Tag Archive: News

Swiss-Life-Ökonomen erwarten nur noch wenige Zinsschritte

Das meinen die Ökonomen des Versicherungskonzerns Swiss Life und sagen deshalb für die USA, die Eurozone und die Schweiz nur noch leichte Zinserhöhungen voraus. Konkret erwartet Swiss-Life-Asset-Managers-Chefökonom Marc Brütsch von der Schweizerischen Nationalbank (SNB) im Frühling nur noch eine Erhöhung des Leitzinses um 0,25 Prozentpunkte auf 1,25 Prozent. Danach sei Schluss.

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Here are three things you can learn from the Fed

Anyone who has decided to buy gold, or follows the gold price will be aware of how powerful the US Federal Reserve is. This year the Federal Reserve will turn 110 years old, only in recent years is dollar hegemony appearing to falter. Below we look at the central bank’s origins and three lessons we can learn from the history of the world’s most powerful bank, in order to help our investment decisions in 2023.

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Evidence Of A Declining Economy

The first week of 2023 was a “bad news is good news” from the Wall St. perspective. Evidence of a declining economy should drive stock prices lower, but since markets are so distorted by counterfeit money rather than wages and profits, stocks and bonds can’t wait to cheer until those less fortunate are in a world of hurt!

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Your Wealth Will Save Central Banks!

Today we ask, what is wealth? As we start a new year many will be looking at their portfolios and wondering what 2023 will have in store for them. Similar to 2022, we suspect there will be a lot of unknowns. As with anything unforeseen, it’s a good idea to have some insurance. This is why there were record levels of gold buying last year, and we expect the same in the coming months; because people want to protect their wealth with the...

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Why Invest in Gold if the Dollar is Strong?

Keith Weiner, Quinton Hennigh and Chen Lin return. Keith Weiner’s Monetary Metals encourages investors to lease or lend their gold or silver to Monetary Metals’ clients in exchange for interest payable in kind. At the same time, Keith makes a very strong case that the dollar will continue to get stronger relative to the Euro, Swiss franc, Japanese yen, Canadian dollar, British pound and Swedish krona. Generally, a strong dollar is viewed as...

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Börsen-Ticker: Wall Street nach Fed-Zinsentscheid erneut im Minus – Schweizer Börse legt dank Indexriesen Nestlé und Novartis zu

Der SMI fällt 0,40 Prozent auf 11'091,93 Punkte. Vor der am Abend erwarteten Zinsentscheidung der US-Notenbank haben die Anleger einen Gang zurückgeschaltet. Die Freude von Vortag, als die Nachricht über den nachlassenden Inflationsdruck in den USA die Märkte angetrieben hatte, sei wieder der Vorsicht gewichen, heisst es in Börsenkreisen.

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SNB-Vize Schlegel signalisiert neuen Zinsschritt im Dezember

SNB-Vize Martin Schlegel hat angedeutet, dass die Schweizerische Nationalbank die Leitzinsen im Dezember erneut anheben wird. Er betonte die Notwendigkeit, das starke Wachstum der Konsumentenpreise zu bekämpfen.

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The Bitcoin is ‘as-good-as-gold’ myth is over

When you invest in gold or buy silver coins with GoldCore you are choosing to invest in an asset that has no counterparty risk. Sadly those who have been holding their bitcoin on the crypto exchange FTX, have not experienced the same level of reassurance and service from the exchange’s management.

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SNB-Maechler: Rückkehr zu positiven Zinsen bedingt neuen Ansatz für Geldpolitik

Die erste Leizins-Erhöhung seit 15 Jahren im Juni bezeichnet SNB-Direktoriumsmitglied Andréa Maechler als historischen Moment.

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EZB-Ratsmitglied Holzmann: Fiskalpolitik im Euroraum gibt mehr Geld aus als nötig

Der Kampf der EZB gegen die Rekordinflation wird zum Teil von einer Haushaltspolitik konterkariert, die zu viel Geld ausgibt, um die steigenden Lebenshaltungskosten abzufedern, sagte Ratsmitglied Robert Holzmann.

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How to Lose $143 Billion Trading Stocks

Now here’s the headline! Swiss National Bank loses nearly $143 billion in first nine months Reuters reported the Q3 result last week, in which Switzerland’s publicly traded central bank (SNB) suffered its largest loss in its 115-year history.

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US midterms set to favour gold

The US midterms have not produced the ‘red tsunami’ so many political commentators predicted. But the Democrats could still lose the House of Representatives and possibly the Senate, as well. The implications this could have on policy making could be dramatic.

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[Video] Gold in 2023 Will Be Driven by Real Rates – Mike Singleton

A Fed pivot is to be expected in 2023, according to today’s guest Mike Singleton. Mike is Senior Analyst at Invictus Research and joins us for the first time, here on GoldCore TV.

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Rick Rule – Gold Helps Me Sleep at Night

“The US dollar’s strength isn’t so much a function of the strength of the US economy or US political leadership, but rather, the fact that we’re competing in a horse race against a bunch of other horses that are completely lame.” Rick Rule – Rule Investment Media

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Were the UK pension funds just the canary in the gold mine?

This week we ask if the wobble experienced by UK pension funds, last week, was just the canary in the gold mine for the global economy. If not for other central banks then this was certainly a reminder for individuals, who were prompted to ask about the levels of counterparty risk their savings and pensions were exposed to, and how they might better protect themselves in the coming months and years.

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SNB-Direktorin Andrea Maechler: Weitere Zinserhöhungen könnten nötig sein

Die Schweizerische Nationalbank (SNB) ist zu weiteren Zinserhöhungen bereit, um die Inflation unter Kontrolle zu bringen.

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Ed Steer Gold And Silver – We Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet!

Our guest this week is Ed Steer, expert gold and market analyst and author of the Gold & Silver Digest. We invited Ed onto GoldCore TV to get his take on what is concerning him most in financial markets, movements in SLV and sanctions against Russia. He also draws our attention to central bank purchases of gold.

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SNB-Jordan: «Nationalbank hat ihre Geldpolitik nicht zu spät angepasst»

Nach Beendigung der Negativzinsen sieht die Schweizerische Nationalbank (SNB) die Möglichkeit, dass die Zinsdifferenz zwischen der Schweiz und dem Ausland wieder steigen könnte, sagt Notenbankchef Thomas Jordan..

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Ross Geller inspires Bank of England policy

This morning the UK pound slumped as one of the world’s oldest central banks pressed hard on the panic button. The Bank of England was seen to be shouting ‘Pivot! Pivot! Pivaat!’ as they announced they would temporarily suspend their programme to sell gilts and will instead buy long-dated bonds. 

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Episode 5 of The M3 Report with Steve St. Angelo

Is the energy crisis something that can be resolved? Was it always inevitable? Will renewable energy make it all OK? Are Western financial policies to blame?

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