deutschland die Staats-Insolvenz!”

Nun brechen die Steuer-Einnahmen ein. Die logische Konsequenz der schwachen Wirtschaft Meine Depot-Empfehlung: https://link.AktienmitKopf.de/Depot * Erstelle ein Konto und bis zu 8,76 % dank der Freedom24-Zinsen: https://link.aktienmitkopf.de/Depot * Auf der Freedom 24-Plattform findest Du: - Langfristige SparplÀne mit ZinssÀtzen bis zu 8,76 %! - Rendite von 3,86 % in Euro und 5,31 % in Dollar bei tÀglicher Gutschrift der Zinsen! - Bis zu...

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How Nations Escape Poverty

Website of the Book - https://nations-escape-poverty.com/ Website - https://www.rainer-zitelmann.com/

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Fresenius Medical Care Hauptversammlung 2024

Zu meinen Onlinekursen: https://thomas-anton-schuster.coachy.net/lp/finanzielle-unabhangigkeit Vortrags- und Seminartermine, sowie kostenlose Anforderung des Aktienbewertungsblatts: https://aktienerfahren.de

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NZDUSD corrects lower today, but buyers trying to resume more control

Correction lower today stayed above its 100-day moving average at 0.6078

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Why gold is flowing from west to east!

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Geld zurĂŒck vom Vermieter #shorts

Deine Nebenkostenabrechnung ist gerade angekommen und die Summe ist mal wieder höher als gedacht? Leo erklĂ€rt Dir hier, welche Kosten du eventuell kĂŒrzen oder sogar komplett streichen kannst. #Finanztip

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Meme-Aktien gehen wieder durch die Decke! #gamestop #amc

Meme-Aktien gehen wieder durch die Decke! 📈 #gamestop #amc 🎯 2015 haben wir es uns zur Mission gemacht, Menschen zu ermutigen, ihre Finanzen in die eigenen HĂ€nde zu nehmen. Angefangen als YouTube-Kanal mit ErklĂ€rvideos, haben wir uns innerhalb weniger Jahre zur grĂ¶ĂŸten Community fĂŒr finanzielle Selbstentscheider im deutschsprachigen Raum entwickelt. 🔔 Möchtest du deine persönlichen Finanzen in den Griff bekommen? Wir wollen dir ermöglichen,...

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AUDUSD corrects to the downside today but stays above a support area

The AUDUSD has as swing area support at 0.6635 – 0.6648

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Der Wahnsinn geht wieder los – Roaring Kitty is back

GameStop macht wieder LuftsprĂŒnge. Ist die Meme-Aktien Manie zurĂŒck? Wie die aktuellen Bewegungen zustande kommen und was du davon erwarten kannst, erklĂ€re ich dir im heutigen Video. Vereinbare jetzt dein kostenfreies BeratungsgesprĂ€ch: https://jensrabe.de/Q2Termin24 TĂ€gliche Updates ab sofort auf: https://aktienkannjeder.de Schau auf meinem Instagram-Account vorbei: @jensrabe_official https://www.instagram.com/jensrabe_official ALLE BĂŒcher von...

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For #gold and #silver investors in the West, the uncertainty regarding the FOMC’s next moves is dampening prices somewhat, but they do remain in a solid uptrend. We continue to see a divergence between gold demand drivers between the East and West. In the West central bank decisions and economic data remain at the forefront of buyers’ minds, but in the East this is now a secondary factor. Instead central banks, institutions and consumer East of...

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The U.S. Defeat in Vietnam Changed Nothing

April 30 was the anniversary date when North Vietnamese forces forced U.S. officials to exit Vietnam, much to their chagrin. That was after some 58,000 American men had died for nothing, not to mention the tens of thousands of injured American soldiers and the millions of Vietnamese who were killed or injured as a result of U.S. intervention in Vietnam’s civil war.To this day, there are those who claim that those 58,000 men died for their country...

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Both of Biden’s Key Economic Advisers get Basic Econ Wrong

The Secretary of the Treasury and the Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers are the two principal economic advisors for any president. President Biden chose Janet Yellen as Secretary of the Treasury and Jared Bernstein as the Chair of his Council of Economic Advisers.Stephanie Kelton asked Bernstein a basic question about Biden’s monetary and fiscal policies. Bernstein responded with a shocking statement.“The US government can’t go bankrupt...

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Balancing Market Perspectives: Weighing Economic Data for Success

Let's weigh both sides for an even balance. Discussing negatives and positives, economic data, and market trends is crucial for understanding the full picture. #balancedviewpoints Lance Roberts dives into the essentials of balancing perspectives for market success. Gain insights on navigating both positive and negative market indicators effectively. - Importance of weighing both sides of market perspectives - Discussion on negative economic...

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