Tag Archive: Featured

Masters Superbike 2017 R5 Mark O’Byrne #152

On board footage riding with Mark O'Byrne from round five of the 2017 Masters Superbike series. The M.Donegan Racing and Mobil-I BMW S1000RR was absolutley flying (literally as it turns out unfortunatly!). From 8th place at one point we made steady progress up to 4th on the last lap, then desperately unlucky to be caught out by the infamous turn four low side! The action really gets going from a litle past half way. Enjoy! GoPro Hero 4 1080p 60fps

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Pictet Perspectives – Where Do We Go From Here?

Evidence that hard data is catching up on soft data continues to put wind in the sails of equity markets, which are also benefiting from strong earnings news. A revival of Trump’s tax plans could further help risk assets. But political and geopolitical risk has not entirely disappeared. Cesar Perez Ruiz, Pictet Wealth Management’s Chief Investment Officer, discusses the road ahead.

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Geldanlage kurz und bündig – machen Sie mehr aus Ihrem Geld!

Einführung Geldanlage durch Prof. Heri Mehr zum Thema erfahren? Besuchen Sie uns auf https://www.fintool.ch 👉🏽 Auf diesen Kanälen könnt ihr uns erreichen: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ►Unsere Website: https://www.fintool.ch ►Unser FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/fintool ►Unser LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/fintool/ ►Unser INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/fintool.ch/...

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Affording the High Risk Bitcoin

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False Narratives and Short Memories about Bitcoin

It saddens us how many people don’t understand the difference between the maximum block size, and the actual block size. We dive into this and try not to get TOO excited about Litecoin Thanks for Watching!!!!! -----------------------------------------------------

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Stefan Gleason on the Biggest Mistakes Precious Metals Investors Make

Coming up we’ll hear an interview with Money Metals president Stefan Gleason, who was a featured guest during the recent 360 Gold Summit. Stefan addressed the fundamental question of “why precious metals” and also gave some helpful tips on how to avoid making big mistakes when investing in gold and silver. Don’t miss this fundamentally important and enlightening conversation coming up after this week’s market update.

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Stefan Gleason on Silver, Product Selection, and How to Make Sure You Don’t Get Burned

Coming up we’ll hear part two of the recent interview Money Metals president Stefan Gleason did with Pete Fetig during the 360 Gold Summit. Stefan gives some important warnings to precious metals investors, discusses why he favors one of the precious metals over the others and also talks about some absolutely critical things to consider when selecting a precious metals dealer. Don’t miss the fantastic conclusion of Stefan’s interview, coming up...

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Money Metals President Stefan Gleason & Cong. Ron Paul Testify on Behalf of Gold & Silver Investors

Coming up on today’s program we’ll have a special report on some important new developments in sound money legislation at the state level. Be sure to stick around to find out which states are in the process of advancing the cause of restoring gold and silver as money. First, though, let’s take a brief look at this week’s market action in the precious metals. Gold and especially silver succumbed to heavy selling in the futures markets this week....

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Money Metals President Stefan Gleason on Managing Your Risks, How to Sell, and IRAs

Coming up we’ll here part two of a wonderful interview Money Metals president Stefan Gleason did with Alan James on the Sustainable Money Podcast. Stefan gives some more advice on what to look for when choosing a precious metals dealer, when and how to sell when the times comes one, and also talks about some of the ins and outs of gold and silver IRAs. Don’t miss the must-hear conclusion of this recent interview coming up after this week’s market...

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What is Rethinking the Dollar? Keith Weiner

Find out what Keith Weiner, founder of The Gold Standard Institute, has to say about Rethinking the Dollar. If you enjoy this segment please share it so others can become more monetarily aware. Picture: 2006 $1 Federal Reserve Note Watch the full interview here: RTD Ep:30 "GOLD: Only Thing That Can Replace The Dollar" - Keith Weiner (Gold Standard Institute) https://youtu.be/srwSI9eTN6o *********** RTD UNIVERSITY ***********...

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Börsen-Talk vom 21. April 2017

Die Börsen sind durch die Wahlen in Frankreich und anderswo verunsichert. Ist dies berechtigt? Anlageexperte Thomas Steinemann analysiert die Stimmung und sagt, wie sich der Aktienmarkt im Sommer entwickeln wird.

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Martin Goersch – nextmarkets Börsen Coach

In diesem Video stellt sich Tradingcoach Martin Goersch vor. Er agiert als einer von über einem Dutzend Experten auf https://www.nextmarkets.com und erläutert dort seine Anlagestrategien. Bereits während seines Wirtschaftsstudiums setzte Martin Goersch sich intensiv mit den internationalen Finanzmärkten auseinander. Inzwischen sind seine ersten Trades bereits über 10 Jahre her. Profitable Handelsansätze und konsequentes Positionsmanagement in...

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Varning för Freedomfest – 13 maj 2017!

Gå inte på Freedomfest - 13 maj 2017! Du kanske undrar varför du INTE ska gå på Freedomfest - 13 maj 2017! Jonny förklarar allt för sitt folk i denna video. FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/mises.se TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LvMISverige REDDIT: http://www.reddit.com/r/Frihet ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/se/podcast/radio-mises/id744938926?mt=2 GOOGLE+: https://google.com/+MisesSeMotStaten LINKEDIN:...

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100 Years Ago, Russian Stocks Had A Very Bad Day

Russia Equity Index to 1900
In recent months, Ray Dalio seems to be undergoing a deep midlife and identity crisis, which has not only led to dramatic recent management changes at the world's largest hedge fund, Bridgewater, but also resulted in some fairly spectacular cognitive dissonance, as Dalio first praised, then slammed, president Trump.

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Pictet Perspectives – When headlines start to matter

Alexandre Tavazzi, Global Strategist at Pictet Wealth Management on factors that might hit market valuations.

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Patrik Sellman – Att odla sin frihet (Freedomfest 2016)

I denna föreläsning från Freedomfest 2016 erbjuder Patrik Sellman en alternativ väg att öka sin individuella frihet och styrka. Lär dig handfasta tips, och få inspiration att börja odla din frihet. Det viktiga är glädjen! Patrik Sellman är egenföretagare, småbrukare och kursledare med ett förflutet inom militären och skolan. Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: http://www.mises.se //---!!!INFORMATION OM VIDEON HÄR!!!---// FACEBOOK:...

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If It Didn’t Abandon The Gold Standard, U.S. Empire Would Have Collapsed…

The U.S. will never go back on a gold standard. The notion that a U.S. Dollar backed by gold would solve our financial problems is pure folly. Why? Because, if the U.S. Empire didn’t abandon the gold standard in 1971, it would have collapsed decades ago. Unfortunately, some of the top experts in the precious metals community continue to suggest that revaluing gold much higher, to say…. $15,000-$50,000 an ounce, would bring confidence back into the...

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Get Exclusive Access to John Mauldin’s Network

Subscribe to John Mauldin's free weekly column, Outside the Box, at Mauldin Economics: http://bit.ly/2lbdRXB

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The West Is Going Through a Profound Demographic Transition

Subscribe to Patrick Cox's free weekly column, Tech Digest, at Mauldin Economics: http://bit.ly/2l7LiK4

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How to Profit from China-US Tensions

Subscribe to the free weekly column, Connecting the Dots, at Mauldin Economics: http://bit.ly/2kD4CeH

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