Tag Archive: Featured

Here’s the Reason the Volatility Index Is Unreasonably Low

Subscribe to Jared Dillian's free weekly column, The 10th Man, at Mauldin Economics: http://bit.ly/2ke4npd

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MAULDIN: Americans Will Pay for Trump’s "America First" Plan

Subscribe to John Mauldin's free weekly column, Thoughts from the Frontline, at Mauldin Economics: http://bit.ly/2kW5jCJ

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FRIEDMAN: Here’s the Real Reason Trump Does Foreign Policy in Public

Subscribe to George Friedman's free weekly column, This Week in Geopolitics, at Mauldin Economics: http://bit.ly/2lg2B8R

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The Trump Rally Is Likely to Pop—Here’s a Hedge

Subscribe to Patrick Watson's free weekly column, Connecting the Dots, at Mauldin Economics: http://bit.ly/2k3CMIj

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Risken med Trump är att folk vaknar

Ett ovanligt seriöst matlagningsavsnitt med glorious leader Jonny Lander. Varsågod och njut! FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/mises.se TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LvMISverige REDDIT: http://www.reddit.com/r/Frihet ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/se/podcast/radio-mises/id744938926?mt=2 GOOGLE+: https://google.com/+MisesSeMotStaten LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ludwig-von-mises-institutet-i-sverige Donationer Hjälp oss nå fler med...

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Trump’s Top FDA Picks Could Radically Reform Anti-Aging Science

Subscribe to Patrick Cox's free weekly column, Tech Digest, at Mauldin Economics: http://bit.ly/2kbd4Cd

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John Mauldin on ‘The Age of Trump’

Subscribe to John Mauldin's free weekly column, Thoughts from the Frontline, at Mauldin Economics: http://bit.ly/2kMBhSQ

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Stefan Gleason on the Biggest Mistakes Precious Metals Investors Make

Listen to this interview with Money Metals president Stefan Gleason, who was a featured guest during the recent 360 Gold Summit. Stefan addressed the fundamental question of “why precious metals” and also gave some helpful tips on how to avoid making big mistakes when investing in gold and silver. Don’t miss this fundamentally important and enlightening conversation coming up after this week’s market update. Read the full transcript:...

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Pictet Perspectives : Outlook for 2017 – Investing in a reflationary environment

Cesar Perez Ruiz, Chief Investment Officer at Pictet, discusses how the return of inflation this year will impact different asset classes.

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Sound Money and Your Personal Finances

Sound money principles can serve to help grow the economy and restrain government. The political class, however, doesn’t particularly want to restrain itself. Washington, D.C. is addicted to the easy money policies that have enabled $20 trillion in national debt accumulation and tens of trillions more in unfunded liabilities.

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RTD Rewind: "The Dollar Is Failing" – Keith Weiner (Gold Standard Institute)

Subscribe and share the RTD Rewind to help others learn... Give it a thumbs up if you agree or down if you disagree? In this unseen RTD Rewind clip with Keith Weiner of the Gold Standard Institute, I ask him to share his thoughts on the future of the Federal Reserve Note (a.k.a Dollar). Listen to what he has to say and let us know your thoughts in the comment section? Watch the full interview and other great educational interviews on the future...

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AHV und BVG zusammen

Aus der maximalen AHV-Vollrente lassen sich praktisch alle Werte des CH-Vorsorgesystems ableiten. Wundern sie sich. Mehr zum Thema erfahren? Besuchen Sie uns auf https://www.fintool.ch 👉🏽 Auf diesen Kanälen könnt ihr uns erreichen: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ►Unsere Website: https://www.fintool.ch ►Unser FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/fintool ►Unser LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/fintool/ ►Unser INSTAGRAM:...

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Schwerpunkt Woche mit Martin Goersch: Das CoT Institutional AddOn vom 19.12.16

Trading Software AgenaTrader https://agenatrader.com/ die ultimative Trading Plattform für Futures, Forex, Aktien und CFD Trading. HINWEIS: Börsengeschäfte sind mit erheblichen Risiken verbunden. Wer an den Finanz- und Rohstoffmärkten handelt, muss sich vorher selbstständig mit den Risiken vertraut machen. Eventuell dargestellte Analysen, Techniken und Methoden stellen keine Aufforderung zum Handel an den Finanz- und Rohstoffmärkten dar. Diese...

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200 Russian Propaganda Sites, or simply alternative media?

The following is the list of "Russian Propaganda sites", as published by PropOrNot. Several articles by the Washington Post refer to this list. Many sites on that list are based on libertarian ideas and Austrian economics. Those are in favor of a free market economy, they reject central banks and the establishment. The rejection of the U.S. establishment is possibly the only point that are in common with Putin.

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Zero 2016-12-07

EvilSpeculator is dedicated to identifying trends in the financial markets. To that end, we post market updates several times a week and engage in pertinent discussions. Risk Disclosure: https://evilspeculator.com/risk/ Zero indicator running against the ES futures - more details at http://evilspeculator.com.

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Praxeologi, den österrikiska skolans grundval – med Ola Nevander | #092 Radio Mises

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: http://www.mises.se Nyligen höll Ola Nevander ett föredrag hos FMSF om praxeologi. Det som särskiljer den österrikiska ekonomiska skolan från andra synsätt är dess fundament och metod. Det positivistiska perspektivet hävdar att enbart det som kan mätas, prövas och falsifieras kvalificerar som vetenskap, och att ekonomisk vetenskap därför måste efterlikna fysiken; det innebär att varje ekonomisk ”lag” är bara...

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Prof. David Dürr mot staten | #091 Radio Mises

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: http://www.mises.se Klassiska liberaler menar att allt kan privatiseras utom juridiken. Juridikprofessor David Dürr från universitetet i Zürich menar tvärtom att juridiken är det första som bör privatiseras, eftersom det är roten till alla monopol. Denna insikt gjorde honom för tio år sedan till anarkist. Han planerar att stämma staten för att den är stat. Hur fungerar privaträtt och hur skulle sådana...

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Libertarianerna är en kult

"Dom är lite jobbiga va." Det är vad Jonny Lander tycker om Misesinstitutet. Icke desto mindre gick han motvilligt med på att berätta om vad libertarianism är för något - det är en skrämmande bild som målas upp när vi får inblick i denna kult. Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: http://www.mises.se FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/mises.se TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LvMISverige REDDIT: http://www.reddit.com/r/Frihet ITUNES:...

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Zero 2016-11-16

EvilSpeculator is dedicated to identifying trends in the financial markets. To that end, we post market updates several times a week and engage in pertinent discussions. Risk Disclosure: https://evilspeculator.com/risk/ Zero indicator running against the ES futures - more details at http://evilspeculator.com.

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