Tag Archive: newsletter

Das System von Bretton Woods | Lexikon der Finanzwelt mit Ernst Wolff

Geld regiert die Welt. Nur, wer regiert das Geld? Wirtschaftsjournalist Ernst Wolff erklärt Begriffe, Mechanismen und Gesetze aus der Finanzbranche, die uns täglich als alternativlos verkauft werden, aber nur Wenige verstehen. Das soll sich ändern! Lexikon der Finanzwelt erklärt uns heute: „Das System von Bretton Woods“. Der Zweite Weltkrieg von 1939 bis 1945 hat die Machtverhältnisse auf unserem Planeten grundlegend verändert. Vor dem Krieg...

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Why hunting animals could be good for conservation | The Economist

Trophy hunting sparks outrage around the world. But the highly controversial sport can actually help to protect some of Africa's most endangered big animals. Here's how. Find The Economist’s latest coverage of Africa: https://econ.st/3bTxaNw Sign up to The Economist’s daily newsletter to keep up to date with our latest coverage: https://econ.st/3l79OHi Read more about airlines banning trophy hunting: https://econ.st/3bVs6by Does conservation...

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Malta under Pressure

Malta is a compact archipelago in the Mediterranean Sea, 80 km from Sicily, 333 km from Libya and 284 km from Tunisia. It had a long list of rulers, including the Phoenicians, the Byzantines, the Arabs and later the French under Napoleon and finally the British. The island gained independence in 1964, and in 2004 it joined the European Union.

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REICHTUM MIT #BITCOIN?? DAS WICHTIGSTE GEDANKENBEISPIEL!! Heute ein extrem wichtiges Gedankenspiel! In diesem kurzen Video erklär ich dir das Gedankenspiel und wieso du dieses auch haben solltest...

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Swiss prepare for EU chill after quitting market access talks

In Brussels there was shock and anger. In Switzerland, quiet celebration and relief — but, for some, doubts about what exactly comes next. On Wednesday, Bern announced it was formally withdrawing from negotiations to codify future relations with the EU into a single overarching “framework agreement” — a back-and-forth exchange that has dominated an increasingly fraught relationship with Brussels since 2014.

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Financial Fitness Friday (5/28/21): Personal Finance Commentary from RIA Advisors

This is the LIVE stream of today's full show. Watch the edited version here: ➢ Listen daily on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-real-investment-show-podcast/id1271435757 ➢ Watch Live daily on our Youtube Channel: www.youtube.com/c/TheRealInvestmentShow ➢ Upcoming personal finance free online events: https://riaadvisors.com/events/ ➢ Sign up for the Newsletter: https://realinvestmentadvice.com/newsletter/ ➢ RIA Pro...

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Crypto & Schach Folge 5

► Hier kannst du bitcoins kaufen und bekommst auch gleich bis zu 10% pro Jahr Zinsen: https://cakedefi.com/ ► Alles rund um DeFiChain (DFI): https://www.youtube.com/c/DeFiChain/featured?sub_confirmation=1 ► Alles rund um Cake DeFi https://www.youtube.com/c/CakeDeFi/featured?sub_confirmation=1 —————— Hat dir das Video gefallen? Gib mir nen DAUMEN HOCH ? bzw. TEILE dieses Video um gemeinsam AT, DE und CH #cryptofit zu machen! #JulianHosp...

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Silver to Benefit Greatly from Global Electrification Push

Precious metals markets are making modest advances in this final trading week of May. U.S. markets will be closed on Monday in observance of Memorial Day.

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Ist BITCOIN am Ende? (Kritische Lage)

Bitcoin ist seit zwei Wochen im Korrekturmodus. Wie geht es weiter? Ist der Bullenmarkt zu Ende oder ist gar Bitcoin am Ende? Es ist viel passiert - Gutes wie Schlechtes. Ich fass alles zusammen und gebe euch mein Ausblick, auf was jetzt zu achten ist und was ich jetzt mache. ► Verlinkter Artikel Focus: https://bit.ly/3yNci4w ► Verlinkte Podcast: - 21 Podcast:...

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Gold and Silver Ready for Summer – Weekly Wrap Up 5.28.21

Bob Thompson of Raymond James in Vancouver joins us to discuss inflation, Fed policy and gold. He also shares some information on the areas where Eric Sprott is currently focusing his efforts. Have questions for us? Send them to [email protected] or simply leave a comment here. Visit our website https://www.sprottmoney.com​​​​ for more news.

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Money, Monetary Policy, and Bitcoin | Ray Dalio at Consensus 2021

In this video, you can see my full conversation with Coindesk's Michael Casey as part of Consensus 2021 in which we discuss the current financial environment in the U.S., including where we are in long-term debt cycles, monetary policy, inflation, currencies, and Bitcoin.

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Teaser: Wahrheit, Freiheit, Lebenskraft – Ernst Wolff im Gespräch mit Judith Haferland

Der Umgang mit Corona zeigt wie kein anderes Thema die komplette Entfremdung der Politik und der Medien von einem realistischen Bezug zu Gesundheit und Lebensqualität der Menschen. Nun gibt es einen Online-Kongress unter dem Titel „Wahrheit - Freiheit - Lebenskraft“, der die wichtigsten Kritikpunkte an der Corona-Politik mit Hintergrundwissen und positiven, lebensbejahenden Lösungsansätzen vereint.

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Financial Fitness Friday | The Real Investment Show [Full Show: 5/28/21]

00:00 - Memorial Day Weather & Biden's Budget/Spending Plan 10:00 - Finding the Excitement in Life Insurance 23:00 - Life Insurance & Tax Implications 35:30 - Claiming Social Security After Age 70 / Retirement Income Plan Hosted by Richard Rosso, CFP, Director of Financial Planning, with Danny Ratliff, CFP, Senior Financial Advisor _________ ➢ REGISTER for our next Lunch & Learn on Long Term Care [June 24, 2021 at 12pm CT]:...

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Sprott Money Collectibles – Triumphant Dragon 2021 Pure Gold Coin – Royal Canadian Mint

Jumpstart your success with Triumphant Dragon 2021 Pure Gold Coin. Dragon is an auspicious symbol of power, strength and good fortune. The design of this coin is inspired by the legend of the Carp and the Dragon Gate and influenced by the tale of Chi Wen, the second son of the Dragon King. This coin is yours to keep or share, but anyone can find inspiration in the story of the carp that persevered in the face of impossible obstacles and became a...

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PANIK?? DESHALB GEHT #BITCOIN GERADE RUNTER?? Der Markt geht weiter runter. Ist jetzt Panik angesagt?? In diesem kurzem Video erkläre ich dir kurz meine Ansicht dazu und was ich jetzt mit meinen Kryptos mache - wichtig!! ► Bitcoin & Ethereum hier kaufen: https://www.binance.com/?ref=11272739 * ► DeFiChain hier kaufen: https://trade.kucoin.com/DFI-BTC oder hier: https://global.bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=USDT-DFI ► Erhalte bis zu 100%...

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Putting a Bow on the Month of May | 3 Minutes on Markets & Money [5/28/21]

Markets close the week in a positive range, but end the month with mixed results. Infrastructure plans are still in flux; Biden's $6-T "Budget" is actually a blueprint for Democrats' spending wish list in 2022. Taxes are next to be tackled. 3 Minutes on Markets and Money hosted by Danny Ratliff, CFP, RIA Advisors Senior Financial Advisor _________ ➢ REGISTER for our next Lunch & Learn on Long Term Care [June 24, 2021 at 12pm...

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7 häufige ETF Fehler die Investoren machen | ETF Anfänger-Tipps

0:00 Kein Intro - Intro 0:28 Fehler #1 Aktives ETF-Trading betreiben 3:30 Fehler #2 TER beachten 5:10 Fehler #3 Zu viele Doppelungen im ETF-Depot 7:07 Fehler #4 Denken, ETFs würden nicht schwanken 11:00 Fehler #5 Unnötige Informationen lesen & Währungen beachten 13:37 Fehler #6 ROTI vergessen bei ETFS ! 15:25 Fehler #7 Performance Chasing

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Nicht die besten Börsentage verpassen!

Unsere langfristige Rendite ist abhängig von wenigen Börsentagen. Wie enorm die Auswirkung dieser wenigen Tage ist und ob Ihr diese Tage gezielt für mehr Rendite ausnutzen könnt, erklärt Euch Saidi in diesem Video.

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FX Daily, May 28: The Yuan Extends Gains, While Sterling’s First Close above $1.42 in Three Years Goes for Nought

The recovery of the US 10-year yield, so it is flat on the week near 1.61% coupled with month-end demand, is helping the US dollar firm. While the yen is bearing the burden on the week, with a 0.8% loss, the Antipodeans are leading the downside on the day.

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Covid: UK now on Swiss risk list

On 27 May 2021, the UK was added Switzerland’s list of risk countries. This means that anyone arriving in Switzerland from the UK from 6pm on Thursday must quarantine upon arrival, with a few exceptions. The UK was added to the Federal Office of Public Health’s (FOPH) list of countries with a worrying variant, alongside Brazil, Canada, India, Nepal and South Africa.

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