Tag Archive: Geopolitics

When markets forget that Central Banks cannot fix the world with interest rates

It would be easy for those who have decided to buy gold and silver bullion to lose heart over the precious metals, had they seen how prices reacted to Chairman Powell’s comments, last week.

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The Russian Gold Standard

It is becoming increasingly clear that UN Nations are realising that it is very difficult to isolate a country that is already a global power. And not just a global power in terms of the military but also in terms of the world’s dependence on its energy exports.

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History Of Money and Evolution Suggests a Crash is Coming

Today’s guest is as much a historian and anthropologist as he is an expert on market events. Jon Forrest Little joins Dave Russell on GoldCore TV today and brings some fascinating insights into what we are currently seeing when it comes to political decisions, financial events and human reactions.

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Why we couldn’t be happier that gold is boring

We’re the first to admit that investing in gold can be pretty boring. Don’t get us wrong, when you first decide to buy gold then the newness of it is exciting, as you choose which gold bullion dealer to use then it is interesting and when you actually see the gold bars or coins appear in your account then it’s really exciting.

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Will Silver Prices Go Up to $300?

This week’s guest is so bullish on silver that he’s even written a best-selling book ‘The Great Silver Bull’ where he takes an in-depth look at why silver will outperform gold once again and even go as high as $300 an ounce.

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Long Term Gold Price Prediction

What do the weather and the markets have in common? Quite a bit says this week’s guest! Kevin Wadsworth is a meteorologist-turned-chart analyst who has a lot of interesting insight and predictions into market movements and the price of gold. 

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Inflation Crisis 2022 – Marc Faber Interview (Full)

Tune into GoldCore TV where we have just released the full, frank and direct interview with Dr. Marc Faber of the Gloom, Boom, Doom Report in a no-holds barred interview.

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Gold traders on trial: Only buy physical

Followers of the gold and silver price will have long been aware of the cases brought against large banks for manipulating the precious metals markets. This week has brought the issue to the fore as three former JP Morgan employees stand trial for “racketeering conspiracy as well as conspiring to commit price manipulation, wire fraud, commodities fraud and spoofing from 2008 to 2016”.

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Episode 2 of The M3 report with Marc Faber

Inflation! Trading Places! Marc Faber! Chart Watch! That’s right, it’s episode two of The M3 Report. 

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Inflation is now out of the control of central banks

One of the reasons people decide to buy gold bullion or add silver coins to their portfolio is because they cannot be devalued. No one can suddenly decide to print more gold or silver! Sadly, this is exactly what happens with currencies around the world. And the last two decades have been prime examples of this.

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How Long Will Inflation Last 2022

What if we told you that you could predict the future? For today’s guest, this is certainly the case when it comes to future market events.

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Did Central Banks arrive at their Target Inflation Rate by Mere Fluke?

Have you ever questioned why central banks around the world target CPI inflation at 2%? One might think it would be complicated to explain the lengthy calculations, econometric-based research, and late-night debates that went on in order to come to this figure, but no.

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Why The Next Powell Pivot Will Destroy Stocks And Drive Metals And Miners Higher

“The Federal Reserve will take it to the point of maximum pain and then they’ll reverse, this is when we’ll see the Powell Pivot.” These are the words of warning from Craig Hemke, this week’s guest on GoldCore TV, interviewed by Dave Russell.

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Central Banks…Why Bother?

Central banks…why bother? Inflation is here and it cannot be contained. US inflation is touching a 40-year high, the UK has hit the 40-year high, and the EU’s has already hit an all-time high.

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New Russia/China Gold Backed Currency Imminent

We were delighted to welcome Simon Hunt to GoldCore TV this week. David Russell interviewed the expert economist and global observer to ask him about the Russia-Ukraine war, central bank tightening, and the future of the US Dollar hegemony.

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Is Gold Starting to Behave Itself?

Gold is doing what it is supposed to do!  Equity markets are tumbling, “NASDAQ 100 Rout Erases $1.5 Trillion in Market Value in 3 Days” reads one Bloomberg headline.

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Expect the Unexpected from the Fed

It has been a rough week in most markets with both equities and bonds declining sharply. Tech stocks have been pummeled with many ‘big names’ plunging more than 50% (from their 52-week high). Some of the bigger names include Zoom Video -75%, PayPal -73%, Netflix -72%, Meta Platforms (Facebook), -53%.

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Is The Ruble Backed By Gold Now?

Over the past couple of weeks, we reviewed the U.S. government confiscation of gold by Executive Order in 1933. (see “Gold Confiscation: Will History Repeat Itself?” and “The Facts of Gold Confiscation: The Saga Continues”).

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Inflation Protection Strategies You Need to Implement Now

This week on GoldCore TV, Dave Russell welcomes Tim Price of Price Value Partners. Tim sees the current inflationary pressures as simply the beginning of a bigger move that could end in a new monetary system.

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The Fed Has No Idea What’s Coming Next!

We will let you know what we are doing once we know what we are doing was the message from the Federal Reserve statement and Chair Powell’s press conference that followed.

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