Tag Archive: newsletter

Was Aktionäre von Uniper und Lufthansa lernen können – Leben von Dividenden

Was Aktionäre von Uniper und Lufthansa lernen können - Leben von Dividenden

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USDCAD moves to a new low and tests a key swing area

The USDCAD is trading to a new low and in the process is testing the low from yesterday and swing area down to 1.28929

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Warren Buffett warnt Anleger (Bestes Zitat 2022)

Warren Buffett ist bekannt für sein langfristiges Value Investing. Jens Rabe gibt dir in diesem Video das passende Zitat von ihm auf den Weg. 0:00 Zitat 0:50 Was will Warren Buffett damit sagen? Vereinbare jetzt Dein kostenfreies Beratungsgespräch: https://jensrabe.de/WarrenBuffettZitat Schaut auf dem neuen Instagram-Account vorbei: @jensrabe_official https://www.instagram.com/jensrabe_official Newsletter https://jensrabe.de/newsletter-yt...

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Inflation trifft Arme besonders hart

#Thomas #Sparkojote #Finanzrudel

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The global food crisis, explained

The war in Ukraine threatens the world with unprecedented hunger. Even with a deal in place to get Ukraine's food exports moving, serious weaknesses in the global food system would remain. Can anything be done to prevent future crises?

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Nik Bonitto:Why he choose to play college football for Oklahoma Sooners, Oklahoma vs Texas Rivalry,

In segment two Nik goves out Advice to young football players looking to make their big decision for what college they want to play for. He talks about his best games at Oklahoma and their Rivalry vs Texas

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Apple Announces Hiring Freeze–Others to Follow? | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(7/19/22) Stocks were poised to break above the downtrend, but Apple's announcement to freeze hiring killed market momentum. Hiring freezes are the first step before layoffs--because the economy is slowing down.

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A technical look at the EURUSD, GBPUSD and USDJPY to start the trading day on July 19, 2022

What levels are in play for the 3 major currency pairs today

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So ist GERD KOMMER Millionär geworden! Reaktion auf Gerd Kommers Portfolio

Gerd Kommers Portfolio in der Analyse

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Why Home Ownership is Warped By Lending Gimmicks

(7/19/22) Monday's rally fails (thanks, Apple); things are so negative, it's positive. Investors' "fear of missing out (FOMO)" has become a "fear of missing the bottom (FOBO);" this market performance isn't as bad as post 2008 or post-Lehman markets; the "American Dream" of home ownership has been warped by lending gimmicks; Markets' reaction to Apple hiring freeze--there's bad news and not-as-bad news.

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Kaufsignale voraus? | Echtes Geld | Echtes Trading

Profitrader Martin Goersch vermittelt in dieser monatlichen Webinarreihe bei CapTrader sein Tradingwissen, das auf jahrelanger Erfahrung beruht, an die Webinarteilnehmer.

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The Dollar is on its Back Foot

The dollar’s downside correction continues today, helped by hawkish signals from the Reserve Bank of Australia and unnamed sources who have played up the chances of a 50 bp hike by the European Central Bank on Thursday.

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Covid-19 and the Continuing Erosion of Private Property Rights

Even though the downhill trajectory we've seen over the last decades in terms of property rights is bad enough, nothing could have ever prepared us for what the covid-19 crisis would bring. Even those of us who have read enough history to know that there's really no line that the state will not cross in its fervent pursuit of absolute power were sincerely surprised.

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AUDUSD technical analysis

See the complete technical analysis for the Aussie dollar vs the US dollar here https://www.forexlive.com/technical-analysis/audusd-technical-analysis/

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Im heutigen Video erzähle ich dir, was ich nachgekauft habe und warum. Weiterhin gehe ich auf den Ethereum Merge ein, der für September angekündigt wurde und welche Auswirkungen dieser auf den Preis haben könnte. Lass mir deine Meinung dazu in den Kommentaren da!

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Interview mit Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans-Werner Sinn auf der 4. INVESTMENTexpo

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans-Werner Sinn spricht über das neue globale Regime zwischen Inflation, Zinsentwicklung und geopolitische Risiken für Geldströme und deutsche Investments im Ausland.

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Weiter vorsichtig bleiben: DJE-Marktausblick Juli 2022

Das konjunkturelle Marktumfeld dürfte auch in den kommenden Monaten äußerst anspruchsvoll bleiben: Bei den fundamentalen und den monetären Indikatoren ist kurzfristig keine Besserung in Sicht, und auch die geopolitische Lage dürfte schwierig bleiben.

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Markt erholt sich, doch haben wir die Talsohle wirklich durchschritten?

Die Signale sind in den letzten Tagen wieder auf Grün gesprungen. Im gesamten Markt gibt es ein klares Kursplus. Bitcoin legte im Wochenvergleich 10 Prozent zu. Doch ist dies der Anfang eines Bullenruns oder könnte es in naher Zukunft wieder runtergehen?

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Swiss Trade Balance 2nd quarter 2022: 8th consecutive quarterly increase

Swiss foreign trade strengthened further in both traffic directions in the 2nd quarter of 2022, reaching new highs. Exports increased by 0.9% and imports by 2.4% compared to the previous quarter. Prices have risen both at entry and exit. The trade balance closes with a surplus of 7.6 billion francs.

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Construction expenditure remains at the same level in 2021 for the second time in a row

17.07.2022 - Construction expenditure again remained stable in 2021 compared with the previous year. Investments in civil engineering rose by 1.0% and those in building construction fell by 0.4%. As a result, total investment in construction showed a decline of 0.1%. These are the provisional findings from the Construction Statistics from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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