Tag Archive: newsletter

Interview in China mit Qian Chen

In China über 500.000 Aufrufe. Der Podcast von Dr. Dr. Rainer Zitelmann: Erfolg, Reichtumsforschung und Finanzen

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State Legislatures Are Finally Limiting Governors’ Emergency Powers. But only Some of Them.

Last week, Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb vetoed a bill that would limit gubernatorial authority in declaring emergencies. The bill would allow the General Assembly to call itself into an emergency session, with the idea that the legislature could then vote to end, or otherwise limit, a governor’s emergency powers.

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Aktiensprechstunde. Schon wieder Lockdown

Risikohinweis ?Zum Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung dieses Videos, bin ich selbst im Besitz von Aktien von CD Projekt und daher kann ein Interessenkonflikt nach Artikel 12 der Marktmissbrauchsverordnung gegeben sein.

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Finanzen & Co – Ernst Wolff im Gespräch mit Menschen machen Mut

Ernst Wolff im Gespräch mit Menschen Machen Mut. Wie immer mit hochkarätigen Gästen: Prof. Dr. Max Otte, Prof. Franz Hörmann und Dominik Kettner. Moderiert von Erich Hambach. Wie konntes es bloß soweit kommen und wie kommen wir aus der Nummer raus?

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A History of Corporate Earnings (and Millennial Soccer) [4/13/21]

The next round of corporate earnings reports are set to begin later this month. The issue of how to tell companies' fiscal story to attract would-be investors, while placating regulators is an age-old war of ying and yang, made a little more confusing by the allowance of Performa Earnings vs GAP Earnings methodologies. Lance's tracking of the numbers sheds an interesting light on what we may see in a few weeks, and posits the question of whether...

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Technically Speaking Tuesday | The Real Investment Show [Full Show: 4/13/21]

00:00 Are We Really Growing that Much? 10:00 When the Fed Tries to Taper 29:59 A History of Earnings & Millennial Soccer 35:29 The Fed Depends Upon You Not Being Crazy Hosted by Lance Roberts, RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist _________ Articles mentioned in this show: ➢ Fundamentally Speaking: Earnings Optimism Explodes: https://realinvestmentadvice.com/fundamentally-speaking-earnings-optimism-explodes/ _________ ➢ RIA...

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Aktien & Immobilien: Kann man beides haben?

Wir werden oft von Euch gefragt: "Kann man nicht eine Immobilie abzahlen und gleichzeitig in Aktien & ETFs investieren?" Saidi nimmt sich die Zeit, Euch diese Frage ausführlich zu beantworten.

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Prelude to the Dance: Kicking off Earnings Season 2021 | 3 Minutes on Markets & Money [4/13/21]

2021 Earnings Estimates are now being pegged at $158/share--an astounding recovery from the end of 2020's 4th Quarter, where earnings were in the $90-range...but that's lower than the projected earnings estimate at the beginning of 2020. We're paying more per value than the actual earnings would justify! Expectation are exceptionally high at a time of peak pricing. Changes to estimates and outlooks have a lot of impact. CPI is expected to be...

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Credit Suisse Slashes Bonuses After $4.7 Billion Archegos Disaster

While all of the banks playing "pass the hot potato" with Archegos Capital's now-dismantled equity book are undoubtedly still assessing the damage they incurred (or at least will report to shareholders), it looks like no one had it worse than Credit Suisse. The banking giant has now slashed its bonus pool by "hundreds of millions of dollars" according to FT, after the firm lost $4.7 billion in the Archegos implosion.

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Encore Presentation: Candid Coffee/Financial Spring Cleaning [4/10/21]

Here is an encore presentation of the April 10, 2021 "Financial Spring Cleaning" episode of Candid Coffee, direct from the kitchen tables of Richard Rosso, CFP, RIA Advisors' Director of Financial Planning, and Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP. Richard and Danny identify the financial dust bunnies lurking in your money management habits...the primary areas are couples' communication and financial organizational issues: * Women are...

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Swiss banks queuing up to jump on blockchain train

Digital bank Swissquote is expanding its crypto business by delving into the new world of blockchain-compliant digital assets. It appears that they are not alone: several high street banks also plan to launch “tokenization” services.

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Wer generiert am MEISTEN CASHFLOW und verlässt das Hamsterrad? CASHFLOW GAME LIVE

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Hat dir das Video gefallen? Gib mir nen DAUMEN HOCH ? bzw. TEILE dieses Video um gemeinsam AT, DE und CH #cryptofit zu machen!

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Weekly View – M&A Boom

M&A (mergers and acquisitions) activity is on the rise, as companies coming out of the pandemic with strong balance sheets shop for buying opportunities. Last week ACS, a Spanish construction group, approached Italian transport company Atlantia to buy Italy’s largest motorway network. Two big funds are also eyeing Dutch telecommunications company KPN as a potential acquisition target.

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Government faces growing pressure to relax Covid measures

Pressure is building on the Swiss government to ease restrictions imposed to contain the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Federation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises on Monday called for a review of the current situation, saying the government was focusing too much on health while failing to consider the economic and financial impact of the restrictions.

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MARC FABER – Geopolitical Risks, Foreign Stocks, and How to Protect Yourself in the Coming Dystopia

Marc Faber is creator of the Gloom, Boom, and Doom Report. He has a proven track record of finding value and correctly analyzing world events. He joined us on 4/8/21 to discuss the following topics: 0:22 - Marc’s Prior Winners 1:35 - Investment Philosophy 7:34 - Current Geopolitical Environment 9:38 - The Rise of The East & Stagnation in the US 15:36 - Investing Outside of the US and Value Stocks 17:13 - Investing in China and are Communism...

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Inflection Point Episode (4/12/21): Market Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Chief Investme…

Inflection Point Episode (4/12/21): Market Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Chief Investme...

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Markus Krall gibt Einschätzung zu Gold, Immobilien & Geldanlage in der Wirtschaftskrise - Interessante Tipps & Strategien von Markus Krall aktuell im Video - Die wichtigsten Antworten zum Great Reset, Systemcrash & Wirtschaftszusammenbruch...

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What Exactly Is Neoliberalism, and Is It a Bad Thing?

There are few things nowadays that ignite more hatred, especially within university campuses, than declaring oneself to be a neoliberal (if the reader is not convinced, he is invited to try it himself and see what happens).

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Is a Cultural Revolution Brewing in America?

The lesson of China's Cultural Revolution in my view is that once the lid blows off, everything that was linear (predictable) goes non-linear (unpredictable). There is a whiff of unease in the air as beneath the cheery veneer of free money for almost everyone, inequality and polarization are rapidly consuming what's left of common ground in America.

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